Episode 943

– Tori continued to keep the news of her pregnancy completely to herself.
– Now that he knows he is Peter’s father, Spencer worked to get his life together in order to pursue custody of the child.
– Jimmy and Kathleen discussed how to spend their lives after their upcoming wedding.
– Claire encouraged Tim not to let his fears keep him from having a relationship with Sonja. Meanwhile, Sonja received another call from Loretta Ragan, informing her that she has one last assignment to complete.

Autumn has announced itself without hesitation in King’s Bay. A steady flow of raindrops patter down on the buildings, streets, and the surface of the bay itself, and a dull, gray gloom hangs lazily above the city. As Kathleen Bundy gazes out the window, however, she might as well be seeing a shining sun and a sparkling blue sky, for as happy as she feels today.

kathleen-2017When she was younger, she would dream about meeting her Prince Charming and having a beautiful wedding. But as the years went by, reality seemed to grind down those dreams. Kathleen settled into a life that she very much enjoyed, but a life nevertheless tempered by the realities of adult life and circumstance. In some ways, she stopped hoping for love entirely after her former lover abandoned her when she became pregnant; had he taken the news differently, she likely would have married him and raised their son with him. Instead, her friends became her family, and the kids at the school where she works have become surrogate children to her, as she watches them grow up and pass through the grades until they go out into the world.

But today, her old dreams are coming true. She never could have imagined that she’d meet a man like Jimmy Trask, let alone that he would fall in love with her. Yet here she is.

She steps back from the window in her hotel room and pours another cup of coffee from the pot that room service brought up. She has several hours before she has to be at the restaurant where the wedding will be held, and she doesn’t know what to do with herself.

When there is a knock at the door of her room, she double-checks the time on the bedside clock. Her friends Deb and Marcy, who will be serving as her bridesmaids, aren’t due for another two hours. When she crosses to the door and looks through the peephole, she is even more surprised.

“What brings you by?” she asks as she opens the door to Travis Fisher.

Her son smiles at her. “It’s your wedding day. And I said I’d give you a lift…”

Kathleen stands up straighter as panic sets in. “I thought that wasn’t until 3:00 — I’m not even close to ready!” She sweeps a hand over her soft magenta sweatsuit and her blonde hair, still drying from the shower.

“Not to the wedding,” Travis says. “Not yet. But I’ve been given orders to take you with me.”

“Travis, what’s going on here?”

He holds up a black sleeping mask as he disregards the direct question. “Oh, and you’re supposed to put this on.”

“What? Did Jimmy put you up to this?”

With a devious grin, Travis shrugs.

“What’s that man got up his sleeve?” she asks, her heart thumping hard inside her chest. “He already insisted on putting me up in this hotel last night…”

“That’s not my place to say, aside from the fact that I think you’re gonna like it. So what do you say?” Again Travis holds up the sleep mask.

“The crazy stuff we do for love,” Kathleen says as she takes the mask and pulls it over her face.


Tim Fisher parks his car at the curb and hurries through the rain to the outdoor staircase. He is already dressed in his navy blue suit; he thought it would be prudent to be prepared, but now he regrets subjecting his wedding attire to the downpour. He is wiping the sleeve of his jacket dry when the apartment door opens, revealing Sonja Kahele.

“Hey,” he says.

“You’re all dressed up,” Sonja says stiffly.

“I’m going to Kathleen and Jimmy’s wedding later. I know I asked you to be my date weeks ago, and I was hoping…”

“That’s why you wanted to come over and talk?”

Tim nods vigorously. “Sonja, I owe you an apology. Since Jason’s wedding, I’ve been taking out some frustrations on you that really have nothing to do with you.”

“I understand why. You and your family have been hurt a lot, and especially considering what happened at Jason’s last wedding… I can hardly blame you for having reservations.” She folds her arms across her chest. “If I’m being honest, I’m shocked you would want to bring me to another wedding.” 

“But that’s the thing,” he says. “You were as much a victim of Loretta Ragan as anyone else that day. It isn’t fair of me to take out my anger toward her on you.”

tim-2017He locks eyes with her, staring intently in hopes of letting her know how serious he is, how sorry he is. But there is something reserved about her today. The compassionate woman he has come to know over the past year seems icy today.

“Please, Sonja,” he continues. “Come to this wedding as my date. I want to get this back on track. I want to get us back on track.” 

She hesitates again, pursing her lips. Tim’s focus drifts into the apartment behind her.

“Wait. What’s going on?” he asks, confusion overtaking him as he notes the suitcases and cardboard boxes inside her apartment.

