Represented by: Bryce Johnson (2008-present )
Previous representations: Jason-Shane Scott (1999-2003); Justin Bruening (2003-2008)
Appearances: 1999-present
Parents: Sally Marshall and Graham Colville
Siblings: Half-brother Billy Fisher
Children: Chase Marshall-Brooks
Relationships: Married to Trevor Brooks. Previously dated Cameron Kelley, Seth Ashby, Dylan Carrington, and Lauren Brooks.
Occupation: Fiction author
As a young adult, Alex arrived in King’s Bay thinking that Don Chase, who’d once been married to his mother, was his biological father. His hunch turned out to be incorrect, but Don and his wife, Helen, accepted Alex into their family nonetheless. Alex grew close to their daughter, Courtney, and began dating her best friend, Lauren, though he was reluctant to get too serious — and the reason why became apparent when he made a pass at Courtney’s boyfriend, Jason Fisher. Jason let him down gently, and although he didn’t want to hurt Lauren, Alex eventually came out of the closet.
He kept running into a mysterious man — who turned out to be Lauren’s brother, Trevor. Courtney set Alex up with her skating partner, Dylan Carrington. Alex’s writing impressed Diane Bishop, who offered him a contract with Vision Publishing. He was devastated when his mother, Sally, was killed during a stand-off with her unhinged fiancé, Stan Lincoln. Dylan’s true colors began to show, and eventually Alex found happiness with Trevor. But Trevor’s secret past in adult films and the arrival of Alex’s first love — his college roommate, Seth Ashby — took a serious toll on the relationship. They officially parted ways after Trevor took a modeling assignment out of town, and Alex pursued a relationship with Seth, who was now identifying as bisexual. It ultimately didn’t work out, and after Seth left town, Alex focused on his career and on being there for Jason, who was grieving and raising a young child alone after Courtney was murdered.
Alex discovered that Graham Colville, his biological father, was in King’s Bay. Though he was chilly toward Graham at first, the men did forge a bond, and Alex stood up as best man during Graham’s wedding to Sarah Fisher. But Alex was hurt when he discovered that Graham had lied about being kept out of Alex’s life and had in fact resisted Sally’s efforts to make him be a father to Alex. He lashed out at Graham, and they did not reconcile before Graham dropped dead of an aneurysm. Overcome with guilt, Alex blamed Sarah and her ex, Matt, for causing Graham’s aneurysm to burst, but Jason convinced Alex to let go of his anger. He resolved to be supportive of Sarah and to be a part of his little brother Billy’s life.
When Trevor returned to town for Lauren’s wedding, he and Alex fell into bed together — and Alex was shocked when Trevor’s fiancé, Liam Cassel, showed up in King’s Bay. Alex reluctantly agreed not to say anything about his and Trevor’s tryst. Hung up on Trevor, he took Molly Fisher up on her offer to set him up with her assistant, Cameron. Alex began dating Cameron and partnered with Liam, a screenwriter, to adapt his debut novel into a film script. The night before the wedding, Trevor called it off. Alex told him there was no chance for them to be together and was racked with guilt when Liam came to him for friendly support. When Liam found out about Alex and Trevor’s fling, he spitefully got Alex fired from the film project. Alex mourned after Cameron became a victim of the Footprint Killer.
The killer also murdered Trevor’s mother, Roz, and the loss helped draw Trevor and Alex back together. They reunited, and when Diane suggested that they adopt Yvette Banks’s unborn child, Alex was interested, but Trevor was unsure. Trevor was upset when Alex continued to entertain the possibility, even presenting himself and Trevor as prospective parents to Yvette. But when Yvette died from complications following a severe car accident, Trevor decided that it was the right choice for him and Alex to adopt her baby boy. The child’s half-sister, Tempest, wanted to fight them for custody but eventually made peace with the arrangement. Alex and Trevor named their son Chase and were finally married in a backyard ceremony with family and friends surrounding them.
As they settled into married life and parenthood, Alex received an invitation to attend the premiere of the film Liam had written, based on Alex’s own novel. He decided to go, only to have Liam bring Seth Ashby as his date and try to make Alex insecure about his marriage to Trevor. Months later, Alex was shocked to awaken in Jason’s bed with no memory of the prior night. He discovered that he’d been drugged, and he and Jason realized someone had set them up so that Jason would lose the custody suit in which he was involved. Trevor and Alex struggled with trust issues as a result, but they worked to get their relationship back on track. However, when Trevor became close with Finn Campbell, a new Objection Designs coworker who rented out the Brooks family home, Alex experienced feelings of jealousy and wondered if his husband might be bored in their marriage.