– Tempest reached out to Alex and Trevor to make amends and finally visited their adopted son and her biological brother, Chase.
– Tim invited Spencer to come live at his house while he recovers, and he hired a nurse named Sonja to move in and help with Spencer’s care and therapy. After she was hired, Sonja made a phone call to tell someone that their plan was working.
– Sarah paid Zane the $100,00 he was blackmailing her for, on the condition that he leave Tori alone. The next day, Tori reported that Zane told her he had to leave town for a family emergency.
The bright afternoon sky is a rich but peaceful blue as it hovers over King’s Bay. The air is fresh but cool, as the last vestiges of summer hold on despite fall inevitably coming to force them out.
On the side of the bungalow where Alex Marshall and Trevor Brooks live with their son, Jason Fisher pushes open the gate that leads to the backyard. He holds it open for his fiancée and his young daughter, who is very deliberately pushing a stroller with her infant brother in it. Bree Halston follows several steps behind the rest of them, her attention fixed on her phone as she walks.
“Whoa. I was not expecting this,” Natalie says as she takes in the backyard with awe. A white tent has been erected over much of the yard — which is surprisingly large given the size of the house — and clusters of tall pub tables are grouped beneath them. The tables are covered in white tablecloths and outfitted with cheery floral arrangements containing orange gerberas, dahlias, and other bursts of autumnal color. On the far side of the yard is a well stocked bar, staffed by an attractive man in his 20s, and beside that is a long table where chafing dishes and serving platters wait in anticipation of a buffet. A handful of guests, having arrived ahead of them, mill around with drinks.
“This is a big party!” Sophie exclaims as she grips the stroller’s handles.
“Is that okay with you?” a grinning Alex asks as he comes around the corner of the house. He wears a pristine white button-up shirt with slim-cut, navy blue slacks and tan oxfords.
Sophie shrugs. “Is there cake?”
“There will be later,” Alex says.
“Then it’s okay.”
Alex stoops down to greet her. “Can Uncle Alex get a hug?”
After thinking about it for a moment, Sophie lets go of the stroller and obliges.
“You didn’t tell us you were going all-out,” Natalie says as Alex stands to welcome her and Jason with hugs, too.
Alex half-turns to take in the elegant scene in the backyard. “We feel like we’ve been doing nothing but nesting lately. so when we decided to have people over for a little end-of-summer barbecue, I guess we… got a little out-of-hand.”
“It looks great,” Jason says.
Natalie glances up at the blue sky, marbled with tufts of white clouds. “You might not even have needed the tent.”
“Yeah, the weather is cooperating so far,” Alex says, “but we figured better to be safe than sorry.”
Leaning in toward the two men and lowering her voice, Natalie asks, “On a scale of 1 to Honey Boo-Boo, how inappropriate would it be for me to send Sophie to get me a glass of wine?”
“I don’t know whether to be impressed or scared that I can’t tell if you’re joking,” Jason says. “Especially because if we’re going to tell certain former in-laws that we’re engaged, we should be on our best behavior.”
“By which you mean I should be on my best behavior so I don’t give you-know-who any ammo,” Natalie says.
Jason checks to be sure that Sophie doesn’t have a clue what they are talking about and then suggests, “Why don’t we head over to the bar ourselves?”
Alex holds up a hand. “You can do that in a second, but first… I have a surprise for you.”
“Is it the cake?” Sophie asks excitedly.
“Not yet.” He peeks back around the corner and waves.
“Should I have gotten that wine real fast before whatever this is?” Natalie wonders.
But then, from around the side of the house, emerge three very familiar faces: Josh Taylor, Lauren Brooks, and their daughter, who clutches her mother’s hand.
“Surprise!” Lauren says.
Jason wastes no time in throwing his arms around his old friend. Then he extends his hand to Josh.
“It’s good to see you guys,” Jason says.
Josh grins as they shake. “You, too.”
“You remember Annie, don’t you?” Jason asks Sophie, as Natalie exchanges greetings with the other couple.
The little girls wave shyly at one another.
“You really did go all-out,” Natalie tells Alex.
A conspiratorial cloud envelopes Alex, Jason, and Lauren as their eyes dart to meet one another.
“You haven’t seen anything yet,” Alex says.
In the front of the house, Tim Fisher walks up the driveway. Beside him is Sonja Kahele, the nurse whom he hired to stay at his house while his son recovers from his coma; she pushes Spencer’s wheelchair up the drive’s slight incline.
