– Molly and Brent moved forward with suing Travis and Rosie for custody of Gabrielle.
– Travis was shocked when he was served with the custody suit papers at work.
– After a frantic Sonja told him that TJ has strep throat, Tim — not wanting to risk bringing the child to a hospital — placed a call for help.
Sonja Kahele‘s stocking feet tread a repetitive path over the nondescript beige carpet of the apartment’s living room: back and forth, back and forth, back and forth. The anxiety emanating from her body intensifies with each pass that she makes.

“It should be here soon,” Tim Fisher observes from his perch on the arm of the sofa, where he has been gazing out the window through the partially opened blinds.
She stops pacing and turns toward him. “I can’t see my little boy suffering any more, Tim. He’s been miserable since last night. And if I’d been able to take him to the doctor–“
“He’ll have medication by the time he wakes up from his nap. It’s strep throat. It’ll be cleared up by tomorrow morning.”
“I hope so,” she says with outsized frustration for this particular situation. “It could’ve been something much worse, Tim.”
“I know that–“
“Do you? Untreated strep can cause a lot of complications. And if it were something else entirely…”
“Sonja,” he says, rising to his feet. “TJ is going to be okay.”
She grits her teeth and stares back at him, her jaw quivering ever so slightly. “I hate this,” she finally says. “I hate being trapped here. I hate that I’m helpless to do anything for my son.”
“You’re getting him the medical care he needs.”
“By sitting around. What if it were more of an emergency?”
“Then we would’ve addressed it like one,” he says in an intentionally placid tone.
“You say that now.” She lets out a sigh. “Something has to change, Tim.”
“I’m asking you to bear with us for a little while longer. Staying here is for your — and TJ’s — safety. I come visit as often as I can–“
“Maybe there’s a better solution.” She places one palm on his chest. The touch comes as a surprise to Tim; it has been several years since the two of them shared such intimate contact. “Maybe the three of us could all be together, the way we should’ve been all along.”
Tim’s eyes widen. “Sonja…”
“I mean it,” she continues, and her forefinger, with its neatly filed nail coated in clear polish, traces a line down the center of his chest. “If Loretta hadn’t frightened me into leaving town, I would’ve told you I was pregnant, and then — who knows where we’d be now?”
He swallows hard as he feels the intensity radiating off her body.
“We would be safe at your house,” Sonja says, “and it would give you and me the chance to pick up where we left off.”
Before he can form any more words, however, Sonja stretches up on her tiptoes and touches her lips to his. Her scent, sweet and formal, comes rushing back to him, almost as if no time has passed at all.
Claire Fisher watches the pink light illuminate the floor numbers one by one as the elevator climbs through the building. Her body hums with a sense of urgency, even as she clutches the white paper bag with the prescription bottle inside it. She knows that her discomfort stems not only from concern for TJ’s health, but from having had to ask a doctor to write a prescription for the antibiotics without seeing the patient. Luckily, she has built up enough trust in her years on staff at Memorial that she was able to trade on that, and she wasn’t requesting anything controversial like painkillers — but skirting the rules still made her a bit uneasy.

Nevertheless, she understands that TJ’s well-being is the priority right now, and describing the circumstances as extenuating would be an understatement. She would be hard-pressed not to go out of her way to help any patient — especially a child — and Tim’s child in particular.
The elevator lurches to a stop at the designated floor. She waits for the doors to open, which they do with a slight creaking noise, and then steps out into the hallway. It takes her a moment to orient herself before she recognizes where to go, and she heads to her left.
The plainclothes officer stationed outside the apartment greets her with a terse nod.
“I’m Claire,” she says, holding up the paper bag. “I have a prescription–“
“Mr. Fisher let me know you’d be coming,” the officer responds, and Claire is certain from the way he looks at her that he has already been provided a photo of her to expedite the process. “The door’s unlocked.”
“Great. Thank you.”
She presses down on the silver door handle and softly opens the door a crack, not wanting to disturb the scene inside; she recalls all too well it can be to get a small child, let alone a sick one, to remain calm. But the sight that greets her when she enters is not at all what she expected.
She sucks in a sharp breath at the sight of Tim and Sonja, their bodies pressed together as they kiss.
Cell phone in hand, Travis Fisher exits the restaurant where he works and walks up Pier 22 toward the parking lot. But before he even reaches his car, where he intended to place this call, he is dialing his wife’s number. He has just made it to where the pier meets the land when Rosie answers.

“Hey,” she says wearily, and he immediately understands the reason for her tone.
“You got them, too?” he asks.
“Some guy just rang my mom‘s doorbell, like, ten minutes ago. They came to your work?”
“What the hell? Did your aunt and uncle plan some kind of tactical strike?”
“Seems like it,” Travis says. By now, he has stopped near the tail end of his car, and though he has to cross his arms against the winter cold, he makes no move to get inside the vehicle. “Maybe they had to do it this way. I don’t know.”
“That’s bull,” Rosie says forcefully. “They didn’t have to do anything. They never even tried to have a real conversation with us about how to work this out.”
“No, they didn’t.”
