– Tensions came to a head between Travis and Rosie when he asked her how she knows Jesse, the busboy, and revealed that Landon had tailed her to the cemetery. Rosie blasted Travis for having her followed and stormed out.
– Samantha and Tempest remained on the outs after Tempest exposed the painful truth about Sam’s conception.
– Helen accompanied Tori to Spencer’s house to pick up some of this things, and her snooping led to her finding an appointment card for a lab at the hospital. When Helen called the lab, she was able to ascertain that Spencer had received some test results prior to his fall down the stairs.
Samantha Fisher sits cross-legged on the couch in her brother’s living room, cradling a mug of peppermint tea. The light in the apartment is low, per usual, with a standing lamp in the corner providing much of the glow.
“Are you guys going to put up a Christmas tree?” she asks.
Across from her, Travis Fisher shrugs. “I’m not sure it’s worth it… and a tree might be a hazard, the way Landon’s always jumping around. It’s a miracle he hasn’t blown up the kitchen yet.”
“Yeah, I hadn’t thought about that. You should at least come over to Dad’s when we put up the tree. That’ll be fun.”
“I don’t know about that.”
“I hate that you stay away because of Spencer,” Samantha says.
“It’s not that.” He shifts in his chair and stares at his beer bottle. “Maybe a little. But actually, he came up to me at the grand opening and said some nice things. About Grandpa.”
His sister reacts visibly, her eyes widening and her brow lifting. “Wow. That’s big.”
“It’s huge. Maybe amnesia will turn out to be the best thing that ever happened to him.” Travis falls quiet for a few seconds. “I’m not really in the mood for Christmas cheer right now, you know?”
“Rosie is mad, and she’s having some kind of overreaction,” Samantha says, “but this isn’t the end of you two.”
“How do you know that? I don’t know that. I don’t know her at all — that’s how it feels now.”
“That isn’t true. There might be things she’s keeping from you, but you can’t fake an entire personality. Or a connection, which you and she obviously have.”
He springs forward in the chair. “Then why is she doing this? Why is she keeping secrets instead of just telling me what’s going on? She got so mad when she found out Landon had followed her–”
“I don’t blame her for that,” Samantha says, attempting to remain as collected as possible in the face of his near-hysteria. “There are obviously things she’d like to keep private. That doesn’t mean it’s okay for her to lie to you, though — or that it’s healthy for her to keep huge parts of her life from you if she wants to have a relationship.”
“Maybe she doesn’t.”
“Don’t do that. Rosie likes you. Whether she’s willing to do the work to have a relationship is another story. But I have no doubt that she likes you. Have you considered that whatever she’s hiding actually has nothing whatsoever to do with you?”
He turns that over in his head as he sips his beer. “I don’t know. Then why wouldn’t she tell me?”
“Now that I don’t have an answer to. But there could be something going on that she wouldn’t share with anyone at all. Didn’t you say she doesn’t even talk to her family?”
“Yeah.” He lets out a deep sigh. “It’s stupid of me to complain. You’re the one who got a raw deal. How are things with Tempest? Any progress?”
Samantha shakes her head. “I don’t know if there will be.”
“You guys have been in this limbo for a while now. You really don’t think you can forgive her?”
“I still can’t believe she would do something like that — that she’d charge ahead like a runaway train just to get even with my mom and not even think about how it would hurt me.”
“I think,” Travis says slowly, finding his words one by one, “she spent a long time fending for herself. You saw how bad things were with her mom. It’s like she goes into survival mode and doesn’t think about anything but that.”
Samantha sips her tea thoughtfully. “I understand that. I just don’t know if I can forgive it. What she revealed…”
“…is really shitty. How are you doing? Have you talked to your mom at all?”
“She texted to wish me a happy Thanksgiving. I just wrote back, ‘Same to you.’ There’s no excuse for what she did. I don’t understand how Dad can even look at her.”
“Because he wanted to make sure you had the best life you could have,” Travis says, “and that meant figuring out how to deal with Diane. And he did. And as crazy as she can be, she’s not the same woman she was when she did that. Even I know that.”