Sonja looks back, as if confirming the items are still there, and then swallows the bulbous lump that has formed in her throat.

“I can’t go to the wedding with you,” she tells him, “because I’m leaving King’s Bay. Today.”


In the dining room of 322 Bar & Grill, Tori Gray sits across from her cousin in a booth.

“So I’ve got the new place locked down, and I’m meeting with another lawyer,” Spencer Ragan says. “It’s just, like, a million things to work out on really short notice.”

“It sounds like it.”

Spencer drags a French fry through the blob of ketchup on his plate. Tori looks down at her own chicken sandwich, hardly touched. When they ordered, it sounded appealing, but now even the scent of it is turning her stomach.

“Are you okay?” Spencer asks. “You seem out-of-it.”

“Me? Oh, I’m fine. Just tired.” She quickly reaches for her lemonade and takes a sip through the straw.

“You don’t feel like you’re going to pass out again or anything, do you?”

“No. Not at all.” She forces herself to stab her fork into the side salad and take a bite. Luckily, the dressing is mild enough that it doesn’t push her any further into nausea.

“I’m thinking about everything you have to deal with,” she adds when she finishes chewing. “It sounds really overwhelming.”

“It is,” Spencer says with raised brows. “It’s like, I have a kid. And not even a newborn. Though a toddler might be easier than a newborn in a lot of ways.”

“I could see that.” Tori’s mind keeps straying to the child growing inside her — the baby that, in mere months, will be a newborn dependent solely upon her.

“I wasn’t really planning to have a kid right now,” he continues, “but I guess I’ll have to work it out. And then there’s the fact that I’m tied to Natalie forever now. It’s like I’m suddenly starting a business with someone I don’t even trust. Can you imagine?”

Again Tori turns her attention to the salad, desperate to keep him from noticing what is happening behind her eyes.

“Not at all,” she says as she takes another bite of the greens.


Zane Tanaka leans against the bar inside Cassie’s Coffee House as he awaits his drink order. The place is busier than he expected it would be, but given the rainfall outside, it makes sense.

When his phone buzzes in the pocket of his jeans, Zane’s heart leaps, even though by now, he realizes it is foolish to assume that Tori is going to reach out. Sure enough, it is a text message notification about his cell phone bill — definitely not Tori texting to tell him that she’s going to give him a second chance. Nevertheless, he scrolls back to their message thread and reviews the last several pleading texts that he sent her. His thumb taps the field to enter a new message, even though he has no idea what he could possibly say now to change things.

“Zane!” a voice shouts from behind the bar. He looks up at the surprisingly loud call, which has come from a mere feet away, and sees a fresh tan-colored cup with a white lid being placed down. Seeing his name scribbled on it in black marker, Zane reaches out, takes the cup, and swings around to leave.

When he does, however, his right arm — really, his entire right side — slams right into another person.

“Ow!” the woman says, sounding more annoyed than injured.

“Sorry about that,” Zane tells her. She is around his age, with vibrant red hair falling over the shoulders of her black trench coat. Specks of rainwater rest atop the coat’s surface.

“You could pay a little attention next time,” the woman mutters.

Zane lets out a huff. “If you weren’t crowding me in like that…”

“Excuse me. It’s packed in here.” She rolls her eyes.

He notices the large rolling suitcase by her side. Her fingers curl around the handle, keeping it pressed up against her.

“Just wait ’til someone trips over that thing,” he comments.

“What do you suggest I do with it?”

“Oh, maybe… not have it sitting in the middle of a crowded place?”

“Very practical advice. Thank you.”

There is a glint of something in her brown eyes, a sparkle of combativeness, that amuses him.

“Just get to town?” he asks. “Looks like you’re off to a really friendly start.”

“I used to live here, actually. It’s my first time back in quite a while.”

“I bet everyone’s going to be thrilled to have that attitude back,” he says. “Sorry again about bumping into you.”

She pushes back a strand of her hair. “It’s fine. Thanks.”

Zane takes his drink and stomps toward the exit, but he is unable to resist throwing her one final glance before he leaves the shop. When he does, he sees her watching him, too.

He heads out into the rain, strangely invigorated by the encounter.


“This is a pretty weird way to spend my wedding day,” Kathleen says from the passenger seat of Travis’s car, where she sits with the sleep mask over her eyes.

Travis laughs. “Just trust me. This is the good kind of kidnapping.”

“I didn’t know that was a thing.”

“It is now.”