“What an adorable house,” Sonja says. “It has so much character, but I like that it isn’t flashy.”
“Wait, so when did Alex move out of Jason’s place?” Spencer asks.
“About a year ago,” Tim says. “Maybe a little more. It was before Natalie had the baby.”
Neither Tim nor Sonja notices the sudden lump in Spencer’s throat, which he gulps down.
“I guess they want us to go that way,” Spencer says, pointing toward the balloons tied to the gate on the side of the house.
As Sonja directs his wheelchair toward the path, she looks to Tim. “Are you sure it’s okay that I’m here? I don’t want to impose.”
“Absolutely. We all have a very ‘the more, the merrier’ attitude, believe me. And I double-checked with Alex just to be sure. Besides, if you’re here, Spencer can be here.”
“And I needed to get out of that house before I lost it,” Spencer chimes in. “No offense. It’s better than the hospital. But still.”
Tim claps a hand on his son’s shoulder. “Understood. Now, I don’t know about you two, but I could definitely use a party.”
He holds open the gate, and Sonja pushes Spencer through it.
On the far side of the yard, near the buffet table, Brent Taylor greets his younger brother with a handshake and a one-armed hug. Then Josh takes a step back and stares at the teenagers beside Brent.
“Dude,” Josh says. “Who are these two men following you around? You guys got big!”
“Coach says I might get to play on Varsity a little this year,” Caleb announces proudly.
“I believe it.” Josh nods, still thrown by the sight of his twin nephews. “Crazy. You guys look like grown-ups.”
“Don’t puff up their egos any more,” Brent teases. “I have enough to deal with.”
“Aunt Danielle is going to be so excited that you’re here,” Christian says. “Did anyone know you were coming?”
“Just Trevor and Alex. They told us they were throwing this thing, and Lauren thought it would be a fun excuse to visit.”
“It’s a great excuse,” Brent says. He looks out over the lawn, where Josh and Lauren’s daughter is chasing Billy Fisher with a plastic wand that has a sparkling star at its tip. “Annie is clearly enjoying herself.”
“I think she’s trying to cast a spell on Billy,” Josh says. “She’s been doing that a lot lately.”
Brent folds his arms as he continues to watch. “Mom would be so proud of her namesake.”
“Annie is named after your mom?” Caleb asks.
Christian turns to his brother and rolls his eyes. “Yeah! Annie… Anita… duh.”
Josh laughs. “Had you seriously never put that together?”
“Whatever,” Caleb says. “I’m getting a Red Bull.”
“I’m going to get something, too,” Christian says, and the twins head for the bar.
“Man,” Josh says to his brother. “I can’t get over how grown-up they are now.”
“Physically. They still behave like kids plenty of the time. Believe me.”
“I don’t doubt it. I remember how I was in high school.”
“I remember how you were at 25!”
“Guess I can’t really argue with that.” Josh swipes a hand over his impeccably coiffed hair as he gazes around the yard, which has begun to fill up with guests. “How are things with you and Claire? Still good?”
An involuntary smile alights on Brent’s face. “Yeah. Really good. It still surprises me sometimes.”
“Why’s that?”
“I never thought there would be anyone but Molly. Even after we split up, and she was with Philip… I couldn’t imagine it. And then this happened.”
“You just needed time,” Josh says.
“That must be it,” Brent agrees. “It’s funny how things can turn out so differently than we intended.” He watches Claire, in a mint-green dress and gray cardigan, chatting with Tempest. “And I guess that’s a very good thing.”
Conrad Halston uses one hand to balance on his walker as he accepts a tomato bruschetta and cocktail napkin from a waitress. Beside him, Molly Taylor politely declines, and the waitress moves off to continue serving guests.
“Do you want to sit on the walker?” Molly asks as Conrad props himself up to eat the appetizer.
“I’ll be fine.” As he takes a bite, he tilts his head upward, and Molly sees her sister and brother-in-law coming toward them.
“Hey, you guys,” Sarah says. “It’s good to see you on your feet, Conrad.”
He finishes chewing before responding. “It’s good to be on my feet, for however short a time it lasts.”
“You should sit on the walker if you feel tired,” Molly says.
“I’ll be fine.” Conrad sets the napkin down on a nearby table and turns his attention to Matt and Sarah. “I hear you were able to find a space for the restaurant.”
“We got really lucky,” Matt says. “Thanks again for looking over the lease, by the way.”
