Episodes 1001-1058
Ranking of Character Appearances

After securing her release from prison, Loretta Ragan came to King’s Bay and blackmailed Natalie into letting her stay at the house where Natalie lived with Spencer and Peter. Even Spencer was confused by Natalie’s willingness to allow Loretta in their home! The Fishers were horrified to learn of Loretta’s release, and Molly and Paula were rattled after a run-in in which Loretta insinuated that she’d be pursuing revenge against them. Tim became determined to find a way to send Loretta back to prison.
Claire was shocked to overhear Molly telling Brent that she was pregnant. The exes admitted to having slept together in the aftermath of their near-death experience. A devastated Claire ended things with Brent, who had been on the verge of proposing to her. Molly and Brent, still unsure where they stood in terms of their relationship, resolved to present a united front to their teen sons regarding the pregnancy. But Christian overheard Sarah and Paula discussing the situation first. Molly lashed out at Sarah for spilling the beans. The twins didn’t take the news of their parents’ illicit tryst well at first. Caleb continued to act out, such as sneaking off-campus for lunch. Claire, meanwhile, struggled to get past the breakup. After some encouragement from Sarah, she asked Molly to talk, hoping to get some things off her chest. The women’s encounter escalated and was overheard by Caleb, who was sneaking in after getting high with friends. After Claire left, Molly got into an argument with Caleb, and right after he stormed upstairs, Molly began to cramp and passed out. Trevor, who had dropped by to bring Molly documents from work, saw Claire leaving the driveway and then found Molly unconscious. When Caleb came downstairs, he acted like he’d been upstairs all along, so Trevor relayed to Brent that he’d seen Claire, and she was accused of having cruelly left Molly unconscious. Frightened, Caleb remained quiet as Claire was blamed. Molly was diagnosed with pre-eclampsia and could not recall what had happened before she passed out.

Matt found himself in an argument with his brother, Jake, who blamed Matt for Marcus’s injuries in the previous year’s car accident. During a struggle between the brothers, Jake tumbled out the attic window. A frantic Mia blamed Matt for the incident, especially after Jake slipped into a coma. Mia and Marcus were horrified to learn that Jake was suffering from renal failure and would need a kidney transplant. Matt insisted upon being the donor. The procedure was successful, and when Jake awoke, he was shocked to learn who had donated the organ. He was very grateful, and the brothers reconciled. The crisis also helped bring Tori back into the family fold, much to Zane’s annoyance.
Based upon Diane’s referral, Zane scored an I.T. job at KBAY. Diane warned him that it was his chance to prove that he’d really changed. Diane informed Sarah of Zane’s new post and promised that she’d only given him the referral in order to keep an eye on him. The women hoped that giving Zane something to focus on professionally might even cause him to loosen his grip on Tori. Meanwhile, Tori began applying for jobs, eager to start a career, even as Zane assured her that he could support them both.

