– During a friendly outing, Robbie made an aggressive move on Sabrina, who rejected him and later told Jason about the incident.
– Christian, thrilled when Robbie turned his attention toward him again, lost his virginity to the older student.
– Brent and Molly shared news of their reunion with their sons.
Springtime weaves its serene spell over the campus of King’s Bay University. Students sprawl on the vibrant green grass of the quad, open textbooks sitting before them but ignored as they talk and laugh with friends. The occasional Frisbee whizzes overhead. A few students who have already completed their finals bring suitcases and cardboard boxes out of their dorm buildings, and this look into the future only seems to fuel the carefree energy flowing through campus.

The doors of one of the academic buildings push open from inside, and Sabrina Gage emerges, wearing jeans and a flannel shirt that, she hates to admit, feel a little too heavy now that the sun is hitting her. Holding onto the straps of her black backpack, she begins making her way through the expanse of much younger undergrads.
“Sabrina! Wait,” a voice calls out, and she turns to see Robbie Wimbiscus at the same door from which she just emerged. She flinches as his long, gangly frame starts toward her.
“I have a shift at work,” she says preemptively.
“I only need a second,” Robbie tells her. He lands in front of her, and his sneakers thump against the pavement. Immediately Sabrina recoils at his proximity.
“We have nothing to say to each other, Robbie.”
“That’s the thing. We do. I need to apologize to you.” He levels a serious, soulful stare upon her. “Before the semester officially ends–“
“We just had our final,” she says flatly. “That means it’s ended.”
“Sabrina, please.” Robbie sighs. “I want to apologize to you for how presumptuous I was the night we went to the exhibit. It was rude, and I get the impression that I made you feel uncomfortable, even unsafe–“
“You did.” Sabrina brushes a strand of dark hair behind her ear. “That’s kind of why I’ve avoided you in class for the entire rest of the semester.”
“I figured. So I’m sorry. That was not my intention, and I feel awful that I made you feel that way. Truce?”
Elsewhere on campus, a rolling suitcase thwacks against the uneven bricks of a walkway. Christian Taylor, who is walking behind the suitcase’s owner, winces at each jarring rumble that comes from the wheels.
He is relieved when the suitcase, its wheels, and their owner turn a corner around a wide hedge. Christian continues straight on the path, doing his best to focus on the Environmental Science final he will be facing in just a few minutes. However, his concentration is busted when he sees something else, something that causes him to stop in his tracks.
Christian stares with annoyance — and he isn’t sure who is the intended target — at the sight of Robbie Wimbiscus chatting, perhaps a little too intimately, with Sabrina Gage.
The water of the bay ripples lightly beneath the gleaming sun. A large white sail juts up from the catamaran as it moves calmly through King’s Bay. On the back end of the boat, Brent and Molly Taylor recline on a pair of cushions.
“Is this helping you calm down after your run-in with Gia?” Brent asks.
Molly draws in a deep breath through her nose and then loudly exhales. “It is. It’s just taking more time than I’d like. But thank you for planning this.”

“Of course.” Brent smiles at her. “I wanted to do something special with you.”
She adjusts her body to turn toward him. “I hate how much that woman gets under my skin. I know I need to let it go…”
“You do. But it’s not insane for you to be worked up over it.”
“She’s up to something. I just know it,” Molly says with gritted teeth. “She’s had her eye on the top spot at Objection for years and years. If she’s working the board–“
“Do you think it’s time you go back?” Brent asks.
“Unfortunately, I don’t get to be the one to make that decision.”
“No, but it might be time to start pushing. Longo admitting to what he did with Gabrielle kind of vindicates you, doesn’t it?”
“It should. It remains to be seen whether the board would see it that way,” Molly says. “But you’re right. It might be time for me to get back to work — even if we have the fight of our lives ahead of us in court.”
“We’re going to get her back. I know we are.” Brent reaches out and places his hand on top of hers. “It’s taken longer than it should have for us to get back here, Mol, but it’s happening. We’re going to put our family back together again.”
She nods, clearly still thinking about her nasty encounter with Gia.
Brent pulls himself into a kneeling position. “That’s why I wanted to bring you out here today.”
“To strategize about the custody case?”
“No.” He reaches into the pocket of his windbreaker and pulls out a small box. “I was worried that Gia might ruin my plans just by being there, but I don’t know if there will ever be a perfect time for this. To me, the perfect time is whenever we’re together.”
Molly gasps as Brent flips open the box, revealing a silver band glittering with diamonds.
“Molly,” he says, “will you do me the honor of becoming my wife again? This time, forever?”
Sabrina looks back at Robbie with uncertainty. His dark eyes bore into hers, and they appear heavy with regret, perhaps even remorse.
“I’d love to end the school year with a clean slate, if nothing else,” Robbie says. “You’re a great photographer, and it was nice having a friend who’s my age in class. I hate that I crossed the line.”

