– Travis and Rosie’s wedding day approached.
– Tim enlisted Sarah to try and track down Sonja and the little boy, TJ, whom he suspects is his son.
– Molly was disturbed to learn that someone claiming to be from her office had changed the date of Objection’s showcase at the last minute, leaving them without a venue to display their newest line for buyers.
From the moment he wakes up, everything about the day feels surreal to Travis Fisher. Even though he and Rosie awaken in the queen-sized bed in her apartment — where they have been living together with Gabrielle for months — and go about their usual morning routine, of changing and feeding the baby while the coffee brews, it all feels different somehow. He is so aware of the tuxedo hanging in his closet, of the rings in their boxes on the dresser, of the excitement in the air today. When he gives Rosie a goodbye kiss, it occurs to me him that it is the last time they will kiss without being a married couple. He is unable to keep the goofy grin off his own face, and he sees the same sparkle in Rosie’s place as they part ways.

After he drops Gabrielle off at Rosie’s mother’s house, he drives to the wedding venue. There are still hours to go until the ceremony, but since they decided to hold the wedding on a short timeline and a budget to match, he is sure there is plenty to do before guests begin arriving.
However, when he pushes through the saloon doors, with his garment bag slung over one shoulder, he is amazed by the transformation that The Wild Lady has undergone. The knotty wood floors stretch out before him, as always, but the oak barrels that normally serve as cocktail tables have been covered in white cloths and staged around a large square area that will later become the dance floor — but, for now, has several rows of chairs lined up on it, all facing the portable floral arch that will serve as the altar. Nearer to the entrance, several round tables are outfitted in bigger versions of the same tablecloths for the dinner portion of the event.
“Do ya like?” a voice squawks from the back of the bar, pulling Travis’s attention. He looks to see Kathleen Bundy standing there, clad in jeans and a simple gingham blouse, hands folded in front of herself with trepidation.
“This is amazing,” Travis says as he moves toward his biological mother. “I came to see what I could help out with, but you’ve done so much.”
“Jimmy’s out picking up the floral arrangements now,” Kathleen tells him. “We got a nice, big one for each of the dinner tables, and a few extra to go here and there.”
“You guys did not have to go to all this trouble.”
“We wanted to. You hosted our wedding at your family’s restaurant. It’s only right to return to favor. And Travis…” Kathleen’s face wells with emotion. “I missed out on so much of your life. To be able to host your wedding — it’s an honor.”
“Well, thank you. It looks awesome.” He drapes his garment bag over one of the barrels so that he can hug her. “I’m glad you get to be a part of today.”

“Me, too,” she says, sniffling as she wipes away the first hints of tears. “You know, your mom and dad have done a lot, too. They insisted. Claire was here at 8 a.m. setting up the tables with me.”
Again he gazes around the space, amazed by its transformation from a typical bar into a beautiful wedding venue. Then he laughs.
“Guess there’s no hiding the mechanical bull,” he says.
“I warned y’all,” Kathleen replies with a chuckle.
“I like it. It adds character.”
“Good.” She picks up the bag containing his tuxedo. “I’m gonna go hang this in the back. We’ve got a space for you to get ready and everything.”
“Let’s see it,” he says as he follows her into the back of the establishment, still marveling at what a lovely and gracious space this will be for the wedding — and at all the love and care that went into making it one.
After Travis leaves with the baby, Rosie treats herself to a long, hot shower — a rarity with an infant in the household — while the new Doja Cat album plays over her portable Bluetooth speaker. She dries off and puts on the special robe that her mother bought her for today, and soon the apartment is being invaded by her cousins, Camila and Marisol, and the hair-and-makeup gurus that have been hired for the big day.

Just as Rosie is having the finishing touches put on her makeup, however, there is an insistent knock at the door.
“Who else did you invite?” she asks her cousins, confused, as Camila simply glides toward the door — her own hair in curlers — and opens it.
“You’re kidding me!” Rosie exclaims as the apartment door opens, revealing her brother, Sebastian, standing there.
“Told Mama to tell you I’d make it, Rocio,” Sebastian says with a wide grin.
“I can’t believe it,” she says. She slides out of the dining chair where she has been sitting while her makeup is done and hurries toward the door, where Sebastian is lingering uncertainly.
Rosie draws a deep breath as she takes in the sight of him for the first time in far too long. “You came.”

