Represented by: Rick Hearst (2001-2015)
Previous representations: Scott Reeves (1999-2001)
Appearances: 1999-2015
Parents: Paula Cardwell Fisher & Stan Lincoln (biological); Nick Moriani & Rose McGuire (adoptive)
Siblings: Half-siblings Tim, Molly, Sarah, and Jason Fisher
Children: None
Relationships: Was married to Danielle Taylor at the time of his death. Previously married to Diane Bishop and a woman named Jade. Previously engaged to Claire Fisher.
Occupation: Was business manager at Edge of Winter Arena.
Ryan came to King’s Bay hoping to win back his former teenage sweetheart, Claire Robbins, who was by then married to Tim Fisher. After Tim was presumed dead, Claire and Ryan once again grew closer — but he lied to her that he had fully cut ties with his adoptive father Nick’s mob dealings.
Ryan’s biological father, Stan, who had raped Claire years prior, arrived in town and terrorized him and Claire. It came out that Stan had once had an affair with Paula Fisher, who’d given their child up for adoption — and that child was Ryan! Tim was found alive, and a rivalry between the half-brothers intensified. Although Claire reunited with Tim, she continued to be drawn to Ryan, and eventually she and Tim got a divorce. Nick Moriani was murdered, and Tim was arrested and set to stand trial. At Ryan and Claire’s wedding, however, a very-much-alive Nick emerged and revealed that Ryan had “killed” him and then framed Tim for the deed.
Cast out by the Fishers, Ryan turned to the bottle. During this time, he also bonded with Danielle Taylor, a recovering alcoholic who encouraged Ryan to admit that he had a problem. During a business trip for a book about Nick’s “murder” that Vision Publishing planned to put out, Ryan got drunk with publishing exec Diane Bishop — and they awoke the next morning to find they had gotten married! The truth came out at Ryan and Danielle’s wedding, ending their relationship. Ryan fought to win her back and finally stopped drinking. When the Footprint Killer brutally attacked Ryan in 2015, Danielle married him on his deathbed.