“By lucky, he means he worked like a dog to find a way to make it happen.” Sarah rubs the back of her husband’s neck affectionately. “Our whole family has a lot to thank Matt for.”
Molly nods along. “Sarah’s right. If the restaurant can’t stay where Dad moved it, then going back to the original location is perfect. I think he’d be so happy about it.”
“How are things coming along?” Conrad asks.
“Hectic,” Matt says with a nervous chuckle. “But good. We have to be out of the old spot by the end of this week, and we don’t wanna go too long without having an actual restaurant open, so we’re rushing to get the new place in gear.”
“I thought you were essentially just moving the operation over,” Molly says with a hint of confusion. “I know there must be things to adjust, but…”
Matt and Sarah exchange a conspiratorial look.
“We’ve got a few surprises up our sleeve,” he explains. “Stuff that everyone will like.”
“He, Mom, and Travis are working on some secret missions,” Sarah says. “They won’t even tell me everything.”
“I’m sure it’s going to be wonderful,” Conrad says. “I can’t wait to eat there.”
Sarah and Matt’s daughter wanders toward them, a glass of champagne in one hand and her iPhone in the other.
“Mom, do you know the wifi? My reception sucks back here,” Tori says.
“If you’re old enough to have a drink, you can probably ask Alex or Trevor yourself,” Sarah says.
“Or put your phone away for ten minutes,” Matt adds.
Tori lets out a huff but drops the phone to her side. “I know. I’m just trying to see if Zane texted back yet. I told him he should come here if he’s back in town.”
Sarah’s chest tightens, and it feels as if the invisible weights that have been pressing on her shoulders suddenly drop onto her with full force. She has felt a tinge of guilt every time she looks at her daughter since the night she paid off Zane to end things with Tori, even though Tori is still not quite aware of the extent of the separation. So far, she still seems to think that whatever family emergency Zane made up has him occupied and that he will be back soon — but it is clear that his lack of response is bothering her.
“He could be busy with his family,” Matt offers. “Or he could just be a jerk.”
“He’s not a jerk,” Tori says.
Molly catches Sarah’s eye and manages to ask a hundred questions with a single glance. She is the only other person who knows about Zane’s blackmail scheme and that the only reason he went out with Tori to begin with was to put pressure on Sarah to pay up.
“I think you’re too young, too smart, and too pretty to waste time on a guy who won’t give you his full attention,” Sarah says.
Tori groans. “You sound like such a mom. And I bet he is just really busy with his family. It sounded really sudden…”
Sarah can barely stand to watch her daughter trying to justify this man’s absence and lack of attention; it is clearly hurting her and making her feel worse about herself. But that’s exactly what Zane would have done to her in the long run, anyway, when he grew tired of her and realized she was no longer useful to his plan. Paying him off was the only choice — and now that he is gone, Tori will be free to meet someone who’s actually worthy of her.
“Thank you so much for your help,” Claire says. “It’s going to make a huge difference in Spencer’s recovery to have someone there around the clock.”
Sonja folds her hands in front of her floral-print dress and bows her head. Half her black hair is in a ponytail, and the other half hangs down to her shoulder blades. “He’s been a great patient so far. It always makes me happy to help families when they need it.”
Along with Spencer and Tim, they have gathered around one of the pub tables beneath the tent.
“The faster I’m out of this thing, the better,” Spencer says as he slaps his hand on the arm of his wheelchair.
“You’ve been working really hard,” Sonja says. “That’s all it will take.”
Spencer points across the way, to where Conrad is talking with Molly, Sarah, Matt, and Tori. “I saw that guy with his walker and got jealous. That’s when you know things are getting pathetic.”
“That’s Conrad,” Claire explains. “He’s had a long recovery from his car accident.”
“Oh,” Spencer says. “The one who’s staying at Molly’s. The lawyer.”
“Yep. Also Natalie’s ex-husband and Bree’s dad,” Tim adds. He indicates Natalie and Jason across the yard, talking with Lauren. “Do you remember Natalie? She and Jason are engaged.”
“Um…” Spencer’s heartbeat quickens as he recalls Natalie’s visit the morning after he awoke from his coma, when he recognized her only as a woman with whom he’d had a brief fling — without any idea that she had gotten seriously involved with his uncle . “Kind of. Yeah. But everything is blurry, you know?”
“You’re lucky you have so many family members around to help fill in the blanks while you recover,” Sonja says as she picks up her mineral water.
“Feel free to have a drink, by the way,” Tim tells her. “None of us will judge you. It’s a party.”