“You’re my little sister,” he says. “I wouldn’t miss your wedding day.”
“It’s just been so long.”
“And I’m sure we have a lot to talk about. But I’m here.”
“I’m really happy that you are.” She swallows, pushing down the lump that has materialized in her throat. “Can I give you a hug?”
“I was gonna ask you the same thing,” Sebastian says before he wraps his arms around her.
“It could’ve been a much bigger disaster than it was,” Molly Taylor says before letting out a heavy sigh and leaning back against the chair. She sits at the kitchen table in her mother‘s home, with a cup of coffee in front of her and a weary expression upon her face.
“I’m glad you were able to salvage it,” Paula Fisher responds from across the table.
“Salvage is the right word. It wasn’t exactly the showcase we had planned, but considering we had to have it in a random photography studio on two hours’ notice… it could’ve been worse.”
Paula offers a reassuring smile. “You’ve always been so resourceful. It’s no wonder you’re so successful. It’s that perseverance — just like your father had.”
The mention of Bill brings a warm grin to Molly’s face, as well, but it soon fades, giving way to the worry that has been haunting her in recent days.
“I still can’t figure out how this happened, though,” she says. “Neither Ashley nor Tori changed the date. And I know I didn’t do it.”
“You did say that Gia woman was all too ready to jump down your throat,” Paula says. “Is it possible she did it to make you look bad?”
Molly takes a long sip of her coffee as she contemplates this idea.
“I guess it’s possible,” she replies at last. “It is possible. She’s always been way too willing to think the worst of me. After my trial, she was practically leading the angry mob coming after me with pitchforks to have me tossed out of the company.”
“And then you came up with the idea for that Conviction line and showed them all why Camille left the company to you in the first place,” Paula reminds her, her voice filled with pride.
“But Gia has been waiting for me to screw things up ever since.”
“Then maybe it’s true and she did do this to sabotage you.”
“It’s just so underhanded. She’s a Vice President, too — if the company looks bad, she looks bad.”
“Unless she’s able to swoop in and save the day.”
“But Tori and I were the ones who saved the day,” Molly says. “We called the photographer and asked to use his studio. Gia went along with it, but it wasn’t her idea.”
“Then perhaps she underestimated that perseverance of yours.”
Her hands circled around the mug, Molly breathes in the soothing aroma of the coffee. “If this really is Gia’s doing, then I need to figure out how to catch her in the act before she does any more damage.”
“You have a lot of loyal people on your staff who could help you,” Paula says. “Especially your nieces. I’m sure Samantha and Tori would be happy to help.”
Molly nods before adding, “I still feel so bad that I accused Tori of messing up those sample orders. She’s green, but she isn’t stupid or careless.”
“It’s all water under the bridge now.” Paula pushes out her chair and stands. “Would you like more coffee?”
“No, I should get home and start getting ready for the wedding.” Molly takes one more sip of her coffee and stands up, as well. “Thanks for letting me vent.”
“That’s what mothers are for,” Paula tells her as she clears both mugs from the table and brings them to the sink. Molly gathers her purse and phone, unable to kick the sense of dread that has been following her around for the past several days.
Although it is still early, Travis uses the small storage room in the back to change into his tuxedo. When he makes his way back out to the bar’s main area, he is surprised at whom he finds placing the centerpieces on the tables.
“Those look really nice,” he comments.
Elly Vanderbilt turns in surprise. She wears dark jeans with metallic flats and a simple, bubblegum-pink tank top.
“I didn’t realize you were here already,” she says. “Jimmy had to go out and pick up more candles, so I told him I’d set these up.”
“Thanks for helping out,” Travis says. “It looks great in here.”
“You look really nice in your tux, too.”
They stand stiffly, several yards apart from one another.
“Thanks,” he replies.

