– Diane figured out that Jaq has been sending threatening notes to themselves and attempting to frame Tempest for the crimes. When confronted, Jaq responded by blackmailing Diane into silence with audio recordings that proved Diane had conspired to keep Samantha and Tempest apart.
– Jason confronted Tempest about the magazines with cut-out letters he found in their office, but Tempest denied knowing anything about them and was hurt that Jason would accuse her of sending Jaq the notes.
– Brent was shocked when he saw a photo of Tempest on Claire’s phone and recognized the hair clips she was wearing as being identical to the one found at the scene of the last note Jaq had received.
5:47 AM
In the basement of the downtown King’s Bay building that houses KBAY’s offices, Diane Bishop waltzes into the studio. A producer and engineer are stationed at the sound board, and Diane sees her cohost, Luke Berman, already behind the glass in the booth, wearing a neon-green Seahawks sweatshirt that seems far too loud for the early hour.

“Anything special I need to know about this morning’s show?” Diane asks the producer. “Are we doing the giveaway in the first hour or waiting?”
She listens as the producer briefs her — until the entrance of another person steals her attention.
“Good morning,” Jaq Pearson says, but Diane cannot tell if the glimmer in their eye is really there or if she is imagining it.
“Morning,” Diane replies flatly.
Jaq holds up a to-go coffee cup wrapped in an insulating sleeve. “Your usual.”
“Thank you,” Diane says to the P.A., before saying the same to the producer and moving toward the booth.
“Ms. Bishop,” Jaq says, trailing Diane. “I hope you enjoy your coffee.”
Diane stops and whips around. Conscious of her surroundings, she is careful to keep the volume of her voice low.
“What — did you poison it to make sure I keep quiet?” she hisses.
“Why would I poison my girlfriend‘s mother? That would be insane.”
“So would blackmailing your girlfriend’s mother,” Diane snaps in as much of a whisper as she can manage. “And so is framing your girlfriend’s ex for sending you threats.”
Jaq shrugs. “Enjoy your coffee. I promise it’s safe. Remember — as long as you keep your mouth shut, I have no reason to harbor any ill will toward you. If you don’t, though…”
“Great. Thanks for the coffee,” Diane says before turning on her heels and going into the booth to join Luke.
8:22 AM

Jason Fisher‘s hands, despite being covered in heavy gloves, clap together so loudly that the sound echoes throughout Edge of Winter Arena.
“Now that’s what I call a freeskate!” he exclaims joyously as Bree Halston skates across the ice toward him, dodging a few other practicing skaters as she does so.
The sweaty teenager pushes a few wisps of her blonde hair, which have escaped her ponytail, out of her face.
“That felt really good,” she says, huffing ever-so-slightly after completing another run of her three-and-a-half-minute program. “Other than the last combination…”
“It was a wobble,” Jason tells her. “And that was your second run-through. You’ll be fine.”
Bree narrows her eyes with suspicion. “Sectionals is only a few weeks away. Shouldn’t you be all over me about almost missing the combo?”
Jason lets out a laugh, and a puff of frosty white air rolls out of his mouth. “I’ll remember to be meaner next time. But I’m telling you, kiddo — this program is looking great. Nice work.”
“Thanks, Jason,” Bree says, beaming and rosy-cheeked.
The sound of the heavy front doors opening and then closing reverberates through the arena. Jason turns to see Tempest Banks entering, dressed in jeans, white sneakers, and a black down jacket.
In her hair are the yellow clips.
Jason stiffens at the sight of the clips. He has felt awkward enough around Tempest since Samantha told him about the clip that was found at the scene of the last note — but to see Tempest sporting the exact same clips now makes it all too real.
He forces himself to lift one hand in a wave. Tempest waves back, seemingly unaware.
“What’s wrong?” Bree asks, noting his distraction.
Jason shakes his head, as if that might help him shake loose from his thoughts.
“Nothing,” he says. “Now let’s do your cooldown.”
8:36 AM

