– Samantha and Diane determined that the hidden message in the lockets was actually the combination to a safe in Diane’s late father’s study.
– After seeing Claire leaving Molly’s house, Trevor went inside and found pregnant Molly collapsed on the floor. He called 911, and she was rushed to the hospital.
– Caleb concealed the fact that he’d argued with Molly after Claire left the house.
– Sarah was furious when she learned that Tori had been passed over for the receptionist job at Molly’s company, Objection.

Everything around Caleb Taylor — the ringing phone at the nurses’ station, the gurney being pushed hurriedly through a set of swinging doors — fades away as he listens to what Trevor Brooks is telling his father:
“When I pulled into the driveway, right before I found Molly. I saw someone leaving the house.”
“What? Who was it?” Brent Taylor asks.
Caleb’s body begins shaking as he realizes exactly what is happening.
“It was Claire,” Trevor says somberly.
“Claire?!” Brent’s eyes nearly bug out of his head. “What was she doing there?”
Trevor shrugs, and Brent swings around to address Caleb.
“Did you know Claire was there? Did you hear them?”
Caleb’s throat is suddenly tight, so tight that when he tries to speak, no sound comes out. He hacks a little to clear it.
“I was playing video games,” he says. “I had headphones on. I didn’t…” He trails off, too overwhelmed to develop the cover story beyond that.
“It might just be a coincidence,” Trevor offers.
“There can’t have been that much time between when you saw Claire leaving and when you went into the house.” Brent sighs and swipes a hand over his eyes. “I really, really hope Claire didn’t leave Molly lying there.”
Caleb feels so many words racing to his mouth, frantic to burst forth, but he has no idea which ones are right and which ones will make this worse. Luckily, he sees the same doctor who checked in with him when Molly arrived coming back through the swinging doors. The middle-aged woman, whose no-nonsense short hair is covered by a floral-print scrub cap, efficiently scans the area and heads right for Caleb.
“How’s my mom?” Caleb asks, desperate for this to be over.
“I’m her– I’m the baby’s father,” Brent adds, as Trevor takes a respectful step backward.
“Molly is stable,” the doctor tells them. “She’s still not awake, but her vitals look good.”
“And the baby?” Brent asks. “Is our baby all right?”
Sarah Fisher Gray slaps her hand down on her mother’s dining room table and then pushes out her chair.
“She runs the company. She can push for something if she wants. I’m not letting her get away with this.”
“Mom, no!” her daughter, who is standing nearby with her iPhone in hand, says. “Don’t.”
But Sarah is already on her feet. “Molly got where she is because Camille gave her a shot — and then died and put her in charge. She can stick out her neck to let her own niece answer some phones and prove herself.”
Tori’s eyes are wide with panic. “What are you gonna do?”
“I don’t know yet. But…” Sarah scrambles to pull her own phone from her pocket. “I’m going to see Molly.”
The sound of the sliding glass door opening and then closing floats to them from the kitchen.

“You heard?” Paula Fisher asks as she bustles into the dining room.
Sarah turns in confusion. “Heard what?”
“About Molly.” Now it is Paula’s turn to look at her daughter and granddaughter with confusion. She takes off the floppy, wide-brimmed, pink hat she was wearing to garden. “Christian just called me.”
“What happened?” Tori asks with concern.
“Molly’s in the hospital,” Paula explains. “Apparently Trevor came over to bring her some things from the office and found her on the floor.”
“Oh my god,” Tori says. “Is she…?”
“She’s alive. We don’t know about the baby yet,” Paula says. “I have to get to the hospital.”
“I can take you,” Sarah says. “Let me get my keys.”
But Tori steps up and puts a hand on her mother’s arm. “Are you sure that’s a good idea?”
“I’m not going to do anything,” Sarah tells her.
“Do anything about what?” Paula asks. “Why were you going to see Molly if you didn’t know she was in the hospital?”
Sarah groans to herself and takes a moment to formulate a response.
“There’s something I wanted to talk to her about,” she says at last. “Naturally, this takes priority. Tori, can you watch Billy?”
“Yeah, obviously,” Tori says.
“I have to get my purse and some things,” Paula announces as she ducks back into the kitchen.
Tori lowers her voice and looks her mother right in the eyes. “Mom, please don’t do anything crazy.”
“I’m not going to scream at her while she’s in a hospital bed,” Sarah says. “Even if she probably would.”
“Just promise me you won’t yell at her about the job. That’s so embarrassing. And if she’s having complications…”
Sarah hesitates and then exhales loudly. “Fine. Look, I’m learning boundaries. But I still don’t like that you weren’t hired.”
