Episode 921

– After Rosie’s emotional testimony, the D.A. accepted that Paula had not intended to violate her house arrest and moved to have the remainder of the sentence voided. The judge agreed.
– Rosie was unable to face Travis after confessing the truth about her father’s murder and her feeling of responsibility for it.
– Matt and Sarah’s marriage remained strained in the wake of the revelation that she had met Zane’s blackmail demand.
– After she learned about his blackmail of her mother, Tori dumped Zane and successfully avoided him — until he tracked her down outside one of her classes and even offered to return the money to Sarah if Tori would give him another chance.


As she walks down Pier 22, Paula Fisher’s senses feel heightened as never before. The cool air blowing in off the bay smells crisper than she has ever known it; the wooden planks beneath her feet seem more uneven and textured than she has previously noticed. After a year of being confined to her home, being out in the larger world again is nearly overwhelming for Paula, but she is ecstatic to be experiencing it. During the few times that she was granted permission to leave the house for doctors’ visits, she would ride in the car to and from her destinations, watching the world go by through the window as if watching another TV show. Even inside the offices, she felt somehow removed from it all, as if she were a visitor from another dimension. But now, with her sentence lifted, she can finally appreciate the world again.

“I’m sorry we weren’t able to rent out the whole place for you,” Tim Fisher says as he walks beside her. “If it hadn’t been such short notice…”

“Do you think that bothers me?” Paula asks with a little laugh. “I am so happy to be here.”

She sees the bright blue of the restaurant’s sign at the end of the dock. Bill’s on the Pier. What a perfect name for the place that will carry her late husband’s legacy for years and years to come, right back in the location where he first achieved his dream of opening a restaurant almost three decades ago.

“I can hardly believe that it’s real,” she says as she and Tim approach the entrance. “I’ve seen photos and blueprints and lease documents, and still… it didn’t quite seem real until this very moment.”

“Well, it is.” He opens the front door for her. “And you’re here now.”

Paula steps inside and takes in the space. She already knew what it looked like — she was even a part of many of the design decisions — but experiencing it in person is another thing entirely. She takes in the coziness of the wood-paneled walls and the hand-hammered copper tabletops. She feels as if she might explode with delight.

“There she is!” a voice announces, and Paula sees her youngest, with his own toddler son in his arms, coming over to greet her.

The rest of the family, clustered around a series of tables on one side of the restaurant, breaks out into applause. Paula’s throat tightens suddenly with emotion; she does not particularly enjoy being the center of attention, but it makes her feel so special and so loved to have everyone gathered here tonight. The other diners in the restaurant turn to look, and she wonders if they are aware of what is going on. Do they think this is a routine birthday celebration? Do they know that she has been a prisoner in her own home for a year? Normally she would be embarrassed at having them witness this, but their presence fills the restaurant with an energy and a life that warms her heart, and she knows that it would thrill Bill to see his restaurant full and thriving.

“Welcome,” Jason says as he uses his free arm to hug her. “Everyone’s been waiting for this moment.”

“No one more than me,” Paula says. “And hello, Peter. It’s so good to see you.”

The little boy scrunches his nose at her.

“Say hi to your grandma,” Jason prods him.

“Hi, Grandma,” Peter says, or at least the sounds he makes are close enough to those words to be recognizable as an attempt at that statement.

Above the stone fireplace at the far end of the dining room, she sees it: Bill’s portrait. It is a shot very familiar to her, one from the day of Jason and Courtney’s wedding. Although the day itself turned out more horribly than anyone could have imagined, Paula has always treasured the photos from just after the ceremony, depicting a family truly happy, still holding on to a certain innocence that they would never again have after that day. Bill’s face looks so proud — of his son, of their family, of the life that he and Paula built together.

“We did it, my dear,” she whispers as she makes eye contact with the portrait, a moment before being swept up in a sea of embraces.


Sarah Fisher Gray hugs her mother and then extracts herself from the crush of eager grandchildren and friends. When she turns around, she spots her husband lingering on the fringes of the action, halfway between their party’s tables and the restaurant’s kitchen. He wears his chef’s whites and black work pants, and he clutches a faded white dishtowel in his hand. He does not bolt at the sight of her, so Sarah makes her way toward him.

sarah-2017“I thought you might be slaving away in the kitchen all night,” she says.

Matt shrugs. “Wanted to come out and see your mom. I’m happy this nightmare is over for her.”

“Me, too. Do you know if Tori’s coming? I haven’t seen her.”

“She texted me,” he says. “She had to do something on campus, but she should be on her way now.”

“Okay. Good. She should be here for Mom.” Awkward silence vibrates between them. “How are you? How are things at Jake and Mia’s?”

“Fine. Kind of going through the motions. Work, go home, do it all over again.”

“I wish you’d consider moving back in,” Sarah says. “I know it hasn’t been that long, but–”

He holds up both palms to stop her. “Not tonight.”

The bluntness of the interruption hits Sarah like a punch to the face. She bumbles a few false starts before telling him, “I’m only trying to say…”

“I know. Tonight is just– it’s supposed to be about your mom. Let’s not take away from that.”

