Episode 1039

– Molly went into early labor. The baby was rushed out of the delivery room immediately after birth, and the doctor later informed Molly and Brent that their son had died.
– Jason felt betrayed after learning that Sabrina helped Helen run the paternity test on Peter. He was surprised to find a drinking buddy in Natalie, who happened to show up at The Wild Lady as he was drowning his sorrows.
– Spencer confronted Elly with the news that she’d had an affair with a married attorney at the firm where she had interned during law school.

Molly Taylor’s primal cries fill the hospital room. Her ex-husband clutches her as close as he possibly can, despite his own inability to catch his breath, as if physical contact will somehow dissolve the horrific news that they have just received.

“I am so sorry for your loss,” Dr. Longo repeats as he stands near the door, hands folded in front of his blue scrubs.

Brent manages to give the man a nod in response, but Molly rocks back and forth in the bed, gasping for air.

“No!” she shouts. “Nooooo!”

The sight of her in such agony only makes Brent’s pain worse. His head spins as he tries to figure out how they could have gone through all this, only to have their son be born prematurely and not make it.

“I’m right here. I’m right here,” Brent whispers to her as he holds her, but the words sound as hollow as they feel to him.


Two empty shot glasses and used wedges of lime sit on the bar of The Wild Lady, right in front of Jason Fisher and Natalie Bishop, who have now swiveled on their barstools to face one another. A song by Imagine Dragons plays throughout the bar, which is buzzing with the excitement of a night out.

“It’s getting late,” Jason says as he checks his iPhone. “I should get going.”

“So soon? If Sophie’s away at camp, you don’t have to race home,” Natalie counters.

“Be that as it may, I don’t do this–” He uses his index finger to indicate the shot glasses and the half-full beer sitting in front of him. “–too often. I’m wiped.”

“You know, you used to be more fun.”

“When?” he challenges with a raised eyebrow. “Before you sent me into a spiral of crippling depression by trying to pass off Peter as my son and then having the truth come out at our wedding?”

“Oh my god. I thought we were past that.”

“I don’t know if we’re really going to get past that,” he says. “But this has been nice. Surprisingly normal.” 

“Yeah, it has.” Natalie finishes the last of her martini. “Thanks for talking. I mean it. This situation with Bree has been…” 

He nods compassionately. “I get that you’re in a tough spot there.”

“I’m really glad she has you in her life.” Natalie scans for the bartender. “Should we close out?”

“I already did, when you went to the bathroom.”

“What? Why?!”

“Because I figured it would stop you from ordering more shots.”

“Okay, you got me there.” She picks up her purse from atop the bar and slides off the stool. “Did you drive?”

“I did, but I’m leaving my car in the lot out back. Jimmy told me it was okay.”

“I feel like I should do that, too. I’m a little…” She gestures broadly in the direction of the empty glasses.

“Leave it and call an Uber,” Jason says as he, too, hops off his seat.

Natalie pulls her phone from her purse, opens the Uber app, and then stops to look at Jason.

“What?” he asks.

“Why don’t you let me get an Uber, and I can drop you off on my way home?” she says.

“Natalie, you don’t–”

“It’s on my way, anyway. And you paid for all those drinks.”

“That was self-preservation.”

“Still.” She punches in the request for a ride and waits as it processes on her phone’s screen. “There. Three minutes away. Come on.”

Jason hesitates another moment before he shrugs. “Why not?”

They weave through a few clusters of patrons and push through the saloon doors as they exit the bar.

At the door that joins the kitchen to the main area of the bar, Jimmy Trask stands, a box of bar napkins in hand. He pauses as he watches the two exes, to whom he served tequila shots not that long ago, leave the bar together.

Inside Cassie’s Coffee House, Elly Vanderbilt stands with her arms folded, facing off with Spencer Ragan

“I haven’t had any contact with Loretta in a while,” she says.

“That doesn’t mean she won’t call in a favor when she needs one,” Spencer replies. “So what do you say? Are you finally going to help me? Are you finally going to let me help you?”

A long, quiet beat passes between them. Spencer glances over at the deep, cushy armchair in which his toddler son is curled up with an iPad, a pair of Beats by Dre noise-cancelling headphones over his ears.

“What would you even do?” Elly finally asks.

Spencer fumbles to find his next words. “I– I don’t know, exactly. Not yet. I need you to work with me here.”

He watches intently as she swallows hard, a visible lump moving down her throat.

“That’s what she has on you?” he asks, lowering his voice. “That you had an affair with a partner at the law firm where you were interning?”

Elly averts her eyes, watching as a man carefully walks with two cups on top of saucers from the counter to a table.

