– At the Pride parade, Samantha and Tempest admitted their feelings for one another and made plans for a date.
– Sophie admitted to Jason that she’d heard the rumor about Sabrina cheating with Robbie from her cousin, Christian.
– Jason confronted Molly and Christian about the rumor. As a result, Christian admitted that he’d been seeing Robbie and came out to his mother.

The pink-hued sky sits above King’s Bay, and the glow of the sunset reflects off the surface of the water. The magical scene, however fleeting it might be, is framed by the floor-to-ceiling windows of the restaurant on Pier 22.
Inside the busy dining room of Bill’s on the Pier, Samantha Fisher and Tempest Banks occupy one of the square, copper-topped tables. The remainder of a platter of oysters sits between them, as do a pair of cocktails — a Moscow mule for Samantha and a bourbon cocktail for Tempest. The two women smile at one another across the table.
“This is not how I expected Pride to wrap up,” Samantha says, “but I’m not complaining about it.”
The tip of Tempest’s tongue sticks through her teeth, an expression that Samantha knows so well that she could probably draw it blindfolded. “Me, neither,” Tempest replies, as she stretches one hand over the table.
Samantha reaches out and touches it, their fingers dancing together with an excitement that mirrors the fluttery feeling inside Samantha’s chest. It has been so long since they have shared a moment like this, and she finds herself wondering how so many years could have possibly gone by since they were last together this way, happy and comfortable.
“I kind of can’t believe we’re on a date again,” she says.
“I can.”
“I always knew we’d figure it out,” Tempest says. “Some way.”
“Oh, did you?” Samantha teases.
“Ummm,” a male voice says loudly, pulling their attention away from one another. With a grin on his face and his white chef’s coat on, Travis Fisher approaches their table. “I know I’ve been busy, but how did I miss this?”
“You didn’t miss anything,” Samantha tells him.
Travis cocks an eyebrow. “I’m literally looking at you two holding hands over a plate of oysters. That feels like…”
“Pride kinda did its thing this year,” Tempest says. “We got to talking, and…”
“This is all new,” Samantha explains to her brother. “Or new again. You know.”
Nodding, Travis says, “Good. I’m glad you two are… back together?”
Samantha and Tempest trade a look over the table.
“We’re figuring it out,” Sam says. “Is your shift over? Do you want to join us?”
He shakes his head. “I need to get home to Rosie and Gabrielle. Rosie’s been on solo parent duty all day, and…” He trails off, but the specter of the upcoming custody battle nevertheless rests its weight over the trio.
“Go with your wife and kid,” Tempest says. “But we all need to hang soon.”
“We do. And we should.” Travis clasps his hands together. “You two need anything from the kitchen? Before I go?”
“We’re good, but thank you,” Samantha tells him. “Say hi to Rosie and Gabrielle for us.”
“Will do. Enjoy your date. I’m really happy for you guys.”
They thank him, and Travis returns to the back of the house. Samantha turns her focus back to Tempest and finds herself unable to stop smiling.
“Now it’s time for a serious question,” Tempest says.
Samantha looks at her with concern. “What’s that?”
“It’s big,” Tempest responds, with a gleam in her eyes. “What are we gonna order for dinner?”
Christian Taylor lets the hot shower water wash over him as he turns over the day’s events in his mind. He accompanied his mother to the Pride parade, simply intending to keep her company while she rode the Objection Designs float… and maybe to check out some of the men attending the event in the process. But once they arrived, Christian’s Uncle Jason came to confront him and Molly about the entire mess with Robbie and Sabrina, and Christian had no choice but to reveal that he’d had a relationship with Robbie. Luckily, his mom took the news in stride, and Christian was able to enjoy the rest of the day safe in the knowledge that at least one of his parents knows the truth about his sexuality for the first time in his entire life.
Unable to help himself, he lets out a little squeal of joy as the water continues to pour down. Even the heartbreak of his situation with Robbie doesn’t seem so bad, in light of how well things went with his mom.

Finally he turns off the water and grabs the blue towel hanging outside the shower. He dries off and shuffles quickly down the hallway back to his room, where he dresses in a pair of athletic shorts and a surprisingly cute, tie-dyed King’s Bay University t-shirt that he found in the campus bookstore a few weeks ago. He drops the towel on his bedroom floor, then remembers that his mother will inevitably scold him for it, so he returns it to the towel rack in the bathroom before heading downstairs.
He is almost at the bottom of the staircase when he spots his father in the entryway, carrying a stuffed cardboard box. Christian freezes on the stairs.
“Hey,” Brent Taylor says as he lowers the box.
“Hey, Dad.” Christian feels his whole body tensing up.
Brent places the box on the ground. “How’s it going?”
“It’s, um, it’s okay. Mom didn’t say you were coming for dinner–“
“I came to bring over more of my stuff,” Brent explains. “Figure I should get this whole moving-back-in thing in gear.”
“Yeah. Good idea.” Christian pushes a smile across his face, then hurries down the last few steps. “I can check on dinner–“
“Christian. Wait.”
There is something serious about Brent’s voice, and it makes Christian’s stomach churn. Could he…?
“How’d everything go at the parade?” Brent asks, and Christian can tell that he is trying to sound casual when he actually feels anything but.
Christian’s shoulders slump as he turns back toward his dad.
“She told you, didn’t she?” he asks.