She nods, admonished but also a little heartened by his softening.

“I’m still committed to making this work,” she says, “whatever it takes, however long it takes.”

His eyes remain their usual impenetrable gray-green selves. At times, she finds them so alluring, hinting at depths that Matt rarely deigns to share with the world; at others, like now, they are the most frustratingly foggy windows in the universe.

“I was really relieved when I heard you and Billy weren’t home last night,” he says. “You know, when that guy showed up.”

“It was just chance that we were at Diane’s. Although if I’d been home, maybe I could’ve stopped my mom from going through what she did.”

“But she’s fine now.” He slings the dishtowel over his shoulder. “I’m gonna go say hi to her, and then I’ve gotta get back to work.”

“It’s good to see you, Matt,” she says.

The only response she receives before he heads across the room is a businesslike nod.


As the family members spread around the various tables to pick at the appetizers that have been set out and to pour from the bottles of wine that have been opened, Tim seeks out his son.

“How are you holding up?” Tim asks.

“Kind of weird to be here and not be working,” Travis says.

“After what happened at the hearing, I mean.”

“I’m okay. Kind of still…” Travis waves a hand over his head in a few wild circles. “Letting everything process.”

“I bet. You haven’t talked to Rosie?”

“Not since the courthouse. I don’t even know what to say to her. I feel bad about her dad — obviously — but she didn’t make things any better by lying for so long.”

“No. She definitely didn’t.” Tim hesitates and touches his upper lip to the rim of the wine glass he is holding. “I know you’re really upset with Rosie, and understandably so.”

“Kind of an understatement, don’t you think?”

“You have every right to feel that way. But just to give you a little perspective…”


“Just something from my own experience,” Tim explains. “When your mom and I first got married, there was a lot she didn’t share with me.”

“Yeah, about her dad, and Uncle Ryan and Nick Moriani.”

“Right. But the thing is, she really did think it was all in the past. She wasn’t planning to have any of those people in her life in any significant way.”

“Didn’t you have amnesia when I was born — when Spencer was born, whatever. God, that’s still so weird. But didn’t you have amnesia because her dad shot you?”

“Yeah,” Tim says, “and maybe her being upfront about her life could’ve prevented that. Maybe not. James Robbins, Nick Moriani, and Loretta Ragan — none of those people were going to take no for an answer if they didn’t want to.”

“But you would’ve known what was possible,” Travis says.

“True, but I can’t blame your mom for the actions of those three.”

“So you think I should forgive Rosie?”

“I didn’t say that. Be open to understanding her side of things, especially now that you know what she went through. That’s all.”

Travis lets out a sigh. “Okay. You know, you’re sounding very zen about things. Like someone who’s got a reason to be optimistic about the world.”

“What does that mean?” Tim asks.

“Where’s Sonja tonight?”

“Okay. You got me.” Tim sips his wine. “She had to go out of town. Something with her family. But she’ll be back in a few days.”

“Sounds like it’s going well.” Off his father’s quizzical look, Travis adds, “Sam told me all about you guys hanging out and watching movies and going on a date…”

“It’s early going,” Tim says, “but yeah. I like her. She’s an interesting woman, and very… she has a good soul.”

“I’m happy for you, Dad. You deserve someone great.”

“Thanks.” Tim claps a hand on his son’s shoulder. “So do you. Don’t rule out the possibility that Rosie could be that person, even if she’s made some mistakes.”

“I won’t,” Travis says, though given everything that has happened, he cannot imagine how he will ever feel comfortable trusting Rosie again.


When Claire Fisher sees her former stepdaughter selecting some appetizers for a plate, she excuses herself from Brent Taylor’s side and goes over to join Samantha by the food.

“Hey, Sam,” Claire says.

Samantha looks up with a start, her hand freezing over the shrimp cocktail. “Hi.”

“I wanted to check in. It’s been a while since we got a chance to talk, and with everything going on between you and Tempest…”

samantha-2017“Nothing is going on between us,” Samantha says as she uses a pair of metal tongs to select several shrimp.

“That’s the impression I’ve gotten at home, too. I don’t want your relationship with Tempest to impact things between us, though.”

“It won’t. Or–” It takes Samantha a few seconds to find her next words. “It shouldn’t. It’s tough because I know how close you are to her.”

“But I’ve known you your entire life. I raised you alone for a few years,” Claire says. “That bond doesn’t go away.”

Samantha offers a grateful smile. “Thanks.”

Claire takes a plate and begins to serve herself.

“How is she?” Samantha asks suddenly.


“Yeah. I haven’t…” She considers the thought for another quick instant. “You know what? I’m sorry I asked. I shouldn’t put you in that position.”

“It’s okay if you still care about her.”

“I’ll always care about her. But this part of me that wants to cling to having her in my life, as if nothing happened… I know it isn’t good for either of us.”

“There will come a day when the wounds aren’t so raw,” Claire says.