“Neither do I,” Tori says, “but I’ll figure it out. I promise.”
“I know you will,” Sarah says, reaching out to touch her daughter’s face.
Diane Bishop is standing at the kitchen counter in her condo, still in yoga clothes, responding to an e-mail on her laptop when she hears the front door being unlocked. She finishes typing a sentence and looks over just as her daughter walks in.
“You’re home early,” Diane says.
Samantha sets down the backpack that she brings to work. “It was slow today. How are you?”
“I’m good. Finishing up a quick e-mail for work. I ordered your favorite Lebanese for dinner.”
“You did?” Samantha lights up. “That sounds so good right now.”
“It’ll be here in half-an-hour or so.” Diane types a few more words, hits send, and closes her laptop. “How was your day?”
“Well…” Samantha slips off her shoes before stepping onto the living room carpet. “I made a decision.”
“What kind of decision?”
“I’m going to Sun Valley this weekend. I’m going to open Grandpa Henry’s safe and find out what he and Therese DeLuca were hiding.”
“This weekend? Sam, I have to work that fundraiser for the radio station–”
“I know. It’s okay. I can manage alone. Trevor and I were talking, and he suggested that I tell Grandma Claudia I’m coming to Idaho for a business trip.”
Diane raises one dark eyebrow. “What’s a copywriter for a fashion line doing on a business trip to Sun Valley, Idaho?”
Samantha cracks a smile. “I said the same thing. But I was thinking about it… I’ll just say that Objection is doing a shoot for a winter line out there. You know she won’t ask questions beyond that.”
“That’s true. For once, her lack of interest in anything that isn’t about her works to our benefit,” Diane says. “You’re sure you don’t mind going alone?”
“As long as you don’t mind me going alone. I know this has been a big deal for you. I don’t want to steal it from you, but I thought…”
“Believe me, Sam. If you want to take the bullet and deal with my mother instead of making me do it, I’m not going to argue with you. You have a better chance of getting into that safe without raising suspicion than I do. Besides, I want to know what the hell is in that safe.”
“I’m going to find out,” Samantha says. “I wasn’t that close to Grandpa Henry, but he left this trail of breadcrumbs — even if he didn’t realize it — and I feel like I owe it to him, and to you, to see where it leads.”
Diane twists her large lips up and studies her daughter.
“What?” Samantha asks, noticing her mother’s expression.
“Nothing. It’s just… you’re reminding me a little of myself right now. And that doesn’t happen too often.”
As she laughs, Samantha goes back to her bag and takes out her cell phone.
“You taught me to see things through to the end,” she says, “and that’s exactly what I’m going to do. I’m going to give Grandma Claudia a call right now and tell her I’m coming to town.”
Brent, Caleb, and Trevor wait with baited breath for the doctor’s response.
“The baby is all right,” she says, her own relief evident. “Things look stable.”
“So they’re fine?” Brent asks. “Molly and the baby?”
“They’re stable.” The doctor turns toward Brent. “You said you’re the baby’s father. Are you and the mother…”
“I’m her ex-husband,” he says. “But we’re having another baby together. I know, it’s unusual, but–”
“I’m sorry, but I can’t discuss specifics of Molly’s health with you without her consent. And until she’s awake and grants that, I can’t say too much.”

“I’m the father of the baby! And we co-parent two sons already,” Brent says, growing more heated. He indicates the badge on his hip. “I’m also the Commander of the KBPD. We don’t actually know what happened to Molly, so if I need to open an investigation–”
“I’m not going to be intimidated into violating HIPAA,” the doctor, now stony-faced, tells him. “If you were to come back with a warrant, that’s another story.”
Brent stands back, cowed. “I’m sorry. I’m worried about Molly and the baby. I’m sure you can understand that.”
“I’m her son,” Caleb interjects. “I’m, like, next-of-kin or whatever. Can you tell me?”
The doctor nods. “I can discuss your mother’s condition with you, yes. Privately.”
With a final, pointed look at Brent, she leads Caleb around to the other side of the nurses’ station.
“I shouldn’t have lost my cool like that,” Brent says to Trevor. “I’m freaked-out, that’s all.”
“I completely understand,” Trevor replies. “Let Caleb talk to the doctor, and then he can fill you in.”
“Yeah.” Brent uses two fingers to rub his eyes as he watches Caleb and the doctor; despite being told that Molly is stable, a sense of dread fills his body as he waits for actual information.
“I’m sorry to have to do that,” the doctor tells Caleb as they round the nurses’ station, “but I’d be violating my oath if I gave out patient information to a non-relative.”
“All good,” Caleb says. “Can I go see her?”
“She’s being moved into a room, and then you’ll be able to, although she isn’t yet awake.”
