Episode 895

– Alex and Trevor announced that their party was actually a surprise wedding, and they tied the knot in front of family and friends.
– Tempest was upset to hear that Samantha wasn’t coming to the party because she didn’t want to see Tempest or Diane.
– Jason and Natalie knew that they had to tell Helen and Don about their engagement.
After the surprise wedding ceremony concludes, Alex Marshall and Trevor Brooks circulate around their backyard, receiving congratulations from their family and friends. Outside the tent, the blue sky is being rapidly replaced by the dark of night. Candles and the sconces affixed to the back of the house are already glowing.

“That was a really gorgeous ceremony,” Rosie Jimenez says to her boyfriend and his cousin.

“Yeah,” Tori Gray says. “And Mrs. Chase got through the whole thing without mentioning how she got arrested for murder twice!”

The three young adults share a laugh.

“I was a little kid when Alex and Trevor first got together,” Travis says. “This has been a really long time coming.”

1DA38210Over near the pub table that served as a makeshift altar, Trevor wraps one arm around his father and the other around his sister.

“I’m so happy you’re both here for this,” Trevor says.

“There isn’t anywhere in the world I’d rather be,” Lauren responds before falling quiet. She looks out of the tent, at the stars beginning to twinkle in the skies. “I think Mom is watching this whole thing. It’s like I can feel her.”

Patrick sounds choked-up as he follows her gaze. “She is. I know it. Your mother would be so happy for you, Trev.”

Lauren rests her head against her dad’s shoulder. “I miss her so much.”

“So do I,” Patrick says. “Every day. But she would be so proud of both of you. You’ve become such terrific people, and terrific parents. Roz lives on in both of you. I know she does.”

The three of them fall silent, their hearts full, as they look out into the night.


As the reception goes on, Diane Bishop slips into the house to use the restroom. She washes her hands and checks her makeup in the mirror; she could feel herself tearing up during the ceremony, and though she managed to hold back the waves, she wants to be sure that everything is intact. Still, for as terrible as things have been in her life lately, she was so moved hearing Alex and Trevor exchange the vows that they wrote.

She exits the powder room just off the living room and heads toward the backyard. In the kitchen, she finds Tempest Banks standing with her arms folded.

“I saw you walk in,” Tempest says.

“And now you’re going to see me walk out.” Diane huffs and brashly pushes past the younger women.

“Wait. Please.”

With her hand reaching for the doorknob, Diane freezes, though she does not turn around. “Why in the hell would I do anything you ask?”

“Because I wanna apologize.” The words fly out of Tempest in a rush, seemingly in a single breath. “I’m sorry for what I did. Really sorry. It was stupid and mean and–”

tempest-2017“Enough!” Diane pivots back to face Tempest. “You think this is going to fix what you did? Telling me you’re sorry?”

“What else am I gonna do? What’s done is done–”

“You’re damn right it’s done. You let that genie out of the bottle, Tempest, and you can’t shove it back in just because you’re upset that Samantha is mad at you, too.” Diane shakes her head as the fury somehow keeps building inside her chest. “That’s what this is about, isn’t it? Your little plan didn’t go the way you were hoping, and instead of just getting your petty revenge on me, you made Samantha angry at you, too. What the hell did you think was going to happen?”

“Hey,” a voice interjects as the door bursts open. “What in the world is going on in here?”

Both Tempest and Diane look at Claire Fisher, whose eyes burn with fire as she hurriedly shuts the door behind herself.

“I could hear you from outside,” she scolds. “This is not the time or the place–”

“I was trying to apologize,” Tempest says.

“And I don’t want to hear it!” Diane shoulders her way past Claire and again grasps the doorknob. “Tonight is about Alex and Trevor, okay? Not about you and your idiotic plan that blew up in your face. So stay the hell away from me. Got it?”

Before either of them can respond, Diane whips open the door and heads back outside.

“All I did was tell her I’m sorry,” Tempest says, dejected.

“I know.” Claire lets out a sigh. “I know, hon. And for your sake, I wish it were as easy as that. I really do.”


“Great job, Mrs. Chase,” Tori says as he sees Helen approaching her and her wheelchair-bound cousin, to whom Tori has just handed a tequila-soda.

“It was a really nice ceremony,” Spencer Ragan agrees. “Cheers.”

He holds up his drink as Tori raises her flute of champagne.

