Represented by: Greg Vaughan (2008-15; 2018)
Appearances: 2008-15; 2018 [deceased]
Parents: James (Robbins) Ragan and Loretta Ragan
Siblings: Half-sister Claire Robbins Fisher; adoptive brother Spencer Ragan
Children: None
Relationships: Was involved with Molly Taylor. Dated Lauren Brooks.
Occupation: Photographer
After seeing his work, an impressed Molly Taylor hired Philip to photograph a campaign for Objection Designs. He and Molly grew closer as her marriage to Brent Taylor disintegrated. Although Philip dated Lauren Brooks for a time, his feelings for Molly deepened. He was stunned when it came out that his mother, Loretta — whom he’d believed to be a relatively innocent society widow — was secretly a criminal mastermind who’d been entangled with Nick Moriani, and that his late father, whom he’d known as James Ragan, was actually mobster James Robbins living a double life.
After Loretta was jailed for her crimes, Philip assumed a parental role in the life of his college-aged brother, Spencer, and moved the young man to King’s Bay. When Molly and Brent finally divorced, she began dating Philip, and she accepted his marriage proposal. But Spencer crashed a car into Molly’s house, and Philip opted to cover for him; when the truth came out, Molly broke up with Philip due to his dishonesty. Although no one realized it at the time, this was the beginning of a dark spiral for Philip.
Outwardly, he fought to win Molly back, hoping to wear her down. A serial killer — known as the Footprint Killer because of the red-stained footprints left at crime scenes — terrorized King’s Bay, murdering Sandy James, Ryan Moriani, Cameron Kelley, and Roz Brooks. Molly’s niece, Tori, developed a crush on Philip and was shocked to find the Footprint Killer’s trademark shoes hidden beneath his bed. She realized that Philip was the killer and tried to escape, but he savagely beat her and left her for dead. However, Tori was found and taken to the hospital in time. Philip attempted to kill her by injecting her IV, but Bill Fisher caught him. Bill was discovered brutally murdered, and a desperate Philip tried to convince Molly to leave town with him before he was caught. However, Molly’s mother and Bill’s widow, Paula, shot Philip to death to stop him. Molly attempted to take the fall for the crime to protect her mother, but eventually, Paula regained her memory of the shooting and came clean.
In 2018, Philip appeared as a nightmarish vision to Tori on Halloween.