– After his fall down the stairs during an argument with Natalie, Spencer lapsed into a coma.
– Following the car accident that killed Yvette, Conrad was left with two broken legs, and Molly proposed that he stay at her house while he recuperates from his injuries.
– Diane got in touch with Hank Bassett, the biological father of Yvette’s child, who came to King’s Bay — much to Tempest’s horror — and declared that he wanted Alex and Trevor to adopt the baby.
Paula Fisher’s face fills the rectangular screen.
“Now please rest… and get better. We’re all waiting for you.” She pauses, sucking in a breath as emotions threaten to get the best of her. “We love you.”
A still, somber moment passes. Paula stares through her iPad at the motionless face of her grandson, his head surrounded by the blank white of the hospital bed’s pillow, as it has been for weeks and weeks now. Finally Tim turns around his own phone to address his mother.
“That’s good for today?” he asks gently.
Pixels lag on the screen as Paula nods. “Yes. Thank you. And thank you, Claire.”
Standing beside Spencer’s bed in her light-green scrubs, Claire says, “You’re welcome. I’m sure he can hear you — and that every word of encouragement is going to help him get better.”
“I hope so,” Paula says.
Tim looks to Claire. “I’m going to go finish talking with Mom in the hallway. I’ll be back in a few.”
As Claire returns to checking the readings on Spencer’s monitors, Tim dips out into the hallway, phone still in hand.
“Thank goodness for technology,” Paula says once Tim’s face is on her screen again. “I don’t know what I’d do if I couldn’t even see him. It’s hard enough not being able to be there.”
“Like Claire said, he can hear your voice. He knows you’ve been visiting him, so to speak.”
Paula sets her jaw as another strong wave of emotion crests. “It’s just been so long. The more time that he’s in this coma…”
“I know,” Tim says, almost cutting her off, as if it might stop his mind from going down this path that it travels many, many times each day. It troubles him that this vigil over Spencer’s coma has started to feel routine, even normal, as it has gone on.
“He’s going to be okay,” he says. Maybe saying it enough will make it true. “He’s going to wake up, and he’s going to be okay.”
Molly Taylor’s manicured fingers grasp the steering wheel of her Mercedes much more tightly than is necessary as she navigates toward her home. Since her return to her job at Objection Designs, her post-work commute every single day has felt like this: the radio droning in the background, barely noticed, as frustrated thoughts flutter through her brain like buzzing bees that she cannot ignore. She thought that getting back to work would restore a sense of normalcy to her life — that she would feel confident in taking control of the company’s creative path again, and that she would be grateful to fill her days with purposeful activity — but, instead, trying to get anything done feels like an uphill battle.
She pulls into the driveway of her home and takes a moment to survey the peaceful scene. Large evergreen trees flank the cedar house. From the first time that she and Brent laid eyes on it years ago, Molly fell in love with this home; it isn’t as chic or contemporary as what she thought she’d want, but it perfectly captures the essence of the Pacific Northwest, a coziness that always makes her think of home and family. Looking up at the house as she walks up the stone path to the front door, she tries to cast aside the difficult realities of her workday and hopes for a calming evening.
Whatever serenity she is trying to conjure is shattered as she lifts her key to the front door — only to have it whip open from the other side. A body moves at her in a flash, a blur of limbs and energy.
“Sorry, Mom,” one of her teenage sons says. She knows immediately that it is Caleb, even before she takes in the long t-shirt, the cap cocked to the side, and the black tube socks coming out of his scuffed-up Vans sneakers.
“Hang on a second,” she says, as he drops his skateboard to the ground. “Where are you going?”
“Just meeting some of the guys at the park.”
“What about dinner?”
“We’re gonna get burgers later.” He rolls the board under his foot impatiently.
Molly knows better than to argue with him, especially on a summer evening, especially over something this trivial. “Home by 10. Answer your phone if I call. Got it?”
“Got it.” With a roll of his eyes, he skates off down the driveway. Molly watches until he is out of sight. No matter how many times her boys leave the house on their own, it never gets any easier to push aside thoughts of all the things that could be awaiting them out there.