“I’ll have to get one of those for myself in a moment,” Helen says. “And thank you both so much. I just hope it was everything that Alex and Trevor wanted! I’ve never done something like that before.”

“You’re a natural,” Spencer says.

“I wanted to see how you were doing,” Helen tells him.

“Getting better every day. My dad hired a nurse to stay with us and help with my physical therapy. She’s kind of–” He glances around and double-checks that Sonja is over by the buffet. “–like a really intense kindergarten teacher about everything, but if it gets me walking again quickly, I can handle it for a while.”

“It’s so horrible that you have to go through this at all,” Helen says. “You know, I saw that Sabrina girl and really gave her a piece of my mind–”

“Sabrina? Philip’s assistant?” Spencer asks. “Old assistant. Whatever.”

“Yes! Don’t you think it’s a bit coincidental?” Helen raises her index finger to make her point. “She comes to town with the same name as the psychopath who killed my daughter, and then she just happens to be there when Spencer falls down the stairs and nearly dies…”

“Mrs. Chase, I really don’t think Sabrina has it in her,” Tori says. “Or a reason to do it in the first place.”

“No way would that walking Little House on the Prairie book try to kill me,” Spencer adds. “She’s like a 4-H meeting come to life.”

Helen folds her arms and harrumphs. “Well, I just wanted to let her know that if she had any part in hurting you, she’ll be found out!”

Tori snickers. “Zane and I thought you were going to jump over the counter and strangle her.”

“I have half a mind to do just that, if it wouldn’t land me with another erroneous arrest,” Helen says. “By the way, Victoria, where is that handsome beau of yours?”

“I don’t know.” Tori instinctively looks at the phone in her left hand, but there are no new notifications. “He had to go out of town at the last minute for some family emergency. I hope he comes back soon.”

Helen places a comforting hand on Tori’s shoulder. “Patience, darling. I’m sure he can’t wait to get home to you.”

“And if he doesn’t turn up soon,” Spencer says, raising his glass again, “then we’re sending Mrs. Chase after him.”


“Could we please have everyone’s attention?” Alex asks a few minutes later. The conversation dies down, and heads turn toward the entrance to the house as Trevor steps up to his husband’s side.

“What kind of surprise do you have for us now?” Jason yells out.

“Nothing life-changing,” Trevor announces. “Unless you really love cake.”

“I do!” Sophie says, rushing toward them as Patrick and Don roll out a three-tiered cake covered in pristine white icing.

“What kind is it?” the little girl asks as she studies the cake intently.

The new husbands exchange a sweet look.

“White chocolate mocha,” Alex says. “The same as the drink we both ordered the first time we saw one another.”

A chorus of touched sighs and awws goes up in response.

“That’s so cute,” Rosie says as she grasps Travis’s hand.

He looks to her with a curious grin. “I didn’t know you were such a romantic.”

“I don’t always show it. But I’m really happy to be here with you. And…” She leans toward him, and her lips graze his ear as she whispers. “I’ll make sure and show you later.”

A jolt of electricity goes through Travis’s body. His mind flashes to his recent doubts about their relationship — especially Rosie’s lies that she was working when she actually was not.

Maybe it really was all family stuff, he thinks. Maybe it had nothing to do with us at all.

“Why do you get to use the big knife?” Sophie asks Alex as Don hands it to him.

“Because they’re the ones who got married,” Don says. “That’s who cuts the cake.”

Sophie lets out a huff as she plants her hands on her hips. “You could trust me with it.”

The guests laugh and then turn their focus back toward Alex and Trevor, whose hands rest on top of the knife handle as they press it into the cake.

Off to the side, Danielle Taylor watches the newlyweds with a smile on her face.

“How are you doing?” Josh asks as he and Lauren join her, their own hands held together.

danielle-2017“Me?” Danielle asks with surprise. “I’m fine. It’s been a beautiful day.”

“Yeah, it has,” Lauren says. “We just know this might be hard for you — being at a wedding, seeing all of this…”

Danielle nods and exhales with a hint of relief. “It is, a little. It’s hard not to think about Ryan and… the kind of wedding we didn’t actually get to have.”

“If you need to talk, we’re here,” Josh tells her.

“Thank you.” Danielle takes a contemplative sip of her club soda, and then her expression brightens again. “But I’ll be fine. Really. You two are so sweet to check on me.”


Once the cake has been cut, Sophie and Billy help hand out slices to the guests.

“Thank you very much,” Sarah Fisher Gray tells her young son as he gives her a plate and fork.