“I’m sure I’m the last person you want to see today. As long as you think the flowers look okay, I can…” She tips her head in the direction of the exit.
“You’re fine. I really do appreciate you helping out. Your dad and Kathleen went all-out here.”
Elly surveys the room and smiles. “They really did. It’s going to be an amazing day, Travis. I’m happy for you.”
“Thanks, El. What’s going on with you? Kathleen said you’d gotten some paralegal work.”
“I’m trying to take the Washington state bar so I can practice here,” she says.
“After you busted your ass to take the California one? Do you really not want to go back there?”
As he waits for her to answer, he notices a glitch — a moment of hesitation — but it passes before he has too much time to think about it.
“I’d rather be up here,” she explains. “But enough about me. How’s it going with the baby? Jimmy and Kathleen said she’s adorable.”
“Gabrielle. Yeah, she is. And it’s insane how much she changes day to day and week to week.” He finds himself unable to wipe the grin off his face at the thought of the home life he and Rosie are building. “Do you want to stay? There’s plenty of room.”
“A pity invite to my ex-boyfriend’s wedding? I appreciate it, but I’ll pass.”
“It isn’t pity. I swear. It’s a gesture. Of friendship.”
She hesitates before exhaling loudly, her shoulders dropping as she releases the breath. “Thank you. Seriously. I think I’m going to pass — just because it’s a little awkward, and I don’t really know Rosie or if she’d be okay with that, but I appreciate it.”
“Okay. Just know that you’re welcome.”
“Thanks, Travis,” Elly says. “I hope today is everything you and Rosie have dreamed of it being.”
Holding the skirt of her flowing black dress so that she doesn’t trip on it, Claire Fisher hurries to the door of her apartment. She pulls it open to reveal her ex-husband standing there in a tuxedo.
“Hope I’m not too early,” Tim says as she lets him into the aparment.
Claire shakes her head; her brown hair, styled into a tasteful chignon, remains in place.
“Not at all,” she says. “I’m almost ready.”
“Have you been to The Wild Lady yet?” he asks. “I stopped by last night to drop off a few things. It looked great.”
“Yeah, I was there earlier helping Kathleen. They really did it up.”
Tim grins caustically. “Way to make me look like a slacker.”
“You have all the photos in your car, right?” she asks as she gathers her purse, phone, and keys from their stations all around the apartment.
“Safely packed in bubble wrap and ready for display. Is Tempest almost ready? Would she want to ride with us?”
“She’s running errands. She’ll go separately.”
“Great.” He watches silently as she transfers her lipstick and a few other items into a small, beaded clutch. “Can you believe this is actually happening?”
“That Travis is getting married today? Absolutely not.”
“How are we old enough to have a son getting married?” Tim asks with wonder.
“Technically, we already have a married son,” Claire reminds him.

“Fair. But this feels different, doesn’t it? Is it wrong of me to say that?”
She pauses before snatching the clutch closed. “No, I understand. We changed Travis’s diapers. I remember taking him to kindergarten. And now he’s getting married. It’s different than with Spencer.”
Tim finds himself unexpectedly going quiet. He can feel Claire’s gaze upon him, searching, waiting. Finally she speaks up:
“What are you thinking about?”
“That I wish I had more of those memories,” he says. “With Travis, and with Samantha, and with Spencer, too.”
“And that makes you think about TJ,” she adds, able to see exactly what is going on.
“Yeah. The thought that — if he’s even mine — that I’m missing out again… Sonja knows how much it hurts me that I missed all of my kids’ childhoods. For her to do this to me…”
“It’s cruel,” Claire says with a compassionate nod. “I’m sorry. Has Sarah had any updates for you?”
“There’s no sign of her having gotten on any flights, so she might still be on the island. I don’t know. She’s doing her best.”
“We’ll find her,” Claire reassures him. “And we’ll find TJ and get this all sorted out. I’m here for you.” She places a hand on the arm of his tuxedo jacket.
He looks up with gratitude. “Thank you.”
A moment passes, and then Tim forces a smile.
“Now let’s go enjoy today, shall we?” he says.
“I’m planning on it,” Claire responds as she opens the front door.
“I do wish she hadn’t been so clever,” the woman says as she swivels the desk chair to face her associate. “Damn her for actually staging a showcase at all!”
“I know,” the other person agrees. “I tried my best–“
“And now you’ll have to try harder,” Loretta Ragan says as a wicked grin plays upon her devilishly red lips. She places her palms on the small writing desk and then stands. Slowly she makes her way to the hotel room’s large window, which overlooks downtown King’s Bay.
“Our plan has to work,” Loretta continues as she stares out at the bustling streets. “That woman has to pay for what she did to my son.”
“She will,” her associate assures her, in a slightly shaky voice that is reaching for optimism.
“Oh, she will. By the time I’m through with Molly Taylor, she’ll have nothing left.”
“And Objection will be all mine,” the other person says.
Loretta raises one meticulously penciled eyebrow.
“That’s why it’s so vital that we succeed in making Molly appear to have lost her marbles,” Loretta says. “No one will trust her to run that company anymore. And then…”
She taps a fingernail against the glass.
“Then I’ll finally have revenge for my Philip,” she says.
Who is Loretta working with?
Will the wedding go off without a hitch?
Are you curious to learn more about Sebastian?
Talk about it all in the comments below!
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