“I know that’s probably embarrassing, Elly, but honestly, who gives a shit?” Spencer says. “If that’s all my mother has on you, let’s flip this thing around on her.”

“I can’t,” Elly says abruptly. She slings her purse’s strap over her shoulder. “I have to go.”

“Wait. We can work this out. Whatever went down between you and Anatoli–”

“I’m not talking about Anatoli with you. Or anything else.”

She storms off, and Spencer watches with frustration as she blows right out of the coffee shop. After a few more seconds, he slumps back down in the armchair next to Peter’s.

Peter removes the headphones from his ears and looks right at his dad.

“Who’s Anatoli?” he asks.

Spencer groans and takes the headphones from him. “Do these things even work?!”


Brent’s head continues to spin as he waits in the too-bright corridor outside Molly’s hospital room. He takes out his phone to text his father and siblings in California, but then he stops. The mere thought of explaining the situation to more people — and then having to engage with them about it — is too draining for him even to face right now. He is still contemplating it when Dr. Longo steps out of the room and softly closes the door behind himself. Brent stuffs his phone back into his pants pocket.

“I sedated her,” the doctor explains. “She’s resting now.”

“Thank you,” Brent says. “She was so hysterical…”

“This has been a very traumatic experience. I’m so sorry things turned out this way, Mr. Taylor. You have my deepest sympathies.”

Brent nods politely. “Thanks. Can I– when can we see our son?”

Dr. Longo hesitates and touches a hand to his close-cropped, graying beard.

“We had to…” The doctor stops to take a deep breath. “We had to operate on the baby. As you can imagine, with an infant that small, things can be rather… delicate.”

Brent feels his stomach sinking. “What are you saying?”

“I don’t know that seeing your son would make you or Mrs. Taylor feel much better at the moment. I’ll do everything I can to remedy that, of course. But I feel a warning is in order. In situations like this, I highly recommend cremation.”

“Cremation?” A tough knot swells in Brent’s unbelievably dry throat. “How are we even talking about this?”

“I know,” Dr. Longo says. “It’s an absolute tragedy. I am so very sorry for your loss. Please, go be with your family while Mrs. Taylor sleeps. I’ll be available for whatever you need.”

“Thanks, Doctor.” 

Brent leans against the white wall as Dr. Longo moves off down the corridor. He knows that he has to go out to the waiting area and inform the family of what is going on — but doing that will make this nightmare even more real than it already is, and Brent doesn’t know how he can possibly put himself through that. He stands there, his back against the wall, desperate to find some way to change this even though he knows there is not one.


“Shoes off,” Spencer tells Peter before the boy can go bounding into the depths of the house. Peter pauses and tries to use the toe of one speaker to pull the shoe off his other foot.

“Why don’t you sit down and do it?” Spencer says, gritting his teeth in order to restrain his frustration.

After another few seconds, during which Spencer does everything he can to stand by patiently, Peter sinks to the floor and undoes the Velcro straps on his sneakers.

“Mother?” Spencer calls out. The only response he receives is silence.

Peter kicks off his shoes.

“Go see if your grandmother is in her room, okay? And then get ready for your bath,” Spencer says, but the little boy is already scrambling up the stairs.

“Mimi, are you here?” Peter yells as he reaches the second floor.

“She must be out doing god-knows-what,” Spencer mutters to himself as he unties his own shoes. “At least maybe I’ll get some peace and quiet.”


In the backseat of a Honda Accord, Jason watches through the window as the lights of downtown King’s Bay give way to the quieter, darker visuals of the tree-lined streets of the town’s more residential district. Up front, the driver carefully pilots the car while a Whitney Houston tune plays on the 80s-throwback radio station.

“Bree finally texted me back,” Natalie says as she sticks her phone back into her purse, which rests between them on the seat. “She said we can plan dinner for next weekend.”

“That’s good,” Jason says as he turns to face her. “She’s a teenager. Remember that. She’s going to want a lot of space. You were like that, too, I’m sure.”

“Yeah, but my mother is insane and judgmental–” She stops herself and points her index finger at Jason. “Don’t you dare.”

Jason snickers. “Don’t I dare what?”

“Don’t you dare tell me I’m like my mother!”

He smirks at her and then says, “I can say this with complete honesty: you’re a lot nicer than your mother.”

“Look at that! You giving me a compliment,” Natalie responds with a smile of her own.

Jason looks over at her, watching as the shadows and lights from outside pass over her face. It has been a long time since he thought of her with anything but total animosity; he had nearly forgotten how fun she can be to be around, how many good times they did share before the worst of it all.