“Do I get one, too?” Diane asks him.

Billy shrugs. “They only gave me one.”

“Billy, you’re supposed to go back and get more!” Sophie says as she swoops by with two plates. She hands one to Diane.

“Thank you, Sophie,” Diane says.

The kids move off, but before Diane and Sarah can resume their conversation, Claire approaches.

“Sorry to interrupt,” she says, “but could I have a minute alone with Diane?”

Diane’s fork clangs against her plate. “If you’re here to plead Tempest’s case…”

“I’m not.”

“I’m going to go enjoy this cake over… in a place that isn’t right here,” Sarah says, before sweeping away with her plate in hand.

Claire waits until Sarah is out of earshot to speak. “What Tempest did was unequivocally wrong. She hurt a lot of people, and I want her to learn that she can’t just say she’s sorry and make it all okay.”

“No. She can’t. And I wouldn’t be surprised if Samantha never gives her the time of day again.”

“I hope it doesn’t come to that,” Claire says, “and that they can work this out somehow, someday.”

Diane sets her cake plate down on a nearby table. “Look, Claire. If you just came over here to be Tempest’s cheerleader–”

“I didn’t. This is about you and me.” Claire checks over both shoulders to be sure that no one is close enough to overhear her. “I have kept a lot of thoughts to myself over the years on this subject–”

“Because that’s what we agreed on,” Diane says. “For Samantha’s sake.”

“Exactly. To protect Samantha. Not you. You assaulted my husband. You lied. You tried to break up my marriage. I just want to be clear that that isn’t something I’m ever going to let go. And I would say you’ve gotten off pretty damn easy until now.”

diane-2017Diane simply stares back at her and then, after a long moment of quiet, says, “Are you done? Because I’m well aware that what I did was wrong, and that no amount of apologizing can change it. If I could undo it, I would, but I can’t. I’ve talked about this in-depth with Tim. So again, I’m sorry for what I did, and if it costs me my relationship with my daughter, I hope you’ll feel that I’ve finally paid enough.”

Without waiting for a response, she grabs her cake plate and moves back into the crowd.


“My mom wants to make sure you know how sorry she is to miss this,” Jason tells Alex. The two stand with Natalie near the buffet, which at this point has been thoroughly picked over.

“We miss her,” Alex says. “We thought about holding off until she’d be able to come, but we really wanted to be married before the new year — especially because of benefits at Trevor’s job and all that.”

“It makes sense. And she never would’ve expected you to wait on her account. On the other hand, if Natalie and I were to plan our  wedding for before she’s able to leave the house…”

“Whose wedding?” Helen asks as she steps up to join them, with Don flanking her. “Did I hear correctly that you and Natalie are planning a wedding?”

A look passes between Jason and Natalie. Both widen their eyes, and Jason draws a deep breath before speaking again.

“That’s something we’ve been wanting to discuss with you,” he says. “Natalie and I… are engaged.”

Natalie holds up her hand, showing off the diamond ring. Jason feels himself bracing for impact; he has been dreading revealing this to Helen.

“I think it’s so great that you guys found each other,” Alex says. “And today is all about love, isn’t it?”

Helen’s eyes narrow.

“It is,” Don says. “Congratulations, both of you.”

“Alex is right,” Helen finally says. “Today is a day to celebrate love. I wish you both all the best.” She takes a sip of her wine as she levels her gaze upon Natalie. “I like to believe that whatever is meant to be will be.”

“I couldn’t agree more,” Natalie says, pursing her lips as she lifts her own glass to clink it against Helen’s.


Once the cake has been cleared and darkness has taken over, the volume on the music is turned up. When one song ends, Jason calls for everyone’s attention.

“Now presenting, for their first dance as husbands,” he announces, “Alex Marshall and Trevor Brooks!”

Hand in hand, Alex and Trevor step out of the house, to delirious applause and cheering. Adele’s “Remedy” begins to play, and with their family and friends watching, the new husbands begin to dance in the middle of the lawn.

alex-2017“Come on,” Alex calls out after the song’s first chorus passes. “Everyone get out here with us!”

Brent reaches out for Claire’s hand. “May I have this dance?”

“I thought you’d never ask,” she says with a smile. They move out to join the newlyweds in swaying to the emotional song.

“This is so nice,” Claire says as they dance. “Being with you, like this, in front of everyone.”

“At last,” Brent says with a contented sigh.