“Yeah… but I still don’t know what I’m supposed to do.”
He drinks from his beer. “Look at us. Some start to the Christmas season, huh?”
“Nowhere to go but up, right?” Samantha says as she fiddles with the dangling teabag.
Helen Chase parks outside the Edge of Winter Arena and makes her way to the side of the building, where Thaw Coffee & Tea is housed. The café has already been decorated with silver tinsel and white snowflakes for the holiday season. Through the front window, she can see Sabrina Gage behind the register. It is not especially busy, thanks to the later hour, but Helen waits until there is no line at the counter before she goes inside.
Sabrina’s large eyes flare even wider when she spots Helen. She gathers herself and then says, in a controlled but still shaky tone, “Mrs. Chase. What can I get for you?”
Helen approaches her and places her palms flat on the counter. “Nothing but answers.”
Sabrina glances down the bar, where the other barista is cleaning a machine. A single customer sits in the corner of the shop, leafing through a novel. Sabrina leans forward.
“With all due respect, Mrs. Chase, this is my job. I can’t be arguing with you while I’m supposed to be working.”
“Then I can wait until you’re through. But really, I only want to know one thing.”
After drawing a steadying breath through her nose, Sabrina asks, “What’s that?”
Helen waits a moment, fully intending to toy with the younger woman’s blood pressure, before dropping it like a brick right on the countertop:
“What was Spencer being tested for?”
She watches for a reaction of any kind. Sabrina takes in the question, turns it over, but measures out her response. Helen, who has been hoping for some obvious sign of guilt, finds it frustrating.
“He was tested for something at a lab at the hospital,” Helen explains, “and I think you know why.”
“I don’t understand.” Again Sabrina looks for her coworker, who has just disappeared into the back room. “Why is Spencer having tests done news? He was in the hospital for weeks and weeks.”
“Before that. Before his fall. Right before.”
“Okay… Mrs. Chase, I’m not understanding what any of this has to do with me.”
“I know you were there the night he fell,” Helen hisses.
“Because I found him–”
“That’s what you’ve told everyone. But I know this is all connected. Were you there because of whatever test results Spencer got? Is that why you pushed him?”
“This is– this is crazy.” Sabrina pulls back from the counter as though it is hot as a stove. “You think that Spencer and I…?”
“You might play at being this innocent, small-town girl, but I’ve known from the second you showed up here with that name that there was something more to the picture. Did you give Spencer some sort of– of illness?”
“No! Spencer and I have never been– we’re not–” She shakes her head meekly, and her voice grows quieter. “I’ve only ever… been with one man. My high school boyfriend. That was before my accident.”
“Or so you claim.”
“You’re connecting dots that aren’t even there.”
“I don’t think I am,” Helen says. “Can you imagine what everyone will think when they find out about this? Spencer, Victoria, your good pal Jason? They’ll be losing their lids!”
“Over what?” a strong voice demands.
Both women turn to see Jason Fisher standing mere feet away from them, his arms folded and a scowl etched into his face.
“Thanks for meeting me,” Travis says as he swivels on his stool. He sits at the bar of Bill’s on the Pier, with a whiskey-and-Coke in front of him. The noise of the dinner crowd provides an oddly comforting insulation all around him.
“It sounded serious,” Sarah Fisher Gray says as she takes the seat beside him. “Are you okay?”
“Yeah. Sorry if I worried you. I just didn’t want to come to the house and have to tell Grandma what’s up.”
“It’s fine. What’s going on?”
The bartender stops in front of Sarah, and she pauses to order a glass of white wine.
“I want to hire you,” Travis says.
“Hire me? For what?”
“As a P.I. I need you to investigate something.”
“Travis,” she says seriously. “You aren’t in trouble, are you?”
“No. Not… not like that.” He nervously takes a sip of his drink. “It’s about Rosie.”
“Okay, now you’ve got my attention.” Sarah quickly thanks the bartender as he slides her the glass of wine. “You want me to investigate a police officer?”
“I want you to investigate my girlfriend. You can treat this like any other case. I’ll pay you.”