“But you said she’s okay, right? And the baby is, too?”
The doctor folds her hands in front of her light blue scrubs. “They’re both stable, yes. But based on your mother’s high blood pressure and the levels of protein in her urine–”
She pauses as Caleb winces.
“–I’ve diagnosed her with a condition called pre-eclampsia,” the doctor continues. “It isn’t uncommon in older women who are pregnant.”
“But you can, like, treat it. Right?”
“We can monitor and do our best to keep it in check, yes. I’m going to prescribe an anti-hypertensive drug, plus magnesium sulfate.”

Caleb nods his head with enthusiasm, as if doing so might force the entire situation along to its conclusion. “So she’s gonna be fine.”
“I can’t guarantee any outcome,” the doctor says, “but I’m optimistic about the odds if we proceed with this course of treatment — and if we keep her stress as low as possible.”
He gulps in response, again flashing back to the heated argument he had with Molly shortly before Trevor found her on the floor.
“I’ll discuss all of this with your mother once she’s awake, and I’m sure she’ll be thrilled to see you. I’ll let you and your family know as soon as she’s settled in a room.”
With that, the doctor steps away and heads back through the swinging doors. Caleb feels what he is sure is his own blood pressure skyrocketing as he imagines how his mother will react to him as soon as she wakes up.
“Put your stuff away. Don’t just throw it on the floor!” Tori calls up the stairs after Billy, who is bringing his homework back up to his room after finishing it under his sister’s watch.
She hears the front door being unlocked and looks to see her father entering in the t-shirt and jeans that he often wears beneath his chef’s coat at work.
“Whoa, didn’t expect to see you here,” Matt says, brightening at the sight of Tori. “What’s going on?”
“I came over to spend some time with Billy, which is code for ‘refuse to leave him alone until his homework is done.’”
“Yeah, I’ve been there,” he responds with a laugh. “How’s it going?”
“He just finished. You’re home early.”
“Things were kinda slow at the restaurant, so…” His right shoulder rises and falls in a shrug. “Is Mom home?”
“No. She had to take Grandma to…” Tori sighs, overcome by the very thought.
“Aunt Molly collapsed or something. She’s in the hospital.”
Matt’s eyes bolt open. “She okay?”
“I don’t know yet. She’s alive.”
They lapse into a tense, loaded silence. Matt eyes his daughter carefully, understanding the full weight of what she must be experiencing right now.
“How about you?” he asks in a strong but reserved tone.
“I’m fine,” she responds automatically.
“I know you are. Just — gotta be a lot for you to hear about Molly and the baby being in the hospital.”
She slowly lifts her eyes back toward him. “Yeah.”
“Tori, I’m never gonna forgive myself for what happened with you and your baby. You’ll never totally know how sorry I am for setting all that off.”
“I know, Dad.”
“But I’m here now,” he says, opening his arms wide.
She hesitates for a moment and then steps right into his embrace.
“Love you,” Matt says as he holds her. His body radiates with gratitude for the opportunity to be this close with her again; there was a time when he feared it would never again be possible.
“I love you, too,” Tori says, leaning against him as the painful memories of learning her own baby had died sweep over her.
Caleb is explaining what the doctor told him to Brent and Trevor when he sees Paula and Sarah emerge from the elevator bay.
“How is she? How is the baby?” Paula cries as she rushes toward them.
Brent turns and regards them solemnly. “The doctor says they’re both stable. We’re waiting to be allowed in to see her.”
Paula lets out a pronounced sigh of relief. “Thank goodness. Trevor, thank you so much for finding her in time. I shudder to think what might’ve happened otherwise.”
“Right place, right time,” Trevor says. “I’m just happy that Molly and the baby are okay.”
“So what exactly happened? Do they know?” Sarah asks from behind Paula.
“She’s got some thing,” Caleb tells them, eager to brush over the collapse itself. “Pre-ec…”
“Pre-eclampsia?” Paula’s face again creases with worry.
“The doctor thinks they can manage it,” Brent says. “We just have to keep her as stress-free as possible for the duration of the pregnancy.”
“We can all help out with that,” Paula says. “She must be working herself to the bone at Objection. We’ll have to work on that.”

Sarah lets out a very audible groan, as Brent frowns.
“What?” Paula asks.
Brent hesitates before explaining, “It sounds like Claire was at the house just before Trevor found Molly.”
“I saw Claire pulling out of the driveway,” Trevor chimes in.
Paula’s voice rises with outrage. “Claire did this to Molly?!”
“I don’t think she did anything to her,” Caleb says limply.