On the sidelines, Molly cannot help but watch her ex-husband and Claire become lost in one another as they share a dance.

She turns to Conrad. “Do you think you could make it through a song if you had someone to help you balance?”

“Are you asking me to dance?” he says with a twinkle in his eye.

“I am. What do you say?”

He lets go of his walker and takes a moment to steady himself. “I think that sounds lovely.”

Molly takes his hand, and Conrad uses her arm to balance as they join in the dance.

Soon, other couples and pairs have filled the lawn along with the grooms. Rosie lays her head on Travis’s shoulder. Lauren and Josh dance beside Jason and Natalie. Don escorts Helen out into the circle, and Sarah even convinces Matt to join in.

“How about a dance, Aunt Danielle?” Christian asks.

“Me? Isn’t there someone else you might want to ask for a dance?” his aunt replies, using her chin to indicate Bree Halston across the way.

The teenager shrugs. “Nah. Not tonight.”

“Then I’ll take you up on that offer,” Danielle says as they join the other dancers.

Caleb watches his twin and aunt move off, and then he steels himself and marches over to Bree.

“Want to dance?” he asks. “Everyone’s doing it.”

The blonde teenager responds with a dazzling smile. “That would be nice. Yeah.”

At the center of it all, Trevor and Alex continue to rock in time to the song. Trevor gazes at the guests dancing around them.

“Look at this,” he says. “I couldn’t think of a more perfect night.”

“Me, neither,” Alex says. “I’ve been dreaming of this day for so many years, but now that it’s here… it’s even more than I could’ve hoped for.”

“Yeah. And just think of all the years we have ahead of us.”

Alex leans forward, resting his forehead against his husband’s. “I can’t wait.”


What did you think of the wedding reception?
Will Helen ever be supportive of Natalie and Jason?
Can Diane ever win her daughter’s forgiveness?
Discuss it all in the comments below!

Next Episode



5 thoughts on “Episode 895

  1. Hey. Michael !!!

    The conclusion to Alex and Trevor’s wedding was sweet filled with good character moments and forwarding future stories.

    My Claire Robbins Fisher almost Moriani got into Queen Diane’s ass about how her taking advantage of Tim all those years ago affected her. I know she wanted to say more than that. Tempest is going to have to work hard to seek forgiveness from Diane and Samantha. But it’s not going to be easy.

    Molly is still in love with Brent it’s obvious when she saw him and Claire out on the dance floor. I’m still not sure about her and Conrad in a romantic sense. Yet I enjoy their friendship.

    I liked the Brooks remembering Roz and how Patrick said to Trevor and Lauren that she lives inside of them.

    Rosie’s a romantic . Who knew ? I hope we get some forwarding story of her big secret.

    You know Helen ‘s blood pressure rose through the wedding. Not only she is suspicious about Sabrina of the prairie but hearing her enemy Natalie is marrying Jason didn’t do any favors.

    It was sweet with Christian asking Danielle to dance with him despite wanting to ask Bree. Caleb however asked her. I’m sensing they’re going to be the next teen group on Footprints.

    You wrote a wedding with no one getting locked in a freezer or going into labor , or getting stabbed to death.

    Congrats !!!


    1. Thank you for your post, Bre! Always look forward to your thoughts. And it’s true about the wedding — seemed like time for a wedding where things went off smoothly and the drama was more about the little interactions going on throughout.

      I’ve been waiting for that Claire/Diane confrontation. On one hand, it isn’t really Claire’s business — but on the other, both Tim and Tempest are directly affected by the situation, and she’s always had a special place in her heart for Sam, so of course she has something to say about it. I love the ongoing friction between the two of them. They were able to drop it back when dealing with Yvette, but now there’s no reason to maintain a facade of civility.

      That moment of Molly watching Brent and Claire dance was very telling, although… is it jealousy that she isn’t with Brent, or jealousy that she is single? We’ve been hinting at this for a while, and it’ll continue to be explored. Molly has really had to put her life together in the wake of Philip’s destruction much more than she even realized she’d have to.

      Rosie and Travis’s story heats up big-time very soon. This has been the definition of a slow-burn, and I hate having to keep stalling on it, but all the anniversary stuff has been time-sensitive and kind of forced me to put other things on ice.

      Oh, and Caleb, Christian, and Bree are definitely the core of the new teen scene. We’re going to use them as supporting characters for now and ease them into story, but I have a lot of fun plans for them as time goes on.

      Thanks again!

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