They slip into quiet as Travis continues driving. It is not, however, the sort of uncertain, awkward silence that they once felt together. They have gotten to know one another well enough in the past few years that they have moved past that strange, unchartered territory in which they found themselves when they first came into contact, despite being mother and son biologically.

“I’m really happy for you,” Travis says. “I know Jimmy makes you, well, happy.”

Kathleen beams. “As a clam! And thanks. You know it means a whole lot to me to have you be part of my big day.”

“It means a lot to me to be part of it. When I found out that I wasn’t, like, my parents’ actual kid, I was so mad. I thought whoever gave me up had to be some terrible person, some stranger I’d never get to know…”

“I hope you know how badly I wanted to do the right thing for you,” she jumps in as soon as he trails off. “I thought I was. I was single and a lunchlady. I didn’t think there was any way I could take care of a baby. If I had known what those people were gonna do…”

“But it worked out. I wound up with my mom and dad– I mean–”

“You can call them that,” she reassures him. “They raised you. They’re your parents. That’s what any parent would dream of if they had to give a baby up for adoption.”

Travis turns the steering wheel.

“Our relationship is just… it’s different. And that’s okay. Life has a funny way of working out in ways you never expect.”

“I’m glad it did,” he says.

“Me, too. Not to be nosy, but you aren’t bringing a date, are you?”

He shakes his head.

“I was really pulling for you and Rosie,” Kathleen says. “Can’t blame you for needing to get some space, but I want you to be happy. I was hoping she’d be that for you.”

Travis bites his lower lip, unsure how to respond. Instead of saying anything, he begins to ease the car to a stop.

“Are we there?” Kathleen asks. “Wherever ‘there’ is.”

“We are. Hang on a sec.” He turns off the engine, hops out, and goes around to the passenger side to open the door for her. “Here, take my hand.” 

She does, and after closing the door, he leads her over a sidewalk. Kathleen feels small pinpricks of rain falling over her as they walk the short distance.

“Is that my bride-to-be?” Jimmy Trask’s voice asks.

Kathleen smiles instinctively at the sound, as the sleep mask continues to render her world dark.

“Now, Jimmy,” she says, “you’d better not be springing some surprise wedding on me after all the planning we did.”

“Don’t worry. It isn’t that.” He places a hand on her back to guide her forward, and Kathleen feels the slight chill of the outdoors give way to the warmth of being inside a building.

“So where are we?” she asks.

“I think it’s about time you saw that for yourself,” Jimmy says. Within seconds, his fingers remove the sleep mask from her face.

As Kathleen’s eyes adjust to the light, she looks around in utter confusion. She, Jimmy, and Travis stand inside a rustic-looking bar, accented by wooden beams throughout the space.

“What is this place?” Kathleen asks.

Jimmy smirks knowingly at Travis, then at her. “Welcome to your wedding present.”


After parting ways with Spencer, Tori gets into her car. Her synapses keep firing off suggestions for where to drive: to her parents, to Zane, to a doctor. But nothing seems clear. Nothing makes sense.

All she knows is that she has to do something soon. 

She drops her hand to her stomach, with the seatbelt stretched over it. She knows that the bump is becoming more and more obvious, and one day, she is going to wake up and be utterly unable to hide it. Thank goodness for the rain, because she has been able to layer her clothing.

Spencer’s confusion about his own situation continues to haunt her. Thanks to his inheritance from Philip, he has more money than Tori might ever have, and he has a house, and his job at Vision, and as crazy as Natalie might be, she is capable of helping take care of a child. Tori has none of those things.

She picks up her purse from the passenger seat and takes out her iPhone. With shaky hands, she scrolls to the contact information for the family planning clinic that she looked up a few days ago.

“Hi,” she says when a receptionist answers on the other end. “I’d like to make an appointment for as soon as possible.”


Tim’s eyes nearly bug out of his head. “Leaving? Today?”

Sonja nods somberly. “I’m going home to Hawaii. My mother…”

“What happened?” he asks. “Is she all right?”

“She isn’t well. I need to be with her.”

“Of course. Go home for as long as you need to.” He reaches out his hand to her forearm, but she recoils from the touch.

“I won’t be coming back,” Sonja says, now avoiding eye contact.

He stands there on the landing, just outside the entrance to her apartment, reeling from this news.

“I don’t understand,” he finally says. “We’ve been building something–”

“Tim, you are a wonderful man,” Sonja interrupts, “and such a terrific father. Spencer, Travis, and Samantha are so lucky to have you.”

“But you don’t think what we have is worth fighting for.”