She moves through the still-open door and hears the tinkling of the piano in the living room. After removing her heels and hanging her purse on a hook in the foyer, she walks toward the music. Her other son sits at the piano, his eyes closed as he plays a grave, faintly familiar tune that stands in opposition to the warm summer light pouring through the windows.
“Hey, Mom,” Christian says when he opens his eyes, though he continues to play without interruption. Molly smiles and allows him to finish before she responds.
“What was that?” she asks. “It sounded great.”
“Chopin. Prelude No. 4. I think I’m getting it.”
“It sounds like you are.” She comes closer, resting her hands on top of the piano. “How was your day?”
He shrugs. “Fine. I helped Aunt Danielle grocery shop. She’s in the backyard now — she put some salmon on the grill.”
“Oh, that sounds great. I take it you’re staying for dinner?”
“Yeah! Of course. How about you? How was work?”
The reminder of her day full of irritation gives her pause, but she forces herself not to linger on it. “It was fine. It’s nice to be home. Do you know if Conrad’s awake?”
“He was a little while ago,” Christian says. “I think he’s watching TV in his room.”
“I’m going to go check on him. I’ll be back in a little.”
The soft tones of the Chopin piece resume as Molly travels down the hallway and around the corner to the first-floor guest room. In there, she finds Conrad Halston in the bed, his cast-clad legs stretched in front of him.
“You know, you’re more than welcome to watch TV in the living room,” she says as she enters the room.
“I appreciate that.” Several days’ worth of graying stubble lines his chin and cheeks; it is a look to which Molly has become accustomed in the weeks since he came to recuperate in her house, though it is so different from the polished defense attorney she got to know last year. His eyelids appear heavy, as if he might be just on the verge of sleep, though that also seems to be a permanent look since he was released from the hospital. “But I don’t want to be in the way. You’ve done more than enough by having me here.”
“And I’ve told you, we’re all happy to have you. While you’re here, this is as much your home as any of ours. So please, hang out in the living room as much as you want.”
“Thank you.” He shifts uncomfortably in the bed. “It’s also not exactly easy to get out there. I cannot wait for the doctors to take these things off my legs.”
“Only a few more days, right?”
“With any luck, yes.”
“I’m sure you could use some fresh air.” Molly steers the nearby wheelchair toward the bed, as she has on so many of these evenings since he’s been here. “Care for your evening stroll?”
“I’d love to… but Bree is actually on her way over, so I thought we’d do that together.”
“Oh. Of course.” Molly lets go of the wheelchair’s handles. “That’ll be nice for the two of you.”
A smile spreads on Conrad’s tired face. “It will. She’s been so good about coming to visit.”
“She’s a good kid. Jason said she’s been laser-focused in training for Regionals already — and they’re months away.”
“She really is terrific,” he says. “I just hope she lets herself have some fun, you know? She works so hard.”
“Yeah. She’s a teenager. She should enjoy herself.”
Conrad studies Molly quietly for a long moment. “And how about you? Are you enjoying yourself?”
Caught off-guard, she looks him right in the eyes. “What do you mean?”
“You seem… troubled.”
“Every night when you get home,” he says, “you seem like you have the weight of the world on your shoulders.”
She shies away, breaking the eye contact. “It’s nothing.”
“I don’t believe that for a second.” He pats the wheelchair’s seat. “Sit down. Talk to me. Tell me what’s really going on.”
A pair of votive candles flicker in the center of the table. In the back room of Windmills, the lights have been dimmed enough that, despite the summertime sun outside, it feels much later — and much more intimate.
“I’m so glad you suggested this,” Sarah Fisher Gray says as she holds her glass of white wine. “It’s nice to get out of the house.”
Across the table, her husband bobs his head. “Yeah. And to have some time alone. I’m glad we all get to be under one roof–”
“But it can be a lot sometimes.” Sarah lets out a small laugh. “Believe me, I never thought there was any way in hell I’d live with my mother again.”
“But you guys haven’t killed each other yet.”
“Nah.” She takes a sip of the crisp wine. “It’s really been okay. For the most part. And she needs us there this year.”
“She does,” Matt says, “but I think she’s doing okay.”
“Yeah. But I’m so happy that we get some time alone.”