She lifts a hand. “That’s very sweet of you, but when I’m on the clock, I prefer to be clear-headed.”
“We all appreciate that,” Claire says, “but I promise it’s all right if you have a little Pinot Grigio, girl!”
She and Sonja share a chuckle.
“I’ll keep that in mind,” Sonja says as Tempest approaches their table.
“Sam didn’t come with you guys?” she asks Tim.
“No.” He holds his mouth in a tight line, his tone becoming more solemn. “She thought it would be best if she stayed home today.”
“‘Cuz she knew I’d be here.”
“You and her mother,” Tim says. “It’s just a delicate situation right now. I think she felt like Alex and Trevor’s party wasn’t the place to make a scene.”
“I wasn’t gonna make a scene,” Tempest says. “I just want to talk to her.”
“And you’ll get to,” Claire cuts in. “But she needs to be ready, too.”
Tempest sighs as the jingle of a cell phone ringing interrupts the conversation. Sonja reaches for her clutch.
“I’m so sorry. I thought I had it on silent,” she says as she scrambles to take out her phone. “But I should take this. I’ll be right back.”
As she answers the call, Sonja slips off around the side of the house.
“Just try and give Samantha a little space,” Tim tells Tempest, managing to sound both compassionate but firm. “She needs it right now.”
“Okay,” Tempest says. “I really am sorry. If I could take it back, I would.”
Alex slides up to the group. “Sorry to interrupt,” he says, “but could I get your help, Tempest?”
“Oh, yeah. Let’s go.”
The two of them slip away.
“What was that all about?” Spencer asks his parents.
“I don’t have a clue,” Claire says.
“Me neither.” Tim watches Tempest and Alex hurry into the house. “But it kind of seems like something’s going on, doesn’t it?”
“It’s not a great time to talk,” Sonja says into the phone as she pulls open the gate on the side of the house. “I’m with all of them–”
As she plows through the gate, she bowls right into an arriving guest: a woman with dark, feathered hair and clad in a flowing white blouse, skinny jeans, and daringly high stilettos.
“Hey! Where’s the fire?” the woman snaps.
“I’m so sorry,” Sonja tells her before scurrying down the driveway. She waits until she is on the sidewalk to speak again.
“Okay, I’m alone now,” she says to the caller.
She listens as the voice on the other end of the line responds.
“It’s some kind of party that a family friend is having.” Sonja pauses as she glances over her shoulder, wanting to be sure that no one will overhear her conversation. “They asked me to come along so that Spencer could get out of the house–” The voice cuts her off, and she waits until it is done to respond: “I’m being careful. Yes. I take my work seriously.”
A tinny laugh dances into her ear.
“I’m making sure that he’s all right,” she says, “and he is. They seem like good people, really.”
“They are not good people! That’s what they want you to think.”
A sense of dread rises within Sonja, and her hand shakes slightly as she clutches the phone.
“I’m doing what you asked,” she answers as steadily as she can. “Please just make sure the next payment is in my account by the date we agreed upon. I need it.”
“You don’t have to worry about the money,” the voice says through the phone, “as long as you don’t dare let me down.”
A barely perceptible click sounds in her ear, indicating that the caller has hung up. Sonja lowers the phone to her side. As she tries to calm herself, she stares up at the sky and sees that a grayish haze has moved in over the prior brilliant blue.
In the backyard, the woman she nearly knocked over spots Sarah and makes a beeline for her.
“There you are!” Sarah says.
“And I’m even in one piece,” Diane Bishop says, scowling back in the direction of the gate. “Who was that nervous woman who almost knocked me on my ass?”
“We couldn’t be happier to see you!” Helen Chase proclaims as she throws her arms around Lauren.
“It’s great to see you, too,” Lauren says. She looks to Don Chase, who stands just behind his wife. “You, too, Don.”
Helen clasps her hands together. “This is so exciting, isn’t it?”
“It’s really nice to be home for a little while,” Lauren says, tossing a look sideways at Jason, who stands nearby with his arm tucked around the small of Natalie’s back.
“Why did you guys decide to come up?” Natalie asks.
Helen lets out a giggle.
Natalie turns to Jason. “What’s going on?”
“Uh, it’s just… nice to have a little reunion,” Jason says before quickly taking a sip of his beer.
“I call bullshit,” Natalie says with a grin. “All of you know something.”
“Well, it certainly doesn’t call for that kind of language!” Helen plants her hands on her hips. “Especially on a day like this!”