“That’s…” She shakes her head as her eyes search the floor. “Our timing just isn’t right. I’m so sorry.”

“I don’t understand where this is coming from,” he says.

“It’s how it has to be.” Her voice breaks with emotion. “I can’t tell you how sorry I am.”

“There has to be some way — something we can do.”

“I can’t lead you on anymore,” Sonja says, agony dripping from every syllable. “It isn’t fair.”

“You aren’t leading me on!”

“But I would be if I gave you false hope. You deserve to live your life and be happy. I can’t do that for you right now.”

She sounds so determined, so convinced that this has to be the truth, that Tim cannot fathom what counterargument to make. It is as if a wall has come down between them, and there is no way for him to get back to the other side.

sonja-2017“Thank you for being so wonderful to me. I’ll always care about you.” Sonja brings her index and middle fingers to her lips, kisses them softly, and then touches the fingers to Tim’s cheek.

He reaches up to grasp her hand, but just like trying to hold onto water, it falls away.

“I’m so sorry,” she repeats, clearly fighting tears. “Please, just go.”

“Sonja…” He stares at her, but that wall remains there, impenetrable. He feels himself tearing up and pushes through the sensation. Uncertainly, he says, “Goodbye?”

“Goodbye, Tim.” Hardly a second passes before she steps back and closes the door. He hears the lock being set in place, closing him out for good.

Tim’s head spins madly as he trudges back down the steps, barely even noticing the rainfall now as he returns to his car. He sits behind the wheel, unable to face driving just yet, unable even to process what just happened.

Inside the apartment, Sonja locks the door and backs up against it. Her emotions crack open, and tears fall down her face. She looks around the apartment, a place that mere months ago held such promise for a new beginning.

“Damn you, Loretta,” she says through gritted teeth. She wishes there were some way that she could override her wicked boss’s final assignment, but she knows that she has no leverage here; if she doesn’t do as Loretta has insisted, she’ll lose Tim anyway — as well as her career and reputation. All she can think about is how stupid it was of her to disregard her convictions and accept Loretta Ragan’s money in the first place. She did this to herself. Her greed did this.

“You can do this,” she tells herself as she moves through the apartment and into the small bathroom. “You’re strong. You will get through this.”

She watches her reflection in the mirror, allowing herself a long moment to cry and lean into the pain. Then, with a sniffle, she wipes her eyes and takes a deep breath.

“You can do this, Sonja,” she says again. She picks up the home pregnancy test lying on the side of the sink, drops it into the nearby wastebasket, and exits the bathroom.


“I don’t understand,” Kathleen says, her head swiveling from one side to the other and back again as she takes in the unfamiliar bar in which she finds herself. “Wedding present?”

“I had that money sitting around from the bookstore,” Jimmy explains. “Thought I should do something with it — something I’d really get to enjoy.”

Kathleen scans the empty shelves behind the bar, the old jukebox against the wall, the high-top tables pushed to one side. Travis stands nearby, arms folded and grinning.

“So you bought a bar,” she says.

“Not just any bar,” Jimmy says. “The Wild Lady.”

“The what?”

Jimmy takes both her hands in his. “Remember what you said to me the first day we met, at the chili cookoff? ‘I’m a wild lady…'”

She smiles as she finishes in unison with him. “‘…and I like wild things.’”

“That’s right. So this bar, it’s for you. It’s for us. I’m gonna get this place in shape, make it something the people of King’s Bay can really enjoy. And when you’re ready, when you feel like it’s time for you to stop working at the school in Tacoma, I want you to come run it with me.”

“Jimmy, I don’t know what to say.” She throws her arms around him. “This is almost as much of a dream come true as marrying you!”

They share a kiss, as Travis paces over the wood floor, taking in the space.

“Whew, I’m glad you don’t hate it,” Jimmy says to his fiancée.

“Not at all.”

“How about I get you back to the hotel?” Travis says. “We have a wedding to get ready for.”

“Oh no!” a female voice exclaims from the entrance. “Don’t tell me I missed the big unveiling!”

Jimmy turns to the door. “I’m afraid you did. But look at you. A sight for sore eyes.”

elly-2018Travis stares with surprise at the redhead in the black trench, with a rolling suitcase by her side. She lifts one hand in a wave.

“Hi, Travis,” she says.

It takes him a moment to wave back. “Hey, Elly. Welcome back.”

                           END OF EPISODE 943

Did you expect Elly to return to King’s Bay?
Will Tim accept Sonja’s departure?
Is Tori making too impulsive a decision?
Discuss it all in the comments below!

Next Episode

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