Samantha suggested that Tori apply for the soon-to-be-vacant receptionist role at Objection Designs. Tori took an Uber to the interview, and by chance, Landon wound up as her Uber driver. A curious Zane, who’d tailed Tori, was upset to see her in a car with Landon, and his suspicious mind started working overtime. Tori was disappointed to learn that she’d lost out on the job to a new arrival in town named Finn Campbell. After Tori found out the news, Sarah was irate and wanted to confront Molly. When she finally tried to do so, Molly — now on doctor’s orders to manage her stress levels for the duration of her pregnancy — instead offered Tori a job as her second assistant. Zane reacted poorly to the news of Tori working for her aunt. When Tori mentioned this to Landon, he questioned the stability of her relationship, which caused a defensive Tori to lash out at him.
Tempest made one last appeal to Samantha to give their relationship another chance, but Samantha decided, still feeling burned by their history, decided to invest in her burgeoning relationship with Jaq. Nevertheless, she and Tempest continued to be drawn to each other. When Samantha questioned her maternal grandmother, Claudia, about the locket she’d found amongst her late grandfather’s things, Claudia insisted it was meaningless. Diane and Sarah surmised that Diane’s father must have been in love with Therese DeLuca but been forced to marry the more “suitable” Claudia instead. During a disagreement between Samantha and Tempest, the locket fell to the floor, and they discovered a hidden note inside it, containing a sequence of letters and numbers that seemed like some sort of combination. Sam and Diane soon found the same combination hidden in the matching locket, which had belonged to Therese DeLuca. Through some detective work, Samantha and Tempest ascertained that the combination must be for a safe that was in Henry Bishop’s study.
In his new role at KBAY, Zane became friendly with Jaq. He tipped them off about having seen Samantha and Tempest together one day. Jaq confided in Diane, who was upset at the prospect of Sam and Tempest reuniting. Samantha soon planned to go to her grandmother’s house in Idaho to find out what was in Henry Bishop’s safe. When Diane overheard Samantha making plans to make the trip with Tempest, she pulled some strings to make sure that Jaq had the day off from a planned KBAY event, and Jaq insisted on going with Samantha. Tempest arrived to go on the trip with Samantha, who quickly dismissed her, and Tempest realized that she had been replaced with Jaq. In Sun Valley, Samantha found the safe — and, inside it, a birth certificate for someone named Ann Marie DeLuca. She took it home to show Diane, who was shocked. When Claudia showed up to confront them, having realized the real reason for Samantha’s visit, Diane asked if it was her own birth certificate. At long last, Claudia admitted that Diane was the biological daughter of Henry Bishop and Therese DeLuca, but that she’d been wrested from Therese and raised as Claudia’s child.
Unsettled by Loretta’s presence, Spencer questioned Elly about her role in setting up Jason to lose the court case concerning Peter’s custody. Elly insisted that she knew nothing about what happened and that Loretta wasn’t holding anything over her. But Spencer was undaunted and certain that Loretta had somehow manipulated Elly.

Reeling from the news of her true parentage, Diane made the impulsive decision to go on a cruise. When she witnessed a passenger almost drown, she sprang into action — as did another passenger, a doctor who introduced himself as Ben. They saved the man. Diane, who decided to use her birth name of Ann Marie as an alias on the trip, sparked with the younger doctor and wound up sleeping with him. The next morning, she slipped off the cruise when the ship reached port and flew home. She was shocked when Ben appeared at KBAY to see her, having noticed her work ID badge when it fell out of her purse. Tempest showed up, having come to confront Diane, and recognized “Ben” as her brother, Isaac!

Isaac had left their abusive household as a teen and eventually put himself through medical school. He was thrilled to see Tempest, whom he had tried to find, and to know they had a baby brother, but saddened to learn about their mother’s death. Tempest resented him for having left her with Yvette and her boyfriend, Hank, a move that Isaac greatly regretted, as well. Isaac asked for Diane’s help in getting through to Tempest, but Diane feared inserting herself into their family business again and tried to wash her hands of the whole thing. As a doctor, Isaac was able to access Yvette’s old medical records, which allowed him to find Tempest. He showed up at her and Claire’s on Thanksgiving, and the holiday spirit caused Tempest to give him a chance. The siblings embarked upon the path to reconciliation.
In the aftermath of Jason allowing Peter to remain with Spencer and Natalie, he and Bree were able to mend their relationship, and he began coaching her again. Jason and Sabrina finally went on their long-awaited date. When they ran into Don and Helen, Jason was surprised by Helen’s warm reaction to Sabrina, and Sabrina became nervous that Jason would discover that she had helped Helen run the DNA test that exposed Peter’s paternity. Jason was confused when Sabrina abruptly ended their night. After talking with Alex, Jason wondered if Sabrina might be a virgin. When he asked her about her hesitance, Sabrina explained that no, she was not a virgin — rather, the last time she’d been with a man was with her first serious boyfriend in Iowa, Cody, who had died in the car accident that had left Sabrina in the vegetative state she spent years in. She blamed herself for the accident and his death. This honest explanation brought the couple closer, but it was soon undercut when an unknowing Paula slipped and revealed to Jason that Sabrina had been a part of Helen’s scheme to prove that Natalie had lied about Peter’s paternity. Furious, he confronted a contrite Sabrina, and they left things on a bad note.
On the rocks with Sabrina, Jason went out drinking at The Wild Lady and ran into Natalie, and the two shared a surprisingly honest moment. The drinks flowed. The exes decided to split a rideshare and began to hook up. But Jason got the call about Molly being in labor and cut things off. When Natalie returned home, she bumped into an equally frustrated Spencer, and they decided to blow off some steam together and had sex. Jimmy, who had been bartending, told Elly that Jason and Natalie had left together. Feeling drawn to Spencer, she went to see him, wanting to share the truth about Loretta’s blackmail — but Natalie, fresh out of Spencer’s bed and aware that her husband had feelings for the attorney, made it clear what had just happened between the spouses. Spencer was later confused by Elly’s chilly attitude and continued sleeping with Natalie, at least until Loretta realized what was going on between in the house. She again threatened to destroy Natalie if she didn’t cut off her sexual relationship with Spencer, who was thrown when Natalie brought this new phase of their marriage to an abrupt end.

