Episode 1068

– Loretta blackmailed Natalie into ending her sexual relationship with Spencer — and was furious after she witnessed Spencer buttoning his shirt after being alone in a bedroom with Natalie.
– After Tori told him about the errors at work that she had been blamed for, Landon recalled Zane’s veiled threats to him and wondered if there was more to the story.
– Travis and Rosie decided to foster the baby who’d been left outside the KBPD after her first foster family fell through.

Sarah Fisher Gray sits in the living room of the house in which she grew up, hunched forward as she toggles between different browser tabs on her laptop, paying bills. On the TV, a midday news broadcast plays, although she only glances up at it when something catches her attention — and, today, very little is doing that. When she hears the doorbell ring, she startles, not having expected it, and then closes the laptop before standing.

She unlocks and opens the front door, revealing Landon Esco on the front porch.

“Landon. Hi,” she says uncertainly. Her nephew‘s best friend and roommate is not someone she expected to find on her doorstep today. “Are you looking for Travis? He hasn’t been by today–“

“I came to see you, actually,” Landon says. “Sorry I didn’t call, but I don’t even have your number, and I thought it would be weird to ask Travis for it, so… here I am.”

“Here you are.” She steps aside, allowing him to come into the house. “What’s going on?”

“You’re, like, a private eye, right?”


“So you do stakeouts and stuff?” he asks.

“That’s been known to happen, yes,” Sarah says. “Are you looking to hire a P.I., Landon?”

“Oh. No. This is actually more about you being Tori‘s mom. But I figured, since you’re a professional–“

“What about Tori?” she asks, her heart rate spiking instantly. She has spent every day of the last year and a half carrying around a latent sense of doom, terrified that something might happen to Tori and she’ll be the last to know. Landon’s unexpected arrival and mention of her daughter now kicks those fears into overdrive.

“Don’t worry. She’s okay,” he says, “at least for now. But I was wondering… and I really hope I’m not crossing any lines here… but you and Mr. Gray, you’ve had, like, concerns about Zane, right?”

“We have. Landon, what’s going on?”

He shifts his weight uncomfortably from one foot to the other and then back again, pulling the sleeves of his North Face fleece jacket over his hands. 

“I’m worried Zane did something bad to Tori,” he says, the full weight of this burden audible in his labored delivery, “and I’m worried he’s gonna do it again unless someone stops him.”


“Don’t you dare die on me, or I’ll kill you myself!” Natalie Bishop mutters. She stands on the deck behind her and Spencer Ragan‘s home, stooped over a row of potted plants with a watering jug in her hand. Up above, the rare glow of the Pacific Northwest sun in late winter shines brightly. 

“Threatening the defenseless again?” a voice asks. 

Natalie cranes her neck to see her mother-in-law standing at the screen door. She stifles a groan as Loretta slides open the door and steps outside.

“I’m doing my best to keep these alive,” Natalie explains.

“You don’t strike me as much of a green-thumb,” Loretta says, “or someone with nurturing instincts at all, really.”

“What’s that supposed to mean? I am raising two children–“

“I’d attribute that more to blind luck than anything.”

Natalie sets down the water jug and stands up straight. “What is with you? I’ve been a gracious hostess to you, Loretta. I let you spend time with Peter. And I’ve even done what you’ve asked.”

“Is that so?” Loretta folds her arms; the flowing sleeves of her emerald green caftan hang in front of her body. “You know, when I took Peter to the park the other afternoon, we had to turn back to see if he’d left that thing he calls Doggo here…”

She trails off, her silence full of insinuation. Natalie stares back at her in confusion.

“What are you getting at, Loretta?” she finally asks.

Loretta slowly closes the screen door before turning back to Natalie. “I happened to see Spencer coming out of the same room you were in — buttoning his shirt.”

Natalie’s breath catches for a moment before she says, “That wasn’t what it looked like.”

“Is that so? Because what it looked like was you defying me and thinking you wouldn’t get caught.”

“That was Spencer–” Natalie stops, gritting her teeth and shaking her head. “Nothing happened.”

“We had a deal, Natalie. And now you’ve violated it.”

“I swear,” Natalie says, her voice pitching upward with desperation. “Absolutely nothing happened between Spencer and me. Nothing has happened since the day you– you made me promise to stop. You have to believe me.”