“I hope. Right now, though, I just– I can’t.”

“I understand. You have to do what’s healthiest for you.”

“I’m trying,” Samantha says. “It’s just awful how sometimes that means cutting out a person who made you so happy.”

“I know, sweetie. I know.” Claire wraps an arm around Samantha’s shoulders, hoping that if she can’t provide any answers, she can at least offer the young woman some comfort.


After Matt finishes welcoming Paula, he heads back toward the kitchen. Molly Taylor, who has been watching him, takes a gulp of her Chardonnay and intercepts his path.

“Do you have a minute?” she asks.

“Um, yeah. What’s up?”

“I’ve been wanting to talk to you, but I wasn’t sure if I should.” she takes another sip of wine to push the thoughts out of her head and into the world. “But I saw you and Sarah a little bit ago–”

“We’re not gonna cause any drama tonight,” Matt says.

“That’s not what I’m worried about. Matt…” Her gaze goes to the floor for a moment. “I know you guys are having a weird time right now, and Sarah and I don’t have the most pleasant history, but…”

“I get it.”

“Are you sure?”

“Yeah. She only did what she did to protect you and your mom.”

“I dragged her into it. I’m the one who told the police that I shot Philip. If I hadn’t done that, there would’ve been no tape for Zane to see, and Sarah wouldn’t have wound up fielding the blackmail situation, and… Honestly, you should be angry at me for putting her in that position.”

Matt folds his arms in front of his white jacket. “But I’m not married to you.”

“That’s fair.”

“She could’ve let me in on it,” Matt says. “There were things she could’ve done besides lie to my face. Tori, Billy, and me — we’re supposed to be priorities to her, too.”

Molly glances across the room and is relieved to see that Sarah is distracted by Tori, who has just arrived at the celebration.

“All I know is that I’m the one who put Sarah in the position she was in,” Molly says. “Zane made it much, much worse, but I set all of this in motion by trying to save Mom — and no matter how good my intentions were in that regard, I caused my sister a lot of stress and heartache.”

matt-2017“Thanks for saying that.”

“I’d never forgive myself if my lie were the reason your marriage fell apart.”

“I don’t…” His jaw opens and flaps back closed. “I don’t know what’s gonna happen, or what should happen.”

“It sounds like what you want is to be married to a woman who’s going to do everything in her power to fight for her family,” Molly says. “And if you ask me, you already are. Just think about it that way, okay?”


Near the entrance, Sarah quickly winds her way over to Tori, who is still looking around and getting her bearings.

“Tori,” she says with what she hopes is the proper mix of deference and assertiveness — two things that don’t go together too naturally.

“Hey,” Tori replies coolly.

“I’ve been thinking about you a lot since what happened last night. I’m glad you were nowhere near the house.”

“Me, too.” Tori continues to dodge eye contact as she adds, “I was worried you and Billy might’ve been there.”

“Well, we’re all safe. And your grandmother is free. That’s big.”

Tori brushes a strand of her dark brown hair behind one ear. “Yeah, I’m going to go say hi to her.”

“Okay. Maybe later we can…”

But her daughter strides off before Sarah can finish the thought.

Paula is engaged in rapt conversation with Spencer, who doesn’t even have his crutches — a sight that delights Tori. While she waits so as not to interrupt them, Travis sidles up to her.

“You got stuck at school?” he asks.

“Yeah. And do I have a story to tell you,” Tori says. “Guess who showed up outside my first class of the day.”

It takes approximately half-a-second for the answer to dawn on Travis. “Oh no. How was that?”

She rolls her eyes. “A lot.”

Before she can continue, the sound of silverware clinking against a glass grabs the attention of everyone in their party.

“I’ll tell you back at the apartment,” Tori half-whispers to Travis.

“I want to say a few words,” Paula says as everyone gathers around her. “This past year has been so remarkably difficult. I know that, in the grand scheme of things, I’ve had it pretty easy — but not being able to be a part of my family’s lives as much as I want to be, or to be here when this restaurant opened. In so many ways, I feel like I’ve missed an entire year.

“I need to thank Conrad, who not only fought for me to be able to stay in my home, but also helped me understand what was going on and keep things in perspective. I’m lucky to have had you on my side.”

Amidst a smattering of applause, Molly leans over and plants a kiss on Conrad’s cheek.

Claire hates herself for doing it, but before she can stop herself, she is risking a sideways glance to see where Brent’s focus is. Sure enough, he is watching the moment of affection between his ex-wife and her new boyfriend.

“But all of you have made such a difference this year in keeping me going,” Paula says. “With your visits, and your taking the time to teach me new things, and your letting me know how much you care. I wouldn’t have gotten through this experience without all of you. I love you so much. Here’s to all of you.”

“Here’s to you, Mom!” Tim says, and the others all join him in raising their glasses to Paula, who beams with joy as she takes in all the love surrounding her.


What did you think of the “welcome home” party?
What will Paula do with her newfound freedom?
Will Molly’s words have an impact on Matt?
Talk about it all in the comments below!

Next Episode

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