Matt lifts his glass to hers. “Same.”
They toast and drink their wine. A waiter passes their table with a tray full of another party’s entrees, and the tantalizing aromas catch both their attention for a moment.
“I know I don’t say it enough,” Matt begins, his gaze dropping to the white tablecloth they way it so often does when things turn serious, “but I really missed you. Missed us. I’m happy we’re getting back on track.”
“Me, too. I know I upset you by helping Molly cover up what Mom did. But I didn’t have a choice. I wanted to tell you…”
“I get it. Really. It just made me think, you know, could I really trust you? If you were able to keep a secret like that, I mean.”
“You can trust me.”
“I know that. It was a shock. And I still can’t say I’m thrilled that you guys got yourselves into trouble…”
She swirls her index finger over the rim of the wine glass. “Neither am I. Believe me.”
“…but the way you’re so loyal, the way you wanted to protect your mom no matter what — that’s one of the reasons I fell in love with you to begin with.” He looks at her again now, his expression exuding warmth. “And I wanna be with you. Still, and always.”
“I couldn’t have said it better myself.” Sarah raises her glass, and they wordlessly toast again.
“So, while we’re talking about being honest,” Matt says, “there’s something I wanna talk to you about.”
She sets down her wine, recognizing the shift in his tone. “What is it? Did something happen?”
He reaches behind him, into the sport jacket that hangs over the back of his chair. A second later, he produces a white envelope.
Sarah’s pulse quickens. “What is that?”
“See for yourself,” he says as he hands her the already-opened envelope.
“I love it!” Alex Marshall proclaims as he studies the painted canvas.
“It’s so cute,” his fiancé agrees. “Thank you so much.” Trevor Brooks sets down the box out of which they just pulled the painting and steps forward to hug both Don and Helen Chase.
“You said you were sticking to gray and yellow for the nursery, so I made sure it would look good with those colors,” Don explains.
“And we’re obviously partial to the name,” Helen says with a broad grin.
Alex sets the canvas against the base of the living room wall and takes a step back. The name ‘Chase’ is painted on it in whimsical yellow swirls, with deeper tones of tan and brown used for accents.
“It just seemed right to give him a name that meant something to us,” Alex says. “You guys have been such an important part of my life, and it’s a way of honoring Courtney, too.”
Helen bows her head at the mention of her late daughter.
“Plus we assured my dad that if it had been a girl, we would’ve named her after my mom,” Trevor adds.
“I’m sure he appreciated that,” Don says.
Alex takes one more look at the painting and then gives both of the Chases a hug, as well. “Thank you. There’s a perfect spot for this right above the rocking chair in the nursery.”
“Why don’t we sit and have some of this coffee?” Trevor suggests. “I know I could use the caffeine…”
“Good call.” Alex gestures for Don and Helen to take one of the loveseats that flank the coffee table, where a tray containing mugs and all the needed accoutrement has been set out.
“Has he been sleeping any better?” Helen asks as she pours some milk into her coffee.
Alex glances at the baby monitor sitting on the end table, with all the trepidation that a soldier might use in eyeing a grenade. “It’s so inconsistent. Some nights we get a few solid hours, others he’s up every single hour.”
“He went down for the night about 20 minutes before you guys showed up, so… fingers crossed,” Trevor says.
“And how about the two of you?” Don asks.
The two new fathers trade a look. Alex wears a t-shirt and sweatpants, and Trevor sports a light pullover and gym shorts. Their tired faces reflect the challenges of having a newborn in the house.
“We’re alive,” Alex says pleasantly. “And we know it’ll get better.”
Trevor picks up his own coffee. “I’m just glad Objection lets me have time off. I don’t think I could function at work right now… plus it really gives us time to bond as a family.”
Helen claps her hands together. “A family! You really are. I’m so excited for you boys. And just remember, if you ever need a babysitter… I did raise a daughter. And I’m very good with Sophie.”
“I’ve seen you in action. I know.” Alex stirs some sweetener into his steaming cup of coffee. “And thank you for the offer. We’re lucky to be surrounded by family and friends who are willing to pitch in. It makes the whole thing a lot less scary.” He frowns as he thinks of the one family member who has yet to come around to the whole situation.