“I can’t imagine they were having tea and catching up,” Paula says. “If something had happened to the baby…”
“So Claire’s just supposed to pretend she’s cool with everything that’s gone on because Molly is pregnant?” Sarah asks.
All heads turn toward her.
“I’m sorry, that’s B.S.,” Sarah continues. “I really doubt that she did anything besides let Molly know how disappointed and hurt she was. That’s all she planned to do.”
She catches herself the moment that the words slip out, but it’s too late.
“What do you mean, all she planned to do?” Brent questions as he folds his arms. “Claire told you she was going to confront Molly?”
“‘Confront’ is a really aggressive word,” Sarah says. “I ran into Claire, and I could tell she was still really upset, and I just…” She waves a hand through the air. “… encouraged her.”
“To go harass a woman experiencing a high-risk pregnancy?” Paula asks, suddenly furious.
Sarah holds up both palms. “Claire didn’t give Molly pre-eclampsia. Frankly, Brent, I’d think you would be a little more sympathetic to Claire’s position here.”
Brent casts a nervous glance in Caleb’s direction and takes several seconds to choose his next words.
“I take full responsibility for the way that I hurt Claire,” he says, “but her going over to pick a fight with Molly isn’t going to change the past. And you should know better than to light a powder keg like that, Sarah.”
Sarah throws her head back in annoyance. “Now this is my fault? Unbelievable.”
“No one said that,” Paula says.
“I’m going to go downstairs and get a coffee,” Sarah says, turning on her heels. “I’m glad Molly and the baby are okay. But I’d really love it if you’d all stop casting stones and think about who’s really responsible for this mess.”
She stomps back toward the elevators and jabs one of the buttons with her forefinger. Back in the waiting area, the others stand in frustrated, nervous silence; Caleb pulls out his phone, desperate for any distraction that might transport him out of this increasingly miserable situation.
Was Sarah wrong to lose her cool with everyone?
How will Claire react when she learns what happened?
Is it wise of Samantha to go to Sun Valley alone?
Discuss all of this and more in the comments below!
At least Molly and the baby our okay for the time being. Although, it seems Sarah & Claire our going to be ones responsible for causing Molly to collapse, it seems Caleb won’t be telling his family about him arguing with Molly right before she collapsed over him being high and being called out for sleeping, Brent when he was seeing Claire, I wonder is he going to turn to Jasmine or Bree to confide in?
This latest Fisher family crisis has brought Matt and Tori close again. Which probably Zane is going to have a problem with since he wants to alienate her from everything she cares about. I had to laugh at Brent trying using his influence as a police commander and the doctor being like “I don’t care who you are I’m not violating HIPPA for you buddy,”
Samantha’s journey to Sun Valley should be interesting and I’m wondering is she really going to be going alone?
Good Episode!!!
Thanks for reading and for your post, Bre!
Yes, this mess with Molly and the baby is putting Claire and Sarah in hot water, especially since Caleb isn’t taking any responsibility. I’ve really enjoyed writing this story — it’s light on incident and more of a vehicle for exploring character and relationships through a particularly tense situation. Caleb is definitely going to feel the pressure of keeping this secret, too. It felt like the right time to progress Tori and Matt’s reconciliation, as well — all of this stuff is tied together, which is my favorite kind of soap to write. Tori applying for the job winds her, the Grays, and Zane in with Molly’s story, and that opens up some fun new channels for interaction!
That bit with Brent trying to assert his authority and the doctor shutting him down only came to me as I was writing the scene, but I was hoping it’d be effective. Give that doctor a medal!
We will see Samantha’s trip to Sun Valley very soon. As you suggest, it might not be as simple a solo trip as she’s thinking…
Thanks again!
“I’m learning boundaries!” 😂😂😂 best line in awhile. I love that Sarah admitted to sending Claire over and gave no fucks about it. She is right, Molly and Brent did cause this but the circumstances that they were in were pretty unique. It’s not like they were just running around having an affair. I really love how family driven this is, almost everyone is impacted in some way, which is the sign of a great story. And, I can’t wait for Moll6 to learn what Sarah did and got Claire to learn about Molly.
Good episode!
Thanks for taking the time to comment, Dallas!
I’m so glad you liked that line. It came to me as I was writing the scene and, like I said on Twitter, I was cackling while writing it. Sarah is definitely channeling her BFF Diane with some of her attitude lately!
I do agree that this is more complicated than Brent and Molly just having some covert affair behind his girlfriend’s back. There’s a lot of history, and there were extenuating circumstances given their mutual near-death experience, but they still made a colossal mistake and now have to face some consequences. As I’m sure you know, this is my favorite type of story because of all the layered relationships and the different angles to be played.
Thanks again!
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