“You’re family. You don’t need to pay me.”
“Well, I can, if that makes a difference,” he says. “I don’t want to take advantage. And I want to make sure I get answers.”
She glances around to ensure that no one is listening to them. “You don’t need to pay me. But you do need to tell me what the hell is going on. Am I just doing research? Or am I tailing Rosie?”
Travis draws a deep breath and then runs through a recitation of how Rosie claims not to speak with her family, how she lied about going into work twice, how Landon followed her to the cemetery, and how she told him that she didn’t know Jesse when she clearly did.
“Is that busboy here tonight?” Sarah asks, sitting up straighter.
“No, I checked the schedule. I wouldn’t have asked you to meet here if he was.”
“Okay. So you think she’s hiding something that has to do with this guy.”
“I thought so. Or…” He shrugs. “I honestly don’t know. It’s this big, tangled ball of shit– uh, crap–”
She chuckles. “You can say ‘shit’ with me.”
“Then it’s a big ball of shit that doesn’t add up,” he continues, managing to crack a brief grin. “But I think it’s all connected, somehow. I don’t think following her is necessarily the answer. I think finding out what happened to her dad might be.”
“That should be easy enough.”
“I hope so. She hasn’t even told me that her dad passed away. And she flipped out when she heard that Landon saw her at his grave. Something is up with all that.”
“And she wouldn’t tell you when you asked?”
He shakes his head. “She completely turned it around on me.”
“Well, I’ll see what I can find out,” Sarah says, “because if Rosie’s involved in something dangerous, it’s better if you find out now, before you get in too deep.”
Samantha’s entire body tenses as the front door is opened. She and Tempest Banks look at one another, forced into silence by their discomfort and uncertainty.
“I’m glad you texted,” Tempest finally says. “Come in.”
Samantha enters Tempest and Claire’s apartment. It is so familiar and has been the sight of so many good memories, even the very first kiss that she and Tempest ever shared. At the time, it frightened Samantha, but that was because it was so exciting, because it awakened something in her that she didn’t know how to process. Thinking about how impulsive Tempest was in that moment and how she seized an opportunity by the horns makes Samantha’s heart hurt.
Looking at Tempest at all makes her heart hurt.
“I thought it was time we talked,” she says. “It’s been too long.”
“Yeah. It has.” Tempest locks the door and then rocks from one foot to the other. “You want something to drink? There’s tequila. And wine. Or–”
“No, I’m okay. Thanks, though.” Samantha works to channel all the emotion and energy inside her into something useful. “I’m sorry I’ve been out-of-touch for so long. I wasn’t sure what to say.”
“You’ve got nothing to apologize to me for. I’m the one who messed up. Bad. I get it. And I promise, from here on out…”
Tempest reaches out a hand to Samantha’s cheek. The touch is even more familiar than their setting, and it spins Samantha back in time, to a few months ago when she would wake up and wonder how she could have possibly wound up in a relationship with someone she cared for so much. It had always seemed so unlikely, so impossible, and then it simply… happened.
As quickly as Tempest’s touch takes her back, however, reality strikes like a bolt of lightning. Samantha pulls away.
“Too fast?” Tempest asks. “We don’t got to do anything you don’t want, not yet. I’m just happy you’re here.”
Samantha’s breath catches in her throat. As angry as she has been, as angry as she is, forcing out the next sentence is one of the hardest things she has ever done. She didn’t expect that it would be this difficult — or perhaps some part of her, deep down, knew that it would, and that’s why she has been avoiding it.
“I didn’t come here to patch things up,” she says.
Realization hits Tempest like an icy gust of wind; Samantha sees the transformation happen. “You mean…?”
“I thought I might get over it. Not over it, but past it.” The words feel as if they are rising up not to come out, but to choke Samantha, to stop her from doing this. Her stomach boils. “But I don’t think I can. That trust we had — it’s broken.”
“We can get it back. I can show you–”
“You can’t. It wasn’t even something I was consciously aware of. It was just there. And now it isn’t.”
Tempest gawks at her in shock. Then, out of nowhere, she slams her fist into the end table.