Silence falls over both of them for a moment. Travis kicks a pebble with the tip of his black work sneaker, and it goes skittering over the pavement.
“I can’t believe Commander Taylor would play it like this,” Rosie says. “He’s been, like, a mentor to me. I thought we were friends. And Molly’s your aunt.”
“I know.” He lets out a frustrated huff. “I guess they realize we aren’t gonna roll over and hand Gabrielle back to them.”
“No, we’re not,” she replies with determination. “No way. Especially not now, not after how they’ve handled this.”
“I only skimmed the papers, but it says we have 30 days to respond to the suit–“
“I’m not waiting on this for 30 days,” Rosie says. “Let’s find a lawyer we trust and get this going. The sooner we get this in front of a judge, the sooner we can put an end to this, once and for all.”
Claire freezes at the open door of Sonja and TJ’s apartment, watching as Tim and Sonja kiss by the window. With her hand still on the handle, she is about to back out and act like she was never here. But she knows that the officer standing guard is mere feet away, and the priority is getting this medication to TJ.
With her mind spinning like a turbine, she backs out into the hallway but does not pull the door fully closed.
Inside the apartment, Tim steps back from Sonja.

“What are you doing?” he asks.
Sonja tilts her head, her black hair falling to one side. Her hand lingers on his chest. “What does it seem like I’m doing? Tim, if Loretta had never made me leave–“
But she is interrupted by a light rap at the door, and they both look to see Claire peeking her head into the apartment.
“Hi,” she says, immediately holding up the paper bag. “I have the antibiotics.”
“Thank you so much,” Tim says, and he breaks away from Sonja to hurry toward Claire. “I really appreciate you taking care of this.”
“Me, too,” Sonja chimes in from her post by the window. “Thank you, Claire.”
Claire responds with a stilted nod and smile as she hands Tim the bag. “Of course. Yeah. How is TJ?”
“He’s actually sleeping,” Sonja says. “We’ll give him the first pill as soon as he wakes up.”
“Poor thing. I really hope these do the trick,” Claire says. “I guess I’ll, um, leave you two to it.”
“No need to rush out,” Tim tells her. “Do you want a coffee or anything?”
Claire shakes her head. “I have a bunch of things to take care of. But thanks. Let me know how TJ is, okay?”
Without awaiting their response, she slips back out of the apartment. Confused, Tim gazes at the door as it clicks back into place. Sonja sidles up beside him.
“That was nice of Claire to bring these,” she says.
“It was, yeah.” He turns back toward her. “Sonja, about earlier…”
“I’m sorry if I caught you off-guard. But you have to admit that the thought has crossed your mind, too. We share a son, Tim. And what we had — it was good. It was promising.”
“It was.” His front teeth clamp down over his bottom lip. “But that was a long time ago, Sonja.”
“Not that long. TJ isn’t exactly heading off to college any time soon–“
“A lot has happened since then. That’s what I mean. And — well, I’m sorry if I’ve led you on at all.”
“You haven’t. But Tim–“
“TJ is my priority. And he’ll remain that,” he says. “But you and I? That ship sailed a long time ago.”
Sonja’s shoulders slump as she exhales loudly.
“I’m going to go check on TJ and see if he’s waking up,” Tim says.
She nods as he passes her the bag containing their son’s prescription. She takes the orange pill bottle from the bag and sets it down roughly on the kitchen counter.
“Dammit,” she says under her breath.
Claire returns to the elevator and hastily presses the button for the subterranean garage, where she was advised to park so that she wouldn’t be spotted entering the building from the street. It feels as though it takes forever for the doors to close and the car to begin moving.
As the elevator descends, her mind replays the image of Tim and Sonja locked in a kiss. She supposes that she shouldn’t be surprised by it. The two share not only history, but a child. And Tim has been very focused on making sure that both TJ and Sonja are safe from Loretta’s evil intentions…
“It’s none of your business,” she mutters to herself, but that reminder doesn’t help the sinking feeling in her stomach.
When the elevator deposits her in the building’s garage, she hurries back to her car, simply hoping to put it all out of her head. But the feelings haunt her for the entire drive home, no matter how she attempts to distract herself from them.
Will Sonja drop her pursuit of Tim now?
Is Claire wrong for feeling how she does?
Should Travis and Rosie pursue this legal battle?
Discuss all this and more in the comments below!
When I saw your tweet about a triangle finally picking up steam, this wasn’t the one I was expecting, but it does make sense. I said after last episode, that I suspected that Tim would contact Claire to help with TJ’s meds, and I was right, so the set up was there. I can’t believe I didn’t see it coming. I do feel bad for Sonja because she’s been in the safe house for months, anyone would be stir crazy. He making a play for Tim was still surprising though because it’s not like she’s given any indication that she still has feelings for him – but maybe it was more of a way for her to get out. In any event, as soon as they kissed, I knew that Claire would see it and get in her feelings about it. I guess there’s always been a pull between Tim and Claire, but it’s not like they’ve been hooking up lately. Anyways, it will be interesting to see how this unfolds and it is nice that Tim is seemingly back in the thick of things. For a while now, it seems like he has been the lone Fisher on the backburner. AND – I just thought that Tim and Claire will be pulled together as they support Travis, because he will need them during this custody case.
