2018 Preview

A new year is upon us, but it seems that the one resolution the people of King’s Bay forgot to make was to stay away from messy entanglements… 

natalie-2017Swish, Swish, Bishop: With her wedding to Jason rapidly approaching, Natalie is so close to having everything that she has ever wanted — and as long as the secret about Peter’s paternity remains hidden, she’s in the clear. But can Spencer’s memory stay at bay forever? Even if it does, Helen now smells blood in the water, and she forms an unlikely alliance in hopes of figuring out what’s really going on. Meanwhile, Henry and Claudia Bishop return to town for the wedding, and Diane becomes privy to a deeply held family secret. She is also optimistic about patching up her relationship with Samantha, but the mother and daughter could have a long road ahead of them. Samantha’s love life also remains a focus this year, as Tempest is determined to win her back — but will Samantha move on with someone new before Tempest has the chance?

The Truth About Love: Tori is deliriously happy with Zane, unaware of the way that he has manipulated her and her mother. Sarah has been seething and trying to figure out her next move, but when the relationship appears to be escalating, she makes a risky decision that will either save her family or destroy it. Elsewhere, Travis has accepted Rosie’s reassurances that her secrets about her family have nothing to do with him, and they try to move forward — but Travis’s proximity to Jesse, the busboy, will cause unexpected complications that threaten to drag the past into the present. And as Spencer recovers physically, his own love life takes some unplanned twists and turns.

molly-2017Ready For It: With her professional life reestablished, Molly turns her focus to her personal life. Seeing that Brent is ready to take his relationship with Claire to the next level, Molly pushes herself to move on with Conrad. But will she be able to do it with her whole heart? At the same time, her brother, Tim, is growing closer to nurse Sonja, who has a hidden agenda in overseeing Spencer’s recovery. As Sonja waffles about her mission, she earns the ire of her secret boss, placing everyone in danger.

Around King’s Bay: Alex and Trevor have been settling into domestic bliss, but when Liam’s film is finally released, tensions old and new rise to the surface… Now engaged, Kathleen and Jimmy have to figure out exactly what a life together will look like… A pair of crushes create frustration among the teen set… Danielle sets out on an exciting new journey… Paula anxiously awaits the end of her house-arrest sentence… Two unexpected pregnancies turn numerous lives on their heads.

2 thoughts on “2018 Preview

  1. Hey, Michael !!!

    Cannot wait until the latest episode of Footprints !

    I’m really liking the preview of 2018

    I wonder what the family secret is regarding the Bishop clan ? I do have a few ideas of what it can be. It looks like Natalie might not be getting her Happy Ever After.

    I was just thinking about Liam and that whole movie based on Alex’s novel I’m glad that will be getting some focus since it’ll bring Liam back which might affect the newlyweds relationship.

    I’m calling it that Jesse is going to turn out to be Rosie’s brother not boyfriend.

    And two unexpected pregnancies ? hmm ? I’m guessing Rosie or Tori or Sarah or Claire LOL Possibly Mia ?

    I’m so ready to read about the next gen of Footprints

    Yay Paula will be free from those shackles at last !!!

    1. Thanks for reading and commenting, Bre!

      The Bishop stuff will build slowly through the first months of the year. It’s fun to have a ‘new’ family unit to delve into — so much of the current canvas has some kind of direct or secondary tie to Henry and Claudia (Natalie, Diane, Samantha, Bree, Jason, Sophie, Peter, Spencer, Tempest, Tim, Conrad) that their presence kind of re-frames some existing things. Should be fun. The Big Secret will be a bit multilayered.

      It’s high time that Liam and his movie got addressed! I’ve said before that the way that story played out wasn’t my favorite, but it got Alex and Trevor to an interesting place emotionally. With that growth now done and some major milestones in their lives achieved, it’ll be interesting to see what it looks like to have the old insecurities dredged up.

      I won’t comment on the pregnancies yet, but those are all valid guesses! 😉

      Happy New Year!

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