Natalie’s eyes bulge as she looks at Jason, then Lauren, then back at the Chases. “A day like what?!”
As if on cue, Alex’s voice rings out: “Could I have everyone’s attention, please?”
As heads turn toward the bar, where Trevor steps up to join Alex, the conversations filling the air fade to murmurs and then into silence.
“We’d like to thank everyone for coming today,” Alex says. “We know we’ve been a little preoccupied these past few months.”
“That’s why we wanted to open up our home and spend some time with all of you,” Trevor continues. He gestures around at the tent, the tables, and the decor. “And yeah, we probably overdid it a little for a backyard barbecue… but the thing is, this isn’t only a backyard barbecue.”
A squeal of delight flies up, and all attention goes momentarily to Helen.
“I’m sorry,” she says. “Go on!”
Trevor laughs before explaining, “It isn’t only a barbecue — it’s a wedding.”
Natalie grasps Jason’s bicep. “You knew about this!”
“They swore us to secrecy,” he whispers back.
“Now, if we could get some help,” Alex says, “we have a few baskets of flowers. If you guys could grab them and spread them right here–” He indicates the walkway in the grass between the two areas of tables. “–then we’ll have an aisle, and once we have an aisle, we’re having a wedding!”
Did you expect the party to turn into a wedding?
Are you happy to see Lauren and Josh again?
What does Sonja have in store for the Fishers?
Did Sarah go too far in paying off Zane?
Talk about it all in the comments below!
What a good episode!!! It was awesome having Josh and Lauren back! I really hope you find a way to keep them in town because I always enjoyed their stories. If them staying in town makes the canvas too crowded you could always get rid of Danielle!
Not that she has been seen all that much. It’s not that I dislike Danielle as a character I just feel she almost has nothing left to do. Of course you are a skilled writer and could have a very interesting story for her that will enthrall me!
I definitely think that Sonja is working for Loretta. That is the only one that comes to mind. However, I wouldn’t mind being surprised!
I always get a kick out of Helen being in a scene and it was funny having her scold Natalie for her language! I speculate that Helen will be the one to put Natalie’s tangled web of lies together as she already has her dubious eye on her. Helen is the best at confrontations and telling it like it is! Who would have thought an old gal like her would always add so much humor and feistiness to the series? On that note, I really want Spencer to regain his old memories and spunk! Since the accident his character has been a bit whitewashed and his attitude and arrogance was always the funnest part of his personality.
I am ready for Tori to get over Zane and get a new story. She really works as a character and reminds me of a young and spunky Sarah so you did great with her characterization! Of course Tori needs to overhear Molly and Sarah discussing the payoff so we could get some fireworks! In the end I feel Tori needs to realize what a bad man he was for blackmailing her in the first place. She shouldn’t want to be in a relationship with a guy who could take advantage of her family like that!
By the way, I also thoroughly enjoyed the remix episodes! It almost makes me wanna go back sometime and read through the old episodes. I am in the mood for some Footprints reruns! It is so cool that you have so many years of rich history. I always tell you this but it’s an awesome accomplishment!
I also forgot to mention the surprise wedding! It immediately reminded me of the episode “Fancy Party” on Parks and Recreation. While they are nothing like Andy and April the whole premise was a surprise wedding when people just thought it was another party!
Ha, yes! I love that episode. Good catch!
Hi, Alan! Thank you for your post.
I’m always thrilled when I get to write for Lauren and Josh again. They definitely tend to be the most popular choice for “characters who should come back full-time.” I don’t have firm plans to bring them back at a particular point, but I do know that they’ll be back in the main cast down the road, because I have ideas and they have so many useful connections. As for Danielle — yeah, she has definitely had a break this year after being so prominent for several years. She has something big coming up later this month, actually, but it does feel to me as though her time on the frontburner has naturally come to an end for the time being.
We’ll keep learning more about Sonja soon, so you won’t have to wait too long. I hope this episode added some possible shading to her motives, though it isn’t all explained yet.
Helen kills me. I actually have a whole segment in a 20th Anniversary Q&A I’ll be publishing soon about Helen’s surprising (bizarre!) emergence as a major supporting character. And don’t worry about Spencer: as he recovers, his regular personality will settle back in. He’s still getting his bearings, and considering that he’s just happy to be alive, he doesn’t have much to complain about. But that can’t go on forever…
I’m glad you enjoy Tori as a character! She definitely has a lot of Sarah in her. And yeah, I think lots of us are rooting for her to figure out Zane’s true motives and find someone more deserving. But first: those fireworks you mention. They’re definitely coming.