Tori Gray steps out of the elevator and onto the eighteenth floor of Winston Tower. She proceeds straight into the sea of marble that is the Objection Designs lobby, where Finn Campbell is stationed behind the imposing reception desk.
“I was just about to IM you,” he says.
“What’s up?” Tori asks as, holding her ID badge in her hand, she goes up to the desk.
“I got a call a minute ago about that warehouse walkthrough Molly‘s supposed to do.”
“That’s set for next Tuesday.”
“They said they need her to do it today, if at all possible,” Finn explains. “Since you or Ashley weren’t in, I said I’d let them know ASAP — but it looks like it would work on Molly’s calendar today.”
Tori nods as she mentally reviews the calendar, which is seared into her brain with such accuracy that it’s frightening.
“I think you’re right,” she tells Finn. “I can call them and confirm.”
“Why don’t I do that, and you just let Molly know to head there?”
“Perfect. Thanks, Finn.”
Before she can swipe her badge to head to her desk, however, they both hear the elevator opening again and look over to see Trevor Brooks stepping out.
“You beat me!” Trevor says to Finn. “The pizza didn’t keep you up too late?”
Finn laughs as he shakes his head. “Ate two slices and passed out. I’m gonna have to do an extra 20 minutes in the gym tonight to offset that.” He sees Tori’s confusion and adds, “We went out last night.”
“With Alex and Samantha and Jaq,” Trevor clarifies. “It’s been a long time since I was at a bar on a school night.”
“Same,” Tori says. “How am I the young one here, but you guys are making me feel old?”
“Come with us next time!” Finn says. “We can all be tired together the day after. You could bring your boyfriend.”
“He wouldn’t be weird about going to a gay bar, would he?” Trevor asks.
“I don’t think so. He and Jaq work together — they’re friends,” Tori tells them. “Although I don’t know if he’s that much of a bar guy in general.”
“We’ll let you know when the next outing happens,” Finn says cheerily.
“That sounds good. Now if you’ll excuse me, I need to go make sure Molly gets to the warehouse.”
She swipes her badge, and the glass door unlocks with a click. She grasps its handle.
“I’ll call and confirm with the warehouse,” Finn calls after her.
“And I’m going to need some caffeine if I’m supposed to keep up with this energy level,” Trevor says. “I’ll see you a little later.”
“Looking forward to it,” Finn says before he reaches for the phone receiver. Trevor swipes his own badge to head to his desk, and as Finn listens to the ringing on the other end of the phone line, he grins to himself as he watches Trevor exit the lobby.
8:53 AM

In the KBAY break room, Jaq fails at stifling a yawn as they pour themselves a steaming cup of coffee.
“These early mornings are a killer,” Zane Tanaka says as he enters the break room and sees the tail end of Jaq’s yawn.
“You’re telling me,” they say as they turn to face Zane. “I had a late night, too.”
“Sounds exciting.”
Jaq laughs. “Sam and I went out with Finn and our landlord and his husband. It wasn’t too crazy.”
They pause to take a sip of the coffee as Zane moves to the white refrigerator.
“I had a bad feeling last night, though,” they say in a quieter, more conspiratorial tone.
He glances over from the open fridge. “About what?”
“The letters. I just had this sense there would be another one when we got home. But there wasn’t.”
“Well, that’s a good thing, right?” he says as he takes a bottle of water from the refrigerator.
“Definitely. I know this is crazy, but I’m hoping they might have just decided to stop.”
“That isn’t crazy, Jaq.”
“No, but it seems like a pipe dream, doesn’t it?” they say. “But maybe whoever it is got bored, or wasn’t getting a reaction, or moved onto someone else, or… I don’t know.”
“That’d be great,” Zane says, “except then they might never get caught.”
Jaq lets out a sigh. “As long as they leave me alone and I’m safe, right?”
“Right,” Zane agrees as he screws the top off his water bottle.
9:18 AM
After he finishes teaching, Jason removes his coat and gloves, takes off his skates, and goes upstairs to the office. His chest tightens as he climbs the stairs, dreading having to act oblivious in front of Tempest and also hating that he is dreading being around someone he has long considered a friend.
When he reaches the office, he finds Tempest at her desk, studiously working away at e-mails.

“Morning,” she says as she looks up from her screen.
“Morning,” Jason replies a bit stiffly as he walks to his desk.
“Sorry I came in a little late,” Tempest says. “I was babysitting Chase last night. Alex and Trevor got in late.”
“All good. Don’t worry about it.”
Feeling awkwardness bearing down upon him, he places his bag down beside his desk and sits in the desk chair, unable to shake the sense that he might as well be moving through quicksand. As much as he tries not to glance at the yellow clips in her hair, he cannot help it.
“I’ve almost got all the coaches’ billing done for last month,” Tempest says, so matter-of-factly that it jolts Jason a little.
“Great. Thank you.”
He is still settling in behind his computer when the sound of a quick knock at the open door grabs his attention. He looks up, as does Tempest. Brent Taylor stands in the doorway, an inscrutable expression on his face.
“Hey,” Jason says, confused by the sight of his former brother-in-law. “What’s up?”
Brent draws in a tense breath before explaining, “I’m actually here on business.”
All at once, Jason’s stomach drops, and he glances toward Tempest, whose own casual reaction makes it clear that she has no idea what this is about.
Jason says as he pushes out his chair and stands. “Brent–“
“Tempest, I’m going to need you to come down to the station with me,” Brent says.
She stares back at him over her desk for a long moment, then looks to Jason. Something seems to change in her when she sees Jason’s solemn reaction to what is going on.
“Is this about the magazines?” she asks Jason.
“No. I swear.” He shakes his head as he watches Brent approach Tempest’s desk.
“If you just come with me, we don’t have to make a big scene out of this,” Brent says.
“Why should I come with you?” she asks, her voice quivering.
“You’re under arrest for the stalking and harassment of Jaq Pearson,” he says in a flat, detached tone. “You have to right to remain silent…”
Will Tempest be able to clear her name?
How will Jaq react to news of the arrest?
Is Trevor oblivious to Finn’s crush on him?
Discuss it all in the comments section below!
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