Which, by the way, I am still Team Trosie, mostly because of how I can’t stand how badly Molly has behaved. In particular, I am loving how aggressive Rosie is being in all of this. She isn’t putting up with any bullshit from Molly and Brent and is just so determined to keep the baby. It feels like so many soap characters in this situation would be weepy like “I can’t lose my baby” ect, so it’s refreshing to see her fighting! The gloves are about to come off!
Thanks for your post, Dallas!
I bet I know which triangle you were hoping that tweet was about. 😉 I’m trying to bounce around and address all the other stories while we’re in a bit of a lull with the Gabrielle custody battle, so it was Tim, Claire, and Sonja’s turn now. I enjoyed being able to use Claire and Sonja’s medical knowledge as a part of this, and the feelings we have seen simmering between Tim and Claire ever since she helped him track down Sonja are going to be much tougher to deny after this. She clearly had a reaction to witnessing that kiss. Sonja is beyond stir-crazy, and I don’t blame her, but she really dug herself a hole by signing on to be Spencer’s “nurse” in the first place. Tim is doing his best to protect her and TJ, even if he no longer wants to be with her romantically. And I think you’re right that part of Sonja was playing Tim, or at least playing on their history together, in hopes of getting him to crack so she and TJ could leave this apartment.
I really love seeing where people’s allegiances are landing as this custody thing plays out. We’ll get into the courtroom soon enough, but it’s so juicy just putting different combinations of people together and seeing what their viewpoints on it are. And I love that Rosie isn’t some hapless victim here — as is befitting of her background and career, she’s tough and proactive, and she doesn’t have the sentimental feelings toward Molly that Travis might. It’s funny that I originally only conceived of putting Travis and Rosie into this story as the foster/adoptive parents because I needed something for them to do, because it’s turned out to be a really character- and couple-defying Big Story for them as much as it is for Molly and Brent.
Thanks again! I think you’ll enjoy the upcoming episode…
I’m a little behind on episodes but just another check in to say how much I’m enjoying the custody stuff – and we haven’t even got to the courtroom yet!! This is an extremely messy situation but I guess if I had to pick a side (or “dude’ as my phone tried to correct that to :D), I’d be team Travis/Rosie. I agree with Dallas above in that Molly especially is acting appallingly, but I also get why. I just wish she and Brent thought more with their heads than their hearts, and maybe something could have been worked out.
(But then we wouldn’t have had juicy drama and it’s a soap so… :D)
Not keen on Claire but also it feels inevitable that she and Tim will make their way back together, which I’m fine with. It’s been years since they’ve been explored. Despite your tweet about triangles hotting up, I don’t know, Tim seemed pretty adamant that he and Sonja are done. Also I can’t be entirely sure she wasn’t making a play for Tim just to get out of that safe house I’m interested to see where you take Sonja once this portion of the story is done with? Will she still want to be with Tim? Or could someone else catch her eye? I’ve no idea who that would be though
She’s not in this episode but God forbid I leave a comment without mentioning Diane so… I really liked the scenes with her and Isaac in the previous episode. Good luck, Isaac! You’ve got your work cut out for you there! 😀
Thanks so much for taking the time to leave your thoughts!
So glad you’re enjoying the custody storyline. I actually hadn’t intended for it to go on this long originally, but it’s proven to be so juicy that I didn’t want to cut off organic drama, so I’ve allowed it to play out and went back to adjust my plans accordingly. Molly really has been super-pushy, but she’s also not really in the wrong, per se. She’s *trying* to get access to a kid she now knows is hers, and Rosie and Travis haven’t made that easy — in part because of some of the errors she’s made along the way, like shit-talking their parenting abilities (at their own wedding!!!). We’re headed into the courtroom soon, but I’m really loving the opportunity to touch on how this affects almost everyone on canvas in some way.
I know Claire is a polarizing character. Believe it or not, about a decade ago, my intent was for Tim/Diane and Claire/Brent to be the endgame couples. Not sure if I’ve ever said this publicly before! But the backstory of Diane essentially raping Tim to conceive Samantha felt too icky for them to have a happy ending together, so I pivoted the story, and it took me back to Molly/Brent and a desire to test out Tim and Claire again. Sonja’s motivations in making that move on Tim are still a little hazy, and they might be hazy to her, too. She obviously still cared for him when she left town, but a lot has happened… and he’s also her one potential lifeline now. We’re going to pick up this thread again shortly.
Also re: Diane and Isaac, they’re featured in the latest episode (1174) and are going to move onto the frontburner pretty soon. I’ve really enjoyed discovering their dynamic as I write them. But yeah, I’m not sure Isaac is fully aware of what a, uh, challenging partner she could be!
Oh man, I just hit publish on my comment and all my paragraphs disappeared! This bloody phone! Sorry about that, hope it’s not too annoying to read!
They’re here and safe! Thank you for commenting!!