Sabrina Gage sits at a table near the very front of Cassie’s Coffee House as “I Can See You” by Taylor Swift plays over the sound system. Normally Sabrina would have planned this meeting for the café where she works, but the thought of inviting this person into a space where she spends so much time felt wrong, so she opted for more neutral territory. She drums her short fingernails against the glass of iced tea resting on the table before her, impatiently awaiting this encounter.
Her insides tighten when Robbie Wimbiscus walks through the door. She spots him a split-second before he notices her, but when he does see her, his laser-sharp gaze sends a chill through her body.
“I was surprised to hear from you,” he says, coming toward the table, “after how we left things on campus.”
“I, um, didn’t expect to be seeing you so soon, either,” Sabrina says.
“So what’s up?” While sliding into the chair across from her, he flashes a grin that Sabrina supposes could seem charming under different circumstances. “Have a change of heart?”
“What? No!”
Robbie sits back in the chair, alarmed. “Then why did you text me?”
“Because I needed to talk to you,” she says, suddenly a little shaky.
“You texted me so you could shut me down again? Gee, thanks. It’s kinda giving ‘no means yes’ energy–“
“That’s gross, Robbie. Stop.”
He lifts his hands as he shrugs. “Then what is this all about? You’re sure you aren’t having problems with Jackson?”
“Jason,” she says. “And no. Jason and I are great. What I want to know is what you were doing sleeping with his nephew!”
Robbie screws up his face. “His what? Why would you think I know Jason’s nephew?!”
“Because I know you do. Christian? Christian Taylor?”
“What are you talking about? Christian is some kid I met on Grindr–“
“He’s also Jason’s nephew and a college freshman,” Sabrina says, feeling her resolve grow in response to the smugness on Robbie’s face. “So what are you up to, Robbie? I want answers — now.”
Samantha tosses her napkin onto her nearly empty plate.
“That was so good,” she tells Tempest. “I’m stuffed.”
“Same.” Tempest takes a final sip of her drink through the wilting paper straw. “You wanna get the check and maybe go, uh, hang out…?”
Samantha feels her cheeks turning red as her heartbeat picks up its pace. “Yes. Definitely.”

Tempest turns to scan the busy restaurant for their server, but when she spots the bespectacled 20-something with a man-bun, he is carrying another plate toward them.
“We didn’t order all that,” Tempest says.
“This is on the house,” the server says as he sets down a decadent slice of chocolate cake with two scoops of vanilla ice cream on the side. “One of our chefs asked that we bring it out to you.”
“Travis,” Samantha says knowingly. “That was sweet.”
The server sets down two spoons and smiles at them. “Enjoy.”
Once he retreats, the women eye the cake and then each other.
“Do you want…?” Samantha asks.
Tempest grabs a spoon. “Oh, I’m eating this. It looks good.”
She scoops up some of the ice cream and then cuts the spoon through the perfectly moist cake. Then she holds the spoon over the table.
“You don’t have to feed me,” Samantha says.
“Nah, but I want to,” Tempest says. “I’m trying to be all romantic and shit. Come on.”
“Okay. For romance.” Samantha stretches forward so that Tempest can insert the spoon in her mouth, and she accepts the bite of cake and ice cream.
“Good?” Tempest asks.
“Mm-hmm,” Samantha manages to emit as she eats the dessert.
“Okay, I’m going in.” Tempest uses the same spoon to obtain some cake and ice cream for herself, and as soon as she eats it, she nods in wide-eyed agreement. “Mmm.”
“Okay, we need to finish this,” Samantha says with a giggle. “And then maybe we can find someplace…”
Tempest winks. “Oh, we’re finding someplace.”
The two women continue enjoying their dessert, absorbed in one another. Neither notices the brown-haired woman at the bar, holding a nearly empty glass of rosé and pretending to look at her phone, all the while stealing glances at Samantha and Tempest.
“Need anything else?” the bartender asks.
The woman turns back toward him and offers a wicked smile.
“No,” she says. “I’ve found exactly what I’m looking for.”
“Yes, your mom gave me a heads-up about what happened,” Brent says, softening his expression. “And I don’t want you to think for a minute that you have anything to feel weird about.”
Christian tentatively exhales. “Really?”
“Really. Christian, you’re my son. Nothing changes that. Okay.”
“Okay. Thanks.” Relief floods Christian’s body. “I can’t believe you all know now.”