“Dammit!” she mumbles, shaking her fist in pain.
“That’s what I mean!” Samantha says. “You do these impulsive things without thinking–”
“I hit a table because I’m pissed.”
“You hit my mom and me the same way. Only it was information, not your fist. You were hurting, so you lashed out, and only after the damage was done did you think about what effect it would have.”
“What do you want me to do?” Tempest cries.
Samantha rubs a hand over her eyes, feeling them begin to mist up. “Nothing. I want you to accept what I’m saying.”
“No way. I love you.”
“I love you, too.” Samantha squints, but it is no use. The tears begin to fall. “That’s why this is so hard.”
“You don’t have to do this!” Tempest’s voice is choked by tears, too, now. “You got hurt, so you’re gonna hurt both of us more? How does that make sense?”
“It’s about protecting myself. I… I can’t keep doing this.” She spins around suddenly, needing to get to the door. “I have to go.”
“I love you,” Tempest says firmly, as if giving a command.
Samantha opens the door but then turns back over her shoulder. It is still so hard to reconcile the woman standing before her, the one to whom she has grown so accustomed the past few years, with the person who so callously hurt her and her family.
“I’m sorry,” Samantha says, and she darts out of the apartment before anything else can happen. She hurries down the hallway to the elevator, aware that she hasn’t heard Tempest close the door behind her. But when she stops to wait for the elevator, she sees that no one has followed her. Tempest did as she asked and stayed behind. And now it’s really over.
Sobbing, she rushes into the elevator and pushes the button for the ground floor.
“Again?” Jason says with annoyance as he approaches the counter of Thaw, where Sabrina and Helen are stationed on opposite sides like dueling armies staked out across a river.
“It’s okay,” Sabrina says, brushing a strand of dark hair back behind her ear.
“It isn’t okay.” Jason looks pointedly at Helen. “This is a place of business. Sabrina is working. Even if it were okay for you to harass her over nonsense in her free time — which it isn’t–”
“This isn’t nonsense,” Helen protests.
“Whatever it is,” he says, raising his voice to override her, “this is neither the time nor the place. I can’t have you in here bothering employees and customers.” He raises a hand in apology toward the patron in the corner, who has looked up from her book. Then, more quietly, he tells the women, “So break it up. Now.”
With a huff, Helen holds her purse in front of her body.
“Helen. Unless you’re going to order something, go,” Jason says.
“Actually,” Sabrina says, “could Mrs. Chase and I have a minute?”
Jason turns to her with surprise. “Are you sure?”
“I just want to clear the air about something. I can handle myself, I promise.”
He thinks about it for a few seconds. “I was on my way home for the night when I saw Helen in here through the door and figured I should see what was up. So if my refereeing isn’t needed…”
“It isn’t,” Sabrina says, offering him a kind smile. “But I am thankful for it. I just have to say a thing or two, and then Mrs. Chase will be on her way.”
“Yes,” Helen says. “That’s all.”
“Fine. But if I hear any more about you making a scene…”
“It’ll be fine,” Sabrina tells him. “Go home to your family. Really.”
Jason hesitates before saying, “All right. Good luck, Sabrina. Have a good night. Pleasure as always, Helen.”
They watch him exit into the dark Northwest night before continuing their conversation.
“I just want to say one more thing,” Sabrina begins, “and I want to make it very clear to you: I didn’t push Spencer. I was there that night to bring him a book with Philip’s passwords. And we never, ever were… together like that. If you want, I’ll show you my medical history. I have to see doctors a lot for check-ups because of my accident and all those years I spent in a coma. I don’t have a clue what test results you’re talking about, but they have nothing to do with me.”
Helen plants her hands on her hips. “There’s something fishy going on here, dear.”
“Maybe there is. You could go to the police. Commander Taylor is dating Spencer’s mom. I bet he’d follow up on it.”
“I did think about that, but it’s too soon. There’s nothing solid. They’ll laugh me off. Especially given my… history with the police.”
“Why are you so fixated on this? Spencer is recovering–”
“Do you not comprehend how painful it is for me to hear your name? To know you’re running freely around town?”