Thanks for checking out the ‘remix’ installments, too. That was such a fun project. If I had endless time and patience, I’d try and rewrite the first few years in that same style, because they’re honestly so wooden that I find them tough to read as anything more than a quick reference or an experiment in torture.
Thank you again! I’m so grateful for your support and to be in touch all these years later.
ey , Michael !!!
I really enjoyed this episode another kickoff of the 20th anniversary.
My Lauren is back !!! I hope she , Josh, and Annie move back to King’s Bay for good. It was about time you finally gave the daughter a name. And I hope we find out what they have been up to living in LA
I loved Jason , Lauren and Alex reunited. All was missing was Courtney. Please tell me Trevor and Lauren will shares scenes together ? Will Patrick be there too ?
I like that the Taylor’s getting together. I like how Caleb is so dimwitted about his cousin being named after their late grandmother.
I like most of the cast were at the surprise wedding. And little scenes such as Alex and Sophie. Sarah Matt and Tori. Even Diane questioning about Sonja to Sarah.
Sonja is definitely working for Loretta. But it seems Sonja has a conscious … for now at least.
Great Episode Can’t wait to read 894.
Hi, Bre! Thanks for sharing your thoughts!
I knew you’d be excited to finally learn the name of Josh and Lauren’s daughter.
I decided it a while back but figured it would make a fun treat for the anniversary. We’ll get to see them a bit more before they head back to L.A., and like I said in my response to Alan above, there will definitely come a time when they’re back in King’s Bay more permanently. I’ve always known that I wanted to tell more stories with them down the road.
Trevor is absolutely going to have scenes with both his sister and father coming up. Patrick is actually at the party already, too — I just didn’t have a place to mention him. (Travis, Rosie, and Danielle are all floating around somewhere, as well! We’ll see them all in the next episode.) I wanted to save Trevor’s deeper interactions with his family until after we knew it was actually a wedding, because otherwise it would’ve tipped off the secret. But yeah, that’s something I was looking forward to writing as a part of all this.
Sonja does have something of a conscience, it seems, or at least more complex motivations for taking this job. We’ll get to learn more about her soon. I enjoyed throwing in that little bit of Diane getting a bad first impression of her, because we all know how tough it can be for Diane to change her mind once it’s made up…
Thanks again! Shouldn’t be too long until Episode 894 is available.
Ahh! Finally the wedding we’ve been waiting for. I kinda suspected it was a wedding based on the first scene, but it was still nice to see Alex and Trevor going through with it. After everything they have been through, especially this year, it’s nice to see them get some happiness. And, this might be the first real gay wedding on a written web soap? (Andy & Reese on ODaaT was a deathbed wedding, not as nice as this one!)
It is nice to see Josh & Lauren again; it’s funny how seamlessly they transition back into the series. Although, I must admit, every scene with Lauren makes me miss Courtney more! (Maybe it is also coming off the remix episodes too that the nostalgia is there). Anyways, these characters showing up also made it pretty clear that the wedding was going to take place.
I sort of agree with Allan – my first guess would be that Sonja is working with Loretta. Unless another one of the “super villains” is actually alive and well and plotting revenge (which I would be totally game for)! I also think it’s interesting that Sonja is new to this job and she’s already telling her boss that she is working for “good people”. I suspect she might not last long being dastardly!
Great read – I can’t wait to see how the wedding plays out in the next episode!
Thanks for your post, Dallas!
I kind of knew everyone would be onto the possibility that this was a secret wedding, so I decided to just run with that and create some suspense (Lauren and Josh popping up, Alex telling Sophie there would be cake, etc.) until Helen nearly blew it before the announcement. I like to give each FP wedding a bit of character, and it felt like hosting something at their home with less planning and build-up would be something Alex and Trevor might do at this point in their lives.
Josh and Lauren really do fit in without missing a beat. I miss them a lot, though I don’t feel like I have room to tell stories with them right now. But I love incorporating them for these events, and it’d be nice to use them for a short arc with a real story at some point (like Days did with Carrie and Austin earlier this year). Like I said above, they’ll definitely be back in the cast full-time at one point or another — just a matter of timing, room, and the right long-term story.
I’m excited to reveal more about Sonja and what’s going on there. It’s been a while since we had this sort of story, and it’s a fun, different energy.
Thanks again! Hope you do enjoy the wedding episode.
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