“I accept your apology,” she says. She isn’t sure what else she could even say. It happened, he is apologizing, and she doesn’t like to hold grudges. “A clean slate it is.”
Robbie grins. “That’s great to hear. Thanks, Sabrina.”
All she can do in response is nod.
“Do you have big plans for the summer?” he asks. “I know you have your job–“
“Working and taking one more class during the summer term, actually.” She pulls out her phone to check the time, even though she pretty much knows exactly what time it is. “Speaking of, I need to get to my shift. Have a good summer, Robbie.”
“You, too.” He holds up a hand to wave, and Sabrina wanly returns the gesture as she departs. Robbie watches her disappear around the corner of the building, headed toward the nearest parking structure. He begins moving forward just as he notices someone approaching him with laser focus.
“Hey,” Robbie says somewhat awkwardly to Christian, who has stopped a few yards away from him but is staring at Robbie with a face full of expectation. “You, uh, have finals today?”
“Why haven’t you texted me back?” Christian blurts out.
“I mean, I did…”
“A thumbs-up emoji isn’t a real response.”
Seeing how upset Christian is, Robbie takes several steps toward the younger guy. He also glances both ways to ensure that no one is listening in on their conversation.
“I’m sorry if it felt like I was blowing you off,” Robbie says. “Stuff came up.”
“Like what? Talking to her? Do you know–“
“She’s someone I went on a date with. I don’t have to explain that to you.”
Christian furrows his brow with confusion. “You did? With her?”
“Yeah, man. And it didn’t go great, but now I’m thinking there might be another shot, if I play my cards right.”
“But… she’s…”
“A woman. I know. Christian, I told you at the beginning that I’m into both guys and girls. For real. I’m sorry if that hurts your feelings.”
“It doesn’t hurt my feelings.”
“Looks like it does,” Robbie says. “Look, we had fun. I was thinking we could have fun again at some point. But if you’re looking for your Prince Charming — it’s not me. It’s not going to be.”

Brimming with so many conflicting emotions, Christian sets his jaw as he tries to figure out how to respond.
“You’re a cute kid,” Robbie adds. “And you’re gonna be a lot of fun in bed the more experienced you get. I can tell. But you’ve gotta stop acting like every guy you hook up with is committed to you for life. That’s not how adults do things.”
Christian feels a lump forming in his throat. He glares back at Robbie in horror.
“I have to get to my final,” Christian says suddenly.
“I’m fine,” he calls back over his shoulder as he hurries away from the building and Robbie. Christian feels hot tears welling up in his eyes and mentally begs his body not to betray him and make him look like a baby right now. He walks faster, desperate to put Robbie behind him.
In front of the building, Robbie rolls his eyes, shakes his head, and then walks off in the other direction.
Molly’s gaze remains fixed on the beautiful ring as she pulls herself into a seated position.
“Brent, it’s– I…”
“There are three diamonds,” he explains. “One for each of our children. I want this ring to be a symbol of the life we’ve already built together and the one we’re going to continue building.”
“It’s gorgeous,” she says. “Yes! Yes. Of course I’ll marry you.”
Brent takes her left hand and slides the band onto her ring finger. Molly marvels at it for a long moment before looking up at him.
“I love you,” she says, leaning forward to kiss him.
“I love you, too.” He kisses her again and then calls out, “Can we get that champagne now?”
A moment later, the boat’s captain emerges with a bottle of bubbly resting in an ice bucket, along with two flutes.
“I’m guessing she said yes?” the captain jokes.