Jason was shocked when a 14-year-old Sophie showed at the house, having checked herself out of camp. When cooler heads finally prevailed, Jason asked Sabrina if they could start over with a do-over first date, and she happily agreed. After a wonderful date, they made love for the first time.
Travis accompanied a nervous Rosie to visit her mother in hopes of making amends. When Juanita Jimenez was not immediately receptive to her daughter, Travis entered the fray and stood up for Rosie. Juanita admitted that she missed Rosie, and the pair started on the road toward healing. Soon afterward, Travis admitted to Landon that he was thinking about proposing to Rosie.
Alex suggested a romantic weekend away. Trevor was reluctant, especially about leaving his father, Patrick, in charge of a toddler for a weekend, but agreed. While on their trip, they received a call with terrible news: Patrick had been hit by a car and killed while trying to save Chase from a speeding motorist. Lauren and Josh returned for the funeral. In his grief, Trevor blamed Alex for making him go on a trip that he’d had reservations about. Tensions between the husbands simmered. When Trevor struggled with the idea of selling his parents’ house, his new coworker, Finn, proposed a solution: he could rent the house. Alex was less-than-enthused about taking on the work of being a landlord, but he understood why this was important to Trevor. Finn moved into the Brooks home with Jaq as his roommate.

Meanwhile, Tori clashed with Finn when she began her job at Objection. Zane was especially peeved when after-hours job responsibilities pulled Tori away from a romantic evening he had planned. Landon apologized to Tori for overstepping, and she accepted. Jaq happened to see them reconnecting over drinks and mentioned it to Zane, who fumed at the news of Tori spending more time alone with another man. Soon afterward, Zane unexpectedly showed up at the office to see Tori when she was working late, a move that unsettled Molly, and he also made a veiled threat to Landon about staying away from Tori.
When Molly finally recalled what had happened between herself and Caleb on the night she was hospitalized, she went into premature labor. Caleb felt particularly guilty about his role in all this, while Claire was relieved to learn that her name had been cleared. Molly gave birth, but the obstetrician who delivered the baby, Dr. Longo, had to rush the newborn out of the delivery room quickly — and reported back that Molly and Brent’s son had not survived long. The child was quickly cremated. As the family mourned, Caleb snuck off and met up with Jasmine again. Shortly after the birth, Dr. Longo met up with and accepted a payment from Loretta Ragan for something having to do with Molly and Brent’s baby.

Weeks later, a very young baby girl was found abandoned outside the KBPD. Rosie, who found the child, scoured the security footage from that night but was unable to find any leads as to who had left her. On a night out, Travis planned to propose marriage to Rosie, but they were interrupted by a call from Claire, reporting that the baby girl had been turned back in to CPS after her foster parents had been arrested. The prospect of such a small child being lost in the foster system upset Rosie, so she and Travis somewhat impulsively decided to foster the infant.