Represented by: Paige Searcy (2018-present )
Appearances: 2018-present
Parents: Unknown
Siblings: Unknown
Children: None
Relationships: Single. Has been involved with Caleb Taylor.
Occupation: Student at King’s Bay Academy
Jasmine is a bit of an outsider at King’s Bay Academy, hanging out with the “alternative” kids more than the popular crowd. After a chance encounter, she invited soccer player Caleb Taylor to a rave, and gave him drugs. The two shared a brief, clandestine romance, which came screeching to a halt after Jasmine asked Caleb to pick up drugs from her dealer and he was nabbed by the police. Caleb had to give up Jasmine’s identity in order to avoid charges, which made her furious. Later, she used a fake ID to get into a bar and lied to Caleb’s older cousin, Travis, about her age; he was buying her a drink when she got busted.