“Has there been any progress with Tempest?” Don asks, reading Alex’s expression.
Alex shakes his head. “We’ve left her a few messages and checked in with Claire, but she hasn’t been in touch.”
“We just want her to know that we’d love for her to be a part of Chase’s life, and we bet that he’ll want that, too,” Trevor says.
“Well, I certainly hope that girl gets her head together,” Helen says. “She’s being ridiculous.”
“She lost her mother,” Alex interjects. “She’s been through a lot.”
“And none of this behavior will bring her mother back,” Helen harrumphs. “She should be grateful that her brother is being raised by parents who will love him and give him a wonderful home and let her have a relationship with him!”
Alex takes on a calmer voice, hoping to defuse the entire thing. “I’m sure she’ll come around. We’re optimistic.”
“We are.” Trevor places a hand on Alex’s knee and squeezes it encouragingly. “This is all going to work out. We just know it.”
“It feels like I can’t get any traction,” Molly says. She sits in the wheelchair next to Conrad’s bed, speaking to him as CNN hums quietly in the background. “I have all these notes from the time I was off — and I followed everything as closely as I could — but it’s like everyone got used to doing it all without me, and they don’t care.”
“Even though you’re the CCO.”
“Well, they got by without me for months.” She lets out a heavy sigh. “I know it sounds silly, but this has been my biggest fear ever since Camille left me in charge — that everyone would realize I was a fraud or that they didn’t need me there.”
Conrad cocks his head, a move that bears equal parts compassion and disbelief. “You’ve come a long way since you were an assistant designer.”
“My skills have. My business acumen has. But am I really supposed to be creatively leading an entire company?”
“Your sales over the years would suggest so,” he says.
“Tell that to the staff full of people who are perfectly comfortable disregarding my opinions.” She knots her hands together in her lap. “I could be a complete dictator and decree that it’s going to be however I say it’ll be, but I don’t think that’s good for morale, or for building a team.”
“Maybe it will just take some time for everyone to adjust to you being back.”
“I hope so.” She glances briefly at the TV. “I could be out of practice. My ideas could be stale.”
He makes a point of catching her eye. “Do you think they’re stale?”
“I don’t know.”
A knock at the open door steals both of their attention. They turn to see Bree Halston there. The reedy teenager is still in athletic gear, with long, blonde hair piled atop her head in a messy bun.
“Hi,” she says meekly. “Christian let me in.”
“Hi, Bree,” Molly says warmly as she rises from the wheelchair. “Did you have a lesson this afternoon?”
“Ballet class. I’m doing two a week now. I think it’s really going to make a difference in my skating.”
“I can’t wait to get to the rink and see you skate again,” Conrad says.
“You’re welcome to stay for dinner,” Molly offers.
“Oh, thank you, but I told Mom and Jason I’d be home for dinner. But I wanted to come see you first, Dad. Do you want to go for that walk?”
“I would love to get outside.” Conrad swings his legs over the edge of the bed.
“I’ll let you two have some time alone,” Molly says. “Enjoy your walk.”
As Molly moves to the door, Bree positions the wheelchair so that Conrad can maneuver himself into it.
“Oh, and Molly?” he calls out.
She stops in the doorway. “Yeah?”
“If there’s anyone who can figure out how to get back on top,” he says, “it’s a woman who was stubborn enough to go on trial for a murder she knew she didn’t commit.”
Molly groans. “I guess that was a little stubborn.”
“Stubborn isn’t always a bad thing. Isn’t that right, Bree?”
“It’s what he always tells me,” the teenager says as she helps her father settle into the wheelchair. Molly watches them quietly for another moment and then heads back down the hallway to check on Danielle and dinner.
Sarah places the letter back down on the table. “Whoa.”
“Yep.” Matt’s lips form a tight, straight line as he thinks. The weight of what is written in that letter presses down upon both of them.
“Why are you carrying this around with you?” she asks, unsure what else to say.
“It came to the restaurant today. I didn’t want to leave it lying around the house for your mom to find, so I stuck it in my jacket.”
“That was smart.” She stares at the piece of paper and its printed message. “So, what are we going to do?”