“Tonight wasn’t exactly what I expected, but I have to say, I’m glad you showed up at the bar,” he tells her. “At least I wasn’t angry and depressed while drinking myself into a stupor.”

“You don’t seem like you’re in a stupor,” Natalie says. “But I’m glad I could help. It’s the least I can do for you, after everything.”

Their eyes meet as the driver makes a left-hand turn. 

“It’s been a fun night,” Natalie continues, and then her hand finds its way to Jason’s knee.

He flinches at first, but he doesn’t pull away. 

“It has,” he says, and the next thing he knows, Natalie is leaning in toward him, and their lips are meeting. They kiss as the car continues rolling along, the almost-forgotten but so-familiar scent and taste of her mouth filling Jason’s senses.


Is Jason making a mistake turning to Natalie?
Can Molly and Brent move forward from this loss?
Should Elly have heard Spencer out further?
Discuss all this and more in the comments below!

Next Episode

1,394 thoughts on “Episode 1039

  1. I still feel Brent and Molly’s baby is still alive somehow. I mean Loretta hasn’t been in a few episode and we know she isn’t above working a heartbreaking scheme in order to get what she wants. She still blames Paula for the death of Phillip. The ultimate revenge would be to take a son from the daughter of the person she holds responsible for her son’s death. Brent and Molly’s reaction were so heart wrenching as well as Brent having to be the one who has to inform his family of their loss is going to be hard.

    I forgot how much I like Jason & Natalie as a couple until the last scene of them together. Nonetheless, I bet Spencer/Sabrina is going to find out about their partners being drunk at the bar. In addition to the two of them leaving out together. But Spencer is going to care much since it is only a marriage of convenience. Although, will get onto his wife for possibly giving Loretta something else to use against them as he tries to stop her evil terror.

    I think something more happened with Elly and her boss at the law firm. Maybe she became pregnant by her boss and she either had an abortion or gave a baby up for adoption in the vein of her mother did with her all those years ago. Either way I’m curious as to what happened to her during her offscreen years.

    Good Episode to kick off this week dailies. Happy 23 years of Footprints Michael!!!

    1. Thank you, Bre! I’m so thankful for your readership and your insightful, humorous commentary!

      You really can never say never where Loretta is involved, so I absolutely understand your suspicion with regards to the baby. Nevertheless, Molly and Brent have some very real grief and pain to contend with now, and it’s going to be a difficult path for this family. It remains to be seen whether they’ll unite in the face of hardship or if this will fracture them even more.

      It’s funny — I’ve always liked Jason and Natalie’s vibe, too, but I think I’ve subconsciously kept them from interacting much because it’s so easy to have them slip into this banter mode. It really couldn’t happen naturally until Jason’s world had again been flipped on its head. Will he regret what he’s doing? Very possibly. And yeah, other people finding out about what’s going on here could be juicy!

      You might be on to something with regards to Elly… She sure shut down talk of Anatoli quickly. It’s time to delve into what exactly caused her to harden during her time away from King’s Bay, and now that Spencer has caught a whiff of it, he’s not going to let go easily.

      Thanks again! I hope you continue to enjoy this week’s episodes.

  2. Poor Molly and Brent! This has to be the absolute worst thing that they could be going through right now, although I have a hunch that Loretta is behind a baby switch of some kind. I only thought this after the doctor suggested they cremate the baby. I’m any event, this is good drama!

    I get that Elly is scared by whatever it is that Loretta has over her, and if my hunch above is right, she has every right to be. I’m curious as to where Spencer is headed with all of this. It could go many different directions.

    And Damn Jason, you’re going down that rabbit hole again? I don’t know if we can blame those tequila shots or what but this will be interesting.

    I’m looking forward to the rest of the week!

    1. Thanks for taking the time to read and post, Dallas! I really appreciate it.

      People definitely don’t seem to be buying that the baby’s death is as cut-and-dry as it might appear on the surface. That whole thing with the cremation WAS a bit of a red flag, eh? But as I said to Bre, Molly and Brent have to cope with a very real sense of grief and loss right now, and it’s truly going to test their family.

      Elly’s big secret is going to take center stage as Spencer becomes more and more determined to neutralize Loretta. These characters all have pretty combustible dynamics, so there’s always the chance of allegiances shifting along the way…

      Jason can try and blame the tequila shots, but the truth is, he loved Natalie and then got very hurt by her. But that doesn’t erase the feelings entirely. And now he’s found himself in a moment of weakness — it’s a perfect storm, really, and it could have serious ripple effects.

      Thanks again! I hope you enjoy the rest of the week!

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