Loretta simply lifts one overly manicured eyebrow as she glares across the deck at Natalie.

Molly Taylor wipes her fingers on a brown paper napkin and then places the crumpled piece of paper inside one of the several takeout containers scattered over the coffee table inside her office suite at Objection Designs.

“We should do this more often,” she tells her older brother, who sits in an identical slipper chair on the other side of the table from her.

“Any time,” Tim says, still holding a pair of chopsticks in his hand. “It’s been too long.”

Molly looks at the spread resting between them, a good deal of which is still intact. “We could probably save half of this for another lunch date.”

“I don’t know if sushi is going to hold that long…”

“You’re probably right.” Molly chuckles. “Thank you for coming, though. I’m sorry I kept postponing our plans. I just haven’t been able to catch my breath, between the twins and work and…”

“No need to apologize.” Tim sets down the chopsticks and folds his hands together. “But how are you doing, really?”

“Good. Just busy. You know how it is.”

“That’s what I mean, Mol. Are you taking time for yourself?”

She glowers at him. “You sound like Mom.”

“I never thought I’d say this, but good. We all want to make sure you’re taking care of yourself. And if you won’t, we’ll do it for you.”

“I’m okay. I promise,” Molly insists. “I’m seeing my therapist regularly. It’s all a process.”

“Okay. Good.” He draws in a deep breath, and Molly senses that he is stewing over something.

“What is it?” she asks.

“There’s a reason I wanted to see you besides just wanting to catch up,” Tim says. “There’s something I need to tell you about, Mol.”

“Did you have fun?” Claire Fisher asks as she takes her grandson’s free hand to lead him out of the elevator. In the other hand, he holds a lollipop that he has been working on for at least fifteen minutes; Claire keeps checking to make sure that he hasn’t yet dropped it.

“Mm-hmm,” Peter says, nodding fervently. 

They exit the elevator bay and begin to cross the hospital’s lobby when Claire sees Isaac Banks, in a white doctor’s coat and blue scrubs, reviewing a chart at the reception desk. He glances up and notices her, as well.

“Hi, Isaac,” Claire says. “Settling in okay?”

“More than okay.” He smiles broadly and looks down at Peter. “And who’s this?”

“This is my grandson, Peter. I was helping out with story time in the children’s wing, so I thought I’d bring him along and let him enjoy it.”

“Hi, Peter. It’s nice to meet you.” Isaac waves somewhat awkwardly at the little boy, who stares back at him.

“This is Isaac. He’s Tempest‘s brother,” Claire explains, although it only results in more staring from Peter as he licks his lollipop.

“He’s a little shy,” she says.

Isaac grins. “That’s okay. Grandson, huh? I had no idea.”

“Well, my own kids are around Tempest’s age, so it’s not that shocking,” she says, “even though it does constantly shock me. Actually — you know Diane, don’t you?”

After a momentary hesitation, Isaac says, “Oh. Yeah. We met on that cruise.”

“I thought I remembered Tempest saying that was why you’d visited King’s Bay originally.” She refrains from making any further comment about Diane, not wanting to stir up ancient — and not-so-ancient — drama.

“Yeah. Small world, right?” He shrugs. “Why, uh, what made you think of her?”

Her sister is Peter’s mother. She’s married to my son.”

“Diane’s sister is married to your son,” he says slowly, as if sounding out an unfamiliar word. “Got it.”

“As you said: small world.” She pushes a strand of her dark brown hair out of her face. “Tempest and I were talking — you should come over for dinner soon.”

“That’d be great.”

“I’ll have her call you — er, text you. See? That’s how much of a grandma I am. I still make actual phone calls.”

Isaac laughs. “All good. I’ve gotta get back upstairs, but I’ll see you soon, Claire. It was nice meeting you, Peter.”

Peter finally waves back at Isaac, in an overly enthusiastic way, before the doctor heads toward the elevators.


Landon sits on the Fishers’ couch beside Sarah, with one leg pulled up beside himself as he finishes explaining his theory.

“The stuff Zane said to me on Christmas,” he says, “I thought it was some kinda threat about being friends with Tori. And if he felt like I was a threat, then he definitely sees her job as one.”

Sarah nods ardently. “I’m sure he does. He doesn’t like anything that takes her attention away from him.”

“Right. And he didn’t show up at Objection that night just to