“Caleb knows?” Brent asks.
“Yeah. We’re twins. He kinda guessed last year.”
“I hope he’s been supportive.”
“He has. I was kind of worried, but…”
“He’s your brother, and he loves you,” Brent says, “even if he doesn’t always show it.”
“I know.” Christian brushes back some of his still-wet hair. “Are you staying for dinner?”
Brent nods. “But there is one more thing I want to ask you.”
Christian stiffens. “What?”
“Who’s this guy who hurt you?” Brent asks. “And do I need to go have a chat with him? He sounds like a real piece of shit, from what your mother said.”
“His name is Robbie,” Christian replies. “But I want to forget all about him. I don’t ever want to see his stupid face again.”
At Cassie’s, Robbie shoots an incredulous look back at Sabrina.
“What the hell are you accusing me of?” he says.
“I’m not accusing you of anything,” Sabrina says. “I’m asking you: what kind of game are you playing? Christian is barely a legal adult.”

“If you’re implying that I’m some kind of pedophile, you need to shut that shit down, right this second.”
“I didn’t say that.” Sabrina feels her breathing growing more labored under his intense stare, and she wonders if this was a bad idea. “But whatever you’re doing, I want to tell you to cut it out.”
“Cut what out? I had a relationship with someone who isn’t you–“
“Yes, my boyfriend’s nephew.”
“Who I had no way of knowing was connected to you,” Robbie counters. “Frankly, you’re coming off a little bi-phobic. I don’t know about the midwest, but that doesn’t fly here.”
“I’m not being bi-phobic,” she says, “even if I am a little confused about your sexuality, but you seem pretty confident in that, so it’s not my business.”
“Then stop making it your business, Sabrina.”
“Fine.” She wraps a hand around her glass of tea, then realizes that she should have asked for it in a to-go cup. As she stands from her chair, she says, “I’d really like you to stay away from me and anyone close to me. I’m sorry that I turned you down–“
“Oh, don’t flatter yourself, bitch,” Robbie says.
Sabrina audibly gasps. Their eyes lock in a tense staredown.
“Just stay away from me, okay?” she says, and before he can respond, she is rushing out of the coffee house.
Robbie remains at the table, watching her return to her car through the front window.
“Who the hell do you think you are?” he queries under his breath, his gaze still fixed upon Sabrina as she starts her car and pulls it out of the lot.
Was it unwise of Sabrina to confront Robbie?
What’s with the woman watching Samantha and Tempest?
Talk about it all in the comments below!
Oh damn, this Robbie situation is escalating quickly. I can’t believe how angry he got with Sabrina. I mean, in his defense, he wouldn’t have known that Christian was related to Jason in anyway, but still, his reaction was pretty telling about his character. At this point, Sabrina should almost be worried about what his intentions are. It was also nice to hear that Christian doesn’t want to see Robbie anymore; I suppose finding out that Robbie was seriously interested in Sabrina was enough for him to wake up, but it is never easy to get over a “first love”, even though I don’t think the feelings got that deep. in any event, I am glad that this story is pushing Jason/Sabrina more into the front burner story as they have been on the sidelines for a while, which is fine cause you have a lot of other stories moving forward.
It was also nice that Brent was supportive with Christian. I totally forgot that Caleb figured it out last year. I think in my last comments I was saying he might be be supportive, but that is out the window! I am curious to see what you have in store for him next though, unless this Robbie angle isn’t over yet.
and sweet date with Tempest and Sam – after everything they’ve been through, it is nice that they are back together and happy … at least for a while!
Thank you, Dallas!
Robbie’s reaction to Sabrina calling him out is very telling. He seems to see himself as the center of the universe, and anyone who doesn’t fall in line with his worldview or what he wants is an enemy. Add to it that Sabrina doesn’t have the strongest backbone all the time, or can at least be a bit meek, and there’s an unnerving power dynamic between them. We will see if this is the last of Robbie… Meanwhile, Christian seems to have had his eyes opened, and the fact that he’s able to sweep his Robbie infatuation under the rug this easily pretty much tells us that he was attached to the *idea* of Robbie much more than the guy himself. I wanted to take time to see Christian processing this with his various family members — like you point out, he and Caleb have touched on it in the past, but the next episode has some more between the two of them, because it seemed worth touching upon. It wouldn’t have rung true to make either Molly or Brent react negatively to Christian coming out, but of course, that doesn’t mean they’ll always endorse the specific choices he makes in life and with regards to men.
We’re going to see Christian transition into another story pretty shortly, although the specter of this Robbie thing will hang over him to a degree. And Jason/Sabrina are also headed back to the frontburner! This arc was a way of pulling them back up from the bench, as it were. Their relationship is now a little more established, and they’re even at an okay place with Sophie, so we’re going to see a new thread emerge for them pretty soon.
Having Samantha and Tempest back together made me so happy! I was originally going to drag this out with some more drama, but it felt false because they both know how they feel and just had to *say* it. The woman watching them from the bar marks the start of a new story for them, as well.
Thanks again!