“Mrs. Chase, I didn’t kill your daughter,” Sabrina says, adopting a softer tone. “I’m sorry about what happened to her. I really am. But that crazy woman stole my name.”
Helen fumes. “If I can prevent Spencer and the Fishers from going through what Don and I have with our Courtney–”
“I’ve told you everything I know! And I like Spencer. I never would have hurt him. You’re basing this all on nothing.”
“Then why were you at the hospital so much?” Helen jabs a finger over the counter. “You were there when Spencer woke up, and I’m told you were back there the next morning, before even his own family–”
“Why is that weird? I wasn’t even the first one who visited him that morning. Natalie had just finished visiting him when I got there.”
Helen freezes. “What’s that?”
“Natalie. Jason’s fiancée. You can ask her if you want to. She visited Spencer early that next morning, before I did. So I don’t know why it’s so weird to you that I went to check on a friend.”
Like puzzle pieces locking into place, the bits of information suddenly take shape in Helen’s mind. Natalie? Of course. All those times when she’s seen Natalie and Spencer huddled in conversation… that day Sophie was sure she recognized Spencer’s car at Natalie and Jason’s house…
She looks Sabrina over again. The young woman does look rather innocent and naive — too much so to pull off anything like this.
“You know what?” Helen says. “I’m going to choose to take you at your word.”
“Yes. I’m sorry to have bothered you. You’ll have to forgive me. My emotions are all over the place, when I think about my Courtney, and another young person I care about nearly dying…”
“I understand. I do. And I hope you find your peace.”
“I’m going to.” Helen nods enthusiastically, eager to get out of here and figure out the rest of this. “Again, I’m sorry. Have a wonderful holiday.”
“Thanks,” Sabrina says, confused as she watches Helen dart out of the café.
Outside, Helen hurries through the dark and starts her car. She turns on the heat and lets it warm her fingers and toes.
“Natalie,” she says to herself. “Of course this has something to do with that dreadful woman!”
What will Helen’s next move be?
Can Tempest ever win Samantha back?
Will Sarah be able to help Travis?
Talk about it all in the comments below!
Hey, Michael !
I’m liking this longer format. It is great to display more scenes for not only the characters to appear but as well as their motivations. This episode was full of emotions. Here our my thoughts
Travis/Samantha/Sarah/Samantha : It was great for the two siblings to get together to both talk about their flawed relationships. As they gave one another advice about to approach the next step to remedy their issues. Travis asking for his Aunt Sarah’s services as a PI makes the most sense in this situation. I laughed when Travis said ” Shit” I think we all know what it is like to swear in front of a relative and for a moment thinking you’re going to be read the riot act. Yet that person is cool with since you’re an adult now too. I’m glad this story is getting some movement.
Meanwhile Samantha and Tempest break up was impactful as the two of them were each others first loves. Yet Samantha does have a point about Temp having impulse control issues. However, it seemed that Temp was blindsided hoping that the two of them can get past it. Hopefully this will involve Claire and Diane as their breakup will also impact their rivalry.
Helen/Sabrina/Jason : That darn Helen doesn’t stop does she ? She was like I see that Sabrina girl let me talk to her. Finally Sabrina was like I’m not ready to make nice anymore with her LOL. Jason’s patience with Helen was low as well. Now Helen putting together two and two. She knows that Spencer and his test involves Natalie somehow. I’m trying to imagine her comically trying to get Brent to pay attention to her at the police department.
BTW : Currently working on the website for Town & Country. It is more of a task than I thought. Although I cannot wait until everything is set up. Now I’m working on the character bio page and finally after watching a few youtube videos and a bit of common sense. I know how to get their bios to pop open once you click on their image and the name.
Good Episode
Well well well. If it isn’t Footprints Episode 901! It wasn’t as robust as 900. But it was meaty enough indeed. Now let’s suss through my thoughts a little deeper. Shall we?