“Of course I did,” Molly says. She takes another deep breath, this one calm and grateful, as she takes in the view of the shore. “I wouldn’t want to spend the rest of my life any other way.”
“Now that’s what we like to hear,” the captain says as he sets down the bucket near them and then opens the bottle; the cork lets out an appropriately festive pop.
“We’ve got that. Thank you,” Brent tells the captain as he takes the bottle and then pours the champagne.
“Congratulations to both of you,” the captain tells them. “Now just enjoy this beautiful weather and each other.” He returns to the front of the boat.
Brent passes a glass to Molly and then pours one for himself.
He holds his glass aloft and says, “No matter how rough the waters get, we’re going to face them together from here on out. Deal?”
“Deal,” Molly says, glowing as they clink glasses and then sip the champagne. “I love you, Brent.”
He kisses her again, unable to take his gaze off her face. “I love you, too, Mol.”
Christian stares down at the paper on his desk. He can hear a ticking clock in his head so loudly and so clearly that it almost seems real; he knows that he only has 50 minutes to complete this final. Yet when he tries to focus on the exam, everything on the page looks like incomprehensible shapes and squiggles.
“But if you’re looking for your Prince Charming — it’s not me. It’s not going to be.”
Robbie’s words fight for space in his mind with that ticking clock, so blunt and cruel that they feel like an ice pick being driven into Christian’s chest, over and over again.
Why would Sabrina make him think he has a chance with her? he wonders. He wanted to be with me until she led him on. Or maybe she isn’t leading him on and…
Christian clutches his black ballpoint pen even tighter.
Is she actually cheating on Uncle Jason? he thinks. If Robbie knew she has a boyfriend, maybe he’d give up.
Again he looks down at the page, but the words continue to run together.
I have to do something. I have to make this right, he tells himself before resolving to push the thoughts out of his head for the next 40-something minutes so that he can pass his final.
What is Christian’s next move going to be?
Will Robbie respect Sabrina’s wishes?
Are you happy with Molly and Brent’s engagement?
Talk about it all in the comments below!
Robbie really put his foot in his mouth by revealing that he had a date with Sabrina, which is not true at all. If Christian is smart, he would confront Sabrina to get to the truth. Together, they could realize the creep that Robbie actually is.
Robbie really didn’t hold back by telling Christian about their hook up; it sucks for Christian, but it is something that he had to learn and realize because hookup culture, especially in the gay world, is a thing, especially with your first experience.
I’m not surprised that Molly and Brent got engaged again; it has been coming for a long time. The three diamonds for each of their children was also a nice touch. I had hoped something horrible would happen on the boat though, you know, like a Titanic moment … “I’ll never let go Mol” 😉 haha but with the custody case coming, it isn’t the right time for that.
I’m loving that Christian is in a front story!
Thanks for reading and commenting, Dallas!
Robbie is living in his own reality. He seems to interpret situations however best suits him in the moment. Sabrina agreed to go see an exhibit with him, so obviously she wanted to sleep with him. Sabrina agreed to let bygones be bygones about his pushiness, so now she might want to sleep with him again. Christian just can’t see that yet. He does need to learn some difficult lessons about adult life, hook-up culture, the gay community, all of it — but it would’ve been a lot gentler had his first partner been more of a peer instead of an older user. We will continue to see the fallout from this all summer!
Molly and Brent’s engagement wasn’t exactly going to be a surprise, but I wanted to make a nice moment of it. The series practically began with their attraction, so it’s only right to pay that off all these years later. And they have plenty of story still coming, clearly! I did consider having Gia push Molly off the pier, the way Sarah did all those years ago, but I couldn’t really justify a marriage proposal right after that.