“That’s where I need your help.” He reaches for the letter and folds it back up. “We have to tell Paula, first of all.”
“Yeah, we do. This is going to crush her.” Sarah stares into the small, dancing flames in the center of the table. “But we’re going to figure something out. We have to. This is my father’s legacy we’re talking about.”
What was written in the letter Matt showed Sarah?
Will Molly be able to regain control at Objection?
What will teenage Caleb, Christian, and Bree get up to?
Share all your thoughts on this episode below!
Speey. Michael ! It’s’s Bre
Congratulations on the new site and the preparation of the 20th anniversary.
My thoughts our below …
I enjoyed the time movement and it looks like it is benefitting stories moving forward.
Poor Paula ! She is used to be an active matriarch but now she feels helpless not being there for the family. Tim has always been logical and knows that Spencer chances of waking up our slim.
Caleb and Christian our teens now ? Whoa !!!! It seems their archetypes our still the same . They’re going to give Molly and Brent a handful aren’t they ? Molly has always had low self confidence when it comes to being apart of Objection but Conrad words got to her. And Claire … I mean Bree is a teen too ?
Alex and Trevor named the baby Chase aww. I thought it was going to be Cortland in honor of Courtney. Glad that Don and Helen our their biggest supporters.
Sarah and Matt still got that magic. It was great seeing them outside the house for a change. I wonder what is going on with the restaurant ?
I think the longtime character that is leaving is either Danielle or Tempest and my Josh and Lauren might be coming on home.
Great Episode
Thank you for your post, Bre! I guess I had to ‘approve’ your post because the site is new and it doesn’t recognize anyone but me, haha. They should post automatically in the future, though. Thanks for taking the time to comment — I’m hoping people take advantage of the ability to leave comments right on the episodes, since traffic at the EpiGuide/the old forum seems to be down so much.
I thought it’d be fun to debut the new site with an episode that had some new energy on display, and a little time jump made sense as far as accomplishing that. I’ve been planning to age Caleb, Christian, and Bree for a while, but it was something I thought would time out with the actual anniversary in October. With this little jump, however, it felt like a fun surprise for readers. Strangely, it isn’t even that big a leap, because they should be turning 12 in real time this fall (I know!) — so they’ve only been accelerated about three years. Still, this makes them much more viable for involving in real storylines. Like I’ve done with all the other kids (Travis, Sam, Tori) before, the personalities that were set up for them as kids are going to be their grown-up personalities. I find that way less jarring than writing them one way as kids and then basically creating a totally new character just because they’re teens! They’ll all be supporting characters for quite a while before they lead storyline, but I’m excited to have them around as more active characters now.
I spent a lot of time thinking about what to name the baby, and tributes to both Courtney and Roz crossed my mind, but then Chase occurred to me and it just seemed so perfect. It feels very fitting for a character who’ll wind up being an important part of that next generation to have that kind of tie to one of the original families of Footprints. Very anniversary-appropriate, too.
We’ll learn more about that letter Matt showed Sarah in the next episode. It all ties into the setup for the anniversary itself.
Thanks again! Hope you are well.
Hey , Michael !!!
Wasn’t sure did my original post get to you or not ?
The new site looks good and congrats on the approaching 20th anniversary of Footprints.
My thoughts below …
Poor Paula !!! She is so used to be an active matriarch and now has to settle to see her injured grandson via screen. It’s obvious that the chances of him waking up our slim.
Caleb and Christian our teens now. Whoa !!! And the y still have their own unique personas.Molly and Brent will have their hands full for sure.
Molly’s talk with Conrad was good. She always had low self confidence when it came to her career.
Claire … Bree is going to be an overachieveing athlete and she seems sweet.
Alex and Trevor have their baby and it is sweet that they named the baby in honor of their biggest supporters Don , Helen and Courtney. That’s good they’re reaching out to Tempest.
My guesses of the longtime character leaving is Danielle. She haven’t had a storyline in a while and the teens don’t need a nanny anymore. But who knows it can be Tempest ? Possibly Josh and Lauren are coming home with their little girl ? Her name canfinally be revealed ?
Great Episode
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