I am happy that Samantha broke up with Tempest. She deserved it. She shouldn’t think that time would heal the wound. What she did was a selfish violation. Diane has more than made up for it over the years as a mother to Samantha. However, I do feel Samantha has every right to be peeved at Diane for a long while. That would be atrocious and disturbing news to learn about your own conception! Diane raped Timothy– plain and simple. Tim is a strong man to forgive her and even date her weird enough. That is the kinda stuff that happens on soaps so I rolled with it when it happened. They actually made quite the couple back in their heyday actually.
Now onto Travis!!! He just can’t let this go until he has every last detail about Rosie. I’m not sure I like this move to hire Sarah. I thought that Sarah was actually going to talk him out of investigating Rosie and was surprised that she went along with her nephew’s wishes so easily. Also–to do it without pay! She really loves her family! Now Sarah is going to get the riot act from Tori from when she learns about her involvement with Zane. Then Rosie gonna see her sneaking up in her bushes and give Sarah another riot act. Sarah gonna be getting riots from every angle! However, I am sure Sarah is a better investigator than to be caught sneaking in bushes. She should wear a pair of those glasses with the mustache attached just in case! I am curious what our trusty PI is going to dig up on Rosie. Though I must say it’s not a flattering color on Travis to be this sneaky. Rosie would never be able to trust him at all if you ever caught Sarah in her rose garden!
Now onto our other local PI of course! Laura Horton!!! Errr, I mean Helen Chase. She marched right up to that brown eyed naive girl from Iowa and gave her it! I think it’s funny that Sabrina got anxious when she saw Helen approaching. She’s had enough interactions with her to know that Helen can be off her rocker. Helen strikes anxiety in those around her. I knew it was only a matter of time before she finally realized that Natalie was the true hussy all along! Can I say that Gina Tognonni as Natalie really works for me too! Good casting Michael. I always picture her when I picture Natalie.
Another hefty chapter of the Footprints saga!!!!
Hi, Alan! Thanks for your post, as always.
Samantha’s decision to break up with Tempest is definitely justified. It was important to me that this not just be a little blip for them, but something much larger that shows how differently they’ve lived and look at the world. Those are often the things that make relationships so difficult — when your underlying views and attitudes are that opposite. That doesn’t mean Tempest is undeserving of redemption (IMO), especially since even Diane has more or less earned it. You’re totally right about Diane and Tim, BTW: it’s very weird that they dated, let alone that it kind of worked. I talked about this in the 20th anniversary Q&A, but I really tried to ignore the truth about Sam’s conception for a long time. Now that I’m calling it what it was, I’ve had to do some back-filling to explain things like Tim dating Diane — which I think worked, based on what he was going through at the time, but I don’t want to act like it erases what she did. Everyone’s going to have a long road back from this revelation.
Travis is definitely being a little sneaky by hiring Sarah, but at this point, I think it’s less about “finding out every little thing about Rosie” and more about simply understanding what the hell is going on with her. They’ve had a good thing one-on-one, but in his mind, she has this whole secret life that’s burdening her. Since she won’t tell him what it is, he wants to know what this thing is that’s preventing them from having a relationship — and whether she’s okay. You’re right that, if Rosie finds out about this, it could be the final nail in the coffin for them. But I do believe his heart is in the right place here.
Helen is such a loose cannon, but as we’ve discussed, her actions make sense in the framework of her grief over Courtney and her desire to control things (as if that’s going to somehow bring Court back). She’s a bit like a tornado blowing around King’s Bay, though, striking fear into the hearts of people like Sabrina. Now that her focus has turned to Natalie, things are going to amp up even more. Oh, and Gina Tognoni has just always fit as Natalie in my mind. There’s something vixeny and yet not overly soft about her that really works for me.
Thanks again!
Helen should seriously think about being a Sarah hiring? It’s a combination of grief, retirement, and maybe a little dramatic tendencies that make Helen go off the rails, yet in an entertaining way.
Speaking of Sarah.. good to see her skills as a PI will be utilized for this story. If she isn’t front burner, at least she can offer some great support in other peoples stories.
Thank you for your comments, Jayson!
Helen and Sarah working together! Think about the impulsive decisions that would be going on there.
