2024 Preview

It was a dramatic 2023 in King’s Bay, as the custody battle over little Gabrielle caused resentment and divisions among the members of the Fisher family. Matriarch Paula suffered a near-fatal heart attack but emerged from the experience with new resolve to heal her family, and the two couples involved in the bitter dispute finally came to a painful but necessary agreement when Gabrielle was returned to her biological parents, Molly and Brent. Just because the issue of custody has been put to bed, however, doesn’t mean the complicated feelings and interpersonal dynamics will end. And after a year that focused intensely on this one storyline, the canvas will open up a bit in 2024, with space for other characters to live out their own journeys. Read on to see what’s in store for the Fishers and other citizens of King’s Bay in the New Year…

Paint the Town Red: Loretta has been arrested for masterminding Rosie and Gabrielle’s kidnapping and captivity last year, but she has one more trick up her sleeve. The evil woman makes a move that puts all her enemies and victims on high alert, and they begin to circle the wagons with the intention of being rid of her diabolical manipulations once and for all. This all leads into the next big umbrella storyline.

Mommy Nearest: Molly and Brent have Gabrielle under their roof now, but the child doesn’t quite understand why her day-to-day life has changed so entirely. We’ll see them struggle with the reality of having taken their daughter away from the only parents she’s ever known. This will cause them to turn to Travis and Rosie for help, playing on all the tense dynamics that have developed over the last few years. As for Travis and Rosie, their relationship becomes strained in the aftermath of this major change, and Travis finds himself in hot water after an impulsive move intended to save his marriage.

Dangerous Designs: Finn has been playing the long game at Objection Designs, hoping to take over the company that his mother, Camille, founded and left to Molly. But with his co-conspirator, Loretta, otherwise occupied, he’s become desperate and run out of patience. Look for Finn to make a bold move to seize control, just as Molly is finally ready to come back to work and reclaim her title from Gia. Trevor and Alex have long been suspicious that something is up with Finn, and the brewing triangle among the three men comes to a head in the first part of the year.

Help Me Help You: Tori has been struggling to restart her life after the trauma she suffered at Zane’s hands. She’s now working at her family’s restaurant, and quite aware that isn’t her dream, but she’s also grateful to have a job and some structure at all. She finds herself becoming invested in the well-being of a new coworker whose situation reminds Tori of her younger self, and this will lead her to discovering a real sense of purpose. Meanwhile, she and Landon will finally have to face their feelings for one another — but will it be smooth-sailing? Landon finds himself on a journey of discovery as well, as he stumbles into an interesting but complicated new career path.

Past Meets Present: With Sabrina’s photography career beginning to take off and Sophie finally accepting the Midwestern transplant’s relationship with her father, 2024 looks to be a banner year for Sabrina and Jason. She brings him home to Iowa to meet her parents and see where she grew up. However, an unsettling encounter portends trouble for the couple, and it follows them back to King’s Bay — and might even put Sophie in jeopardy. This story starts out as a slow burn with some intriguing twists and turns before exploding into something unexpected that will power story for years to come.

Around King’s Bay: Tempest helps out new arrival, Sienna, without realizing that Sienna has an agenda and is using Tempest to further it… Christian’s crush on Trevor intensifies… When Jasmine becomes jealous, she shows Caleb an ugly side of herself… Diane and Isaac’s newfound bliss is challenged by a face from the past… Multiple engagements are on the horizon — but who will make it to the altar?

2 thoughts on “2024 Preview

  1. Ooh this all sounds so good – can’t wait to see what happens this year! Footprints feels like such a strong soap off the back of the custody story, and I can see now that you’ve been quietly setting things up in the background while it dominated!

    I’ve been calling a Loretta death since the 25th anniversary and I’m gonna keep calling it because it sounds like you’re planning a good old-fashioned murder mystery (as opposed to a garish modern murder mystery, I guess? What would that even look like?) There would be no shortage of suspects! A part of me hopes Paula kills her, because she would then become the most unlikely serial killer ever! ๐Ÿ˜€

    I am really intrigued about the stuff coming up with Jason/Sabrina/Sophie. Apart from the drama with Robbie – which I guess has something to do with what’s coming up – and Sophie adjusting to Sabrina, they’ve been way too happy and quiet. That simply won’t do in a soap! ๐Ÿ˜€ I am particularly interested about the incident that will power story for years to come! I can’t guess what that might be.

    Really excited for the future! Now to arrange some time to actually catch up on the episodes you’ve released so far this year!

    1. Sorry for my lateness in responding, Joe! Just saw this in the Pending comments section and approved it. I appreciate you not only reading the preview but sharing your thoughts!

      I’m really pleased with the custody storyline and where it’s left us, but yeah, it’s time for some of that stuff that’s been simmering in the background to come to a boil now. There are characters who have kinda been on ice for a year or two who are very ready for some movement. Loretta’s days very well could be numbered, too, although she’s gotten herself out of worse situations before. At any rate, this upcoming umbrella should invigorate a lot of characters in some interesting ways, and it’s nice to be able to turn the focus a bit. LOL about Paula killing Loretta, too — don’t get on that woman’s bad side!!

      I’ve commented this elsewhere (I forget where!), but I feel bad that Jason and Sabrina have been backburnered… but it’s allowed them some time to be happy together, which cements their relationship in a way that it might not have been if we’d just gone from them getting together to the brief Robbie thing to their next big drama. This is stuff I’ve been cooking up for years and it’ll add a new flavor to the stew, so to speak. I just wish I could write and post even more often!

      Thanks again!

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