Episode 1117

Previously…– Rosie and Travis accompanied Tim to Arizona, where he confronted Sonja and demanded the truth about her little boy, TJ. – After running into Samantha and Tempest having lunch together, Jaq reached out to Zane for help in keeping the two apart.– Tori and Zane made secret plans to elope, but they were delayed when […]

Episode 1116

Previously…– Sarah and Matt told Tori they won’t be contributing financially to her and Zane’s wedding.– When Tori told Zane about her parents’ decision, he suggested that they elope instead of throwing a wedding for people who don’t want to celebrate them.– Sarah learned from a contact that Sonja had been involved in a traffic […]

Episode 1115

Previously…– Sarah and Matt told Tori they wouldn’t be contributing money to her and Zane’s wedding. When Tori reacted badly, Matt attempted to have a heart-to-heart with her about his and Sarah’s concerns regarding Zane’s temper and judgment.– Sarah received a call from a source claiming to have located Sonja Kahele.– After news spread that […]

Episode 1114

Previously…– Tori and Zane announced their engagement to her family. Sarah and Matt did their best to take the news graciously, but in private, they wondered how to separate the couple before they get married.– Tim asked Sarah to track down Sonja and the little boy she had with her in Hawaii, TJ. – Following Jaq’s […]

Episode 1113

Previously…– Elly admitted to Spencer that Loretta has been blackmailing her with the knowledge that Elly’s bar exam results were fixed.– Molly came up with the idea to sue the hospital and Dr. Longo for malpractice, in hopes of discovering the truth about her baby’s apparent death.– Rosie was upset to learn that Travis hadn’t […]

Episode 1111

Previously…– Samantha reconciled with Diane and brought her to the Fishers’ for Thanksgiving dinner.– Tim walked in on an intense conversation between Spencer and Elly. Spencer told his father that Elly is being blackmailed by Loretta but wouldn’t share specifics.– Continuing to fixate on Gabrielle, Molly brought the infant a rocking horse that she had […]

Episode 1108

Previously…– Samantha moved out after Jaq was exposed for trying to frame Tempest for sending the threatening letters.– Tori and Zane announced their engagement to the Fishers, who put on a pleasant face in front of the couple. In private, Sarah and Matt vowed not to let the wedding take place.– Elly confessed to Spencer […]

Episode 1107

Previously…– After Travis and Rosie announced their plans to adopt Gabrielle, they overheard Molly — who had expressed interest in taking in the child herself — questioning their fitness as parents. Later, she was arrested for assaulting Dr. Longo when she confronted the doctor in hopes of getting answers about the night her own baby […]

Episode 1106

Previously…– Tim enlisted Sarah’s private investigative skills to help him locate Sonja and the little boy she had with her in Hawaii.– Tori accepted Zane’s marriage proposal. When she ran into Marcus and Christian and they spotted her ring, she asked them to remain quiet until she could tell her family herself.– Diane bailed Tempest […]

Episode 1104

Previously…– After the apparent death of their baby, Molly and Brent each retreated into their pain.– Elly helped get the charges against Molly for attacking Dr. Longo reduced to a misdemeanor.– Spencer noticed text messages from Elly on Loretta’s phone and decided to follow his mother to learn if she was meeting with Elly in […]