Helen is definitely both bored and grieving, which is a dangerous combo, but if she sets her sights on the proper target, maybe her forces will be used for good…
Having Sarah be a PI is a great opportunity to have her interact with different cast members. Claire hired her to find Spencer a few years back, and now Travis is hiring her, so it lets us get a look at her dynamic with people who aren’t necessarily in her story. I always like the chance to do that.
Hey, Michael !!!
I’m made a previous comment on Episode 901. Although I confirmed it through my email yesterday. I don’t see my comment in this section. So I’m going to just add my thoughts on this episode. Before I head to work in about twenty five minutes.
Alan is right about 901 not being as a big episode like the previous one. Nevertheless, 901 packs an emotional punch.
I do like the longer format which gives the characters the chance to be more in scenes and have their motivations take center stage.
Travis/Samantha/Sarah/Tempest : Great to ” see ” Travis and Sam catching up on their flawed relationships with their respective partners. I did like them being there for one another by giving each other advice on how to move forward. It makes logical sense that Travis did go to Sarah about going to investigate Rosie. It didn’t surprise that me Sarah agreed to do it. He’s family and Sarah probably doesn’t turn down a case in all of her years of Private Investigating. I did have a laugh when Travis quickly covered up saying ” Shit ” with crap and Sarah being all like ” Were all adults now nephew. ” I’m glad that Rosie’s background will finally be exposed as well it does moves this story ahead into next year.
Samantha and Tempest’s break up was intense yet emotional. As Sam didn’t pull any punches about the way she felt. Yet Tempest clearly has remorse about uncovering Sam’s conception. Also it is quite obvious that Tempest does have not only impulse control issues but perhaps anger management problems since she punched her first onto the table. I’m curious how this break up will affect not only them but as well as the Fisher canvas. Since Tempest is an honorary Fisher.
Helen/Sabrina/Jason : Helen doesn’t miss anything does she ? She went to Sabrina’s place of work to confront her over Spencer and it was a riot. Sabrina was like she had enough of this old woman and laid it out on the line. Then I like how Helen came to the conclusion that this simple girl isn’t that devious to be involved with Spencer and when she heard Natalie went to visit him she was like that horrible woman – of course. Poor Jason he was like All I was trying to do was leave my place of business for the day. Not to be involved with refereeing my mother in law and employee.
BTW: I’m currently working on the website for Town & Country and it is quite tedious than I actually though. But finally delving into the character bios. Wish Me Luck !!!
Good Episode
Hey, Michael !!
After giving us some pretty heavy material in the previous few episodes. 901 carried on that tradition. BTW : This is my third time commenting on this episode. I don’t know why my other two previous comments our not showing ?
Anyway here our my thoughts.
Travis and Samantha encouraging each other about their respective partners was great. I always adore their sibling relationship. And I like that Samantha told her brother not to be a stranger because Spencer is with Tim. Travis’s response about Spencer actually being human might be a step to them becoming closer. Although I would love to see some more of Spencer/Travis as brother and as rivals next year in spite of their own storylines orbits. Samantha breaking up with Tempest was filled with emotion and honesty. Sam is right about Tempest having some impulse issues. With Tempest also hitting her fist onto the table she might also have anger issues as well. I liked that Sam held out hope that Tempest might come out of the apartment when she was at the elevator. Then came to the realization that she is better off with her at this time.
Travis going to Sarah seemed like the most logical. I had to laugh when he said ” Shit” to his Aunt and tried to cover it up. Although out of his two Aunts Sarah most likely will be the one who would be cool with you cursing like a sailor. Sarah seems the type to say all those words while out on a investigation. Hopefully, Sarah has better luck finding out about Rosie than Travis tried to.
Helen had me rolling by peeping in the window seeing Sabrina at her job and going to confront her about Spencer had me shaking my head as it was so funny and so Helen Chase. Sabs was like I’m so sick of this woman sneering at me every time she sees me so her telling her all about her innocence and how Natalie was the first person to visit Spencer at the hospital was like the dog finding a bone. Meanwhile, I had to laugh at Jason refereeing Helen once again he even sounds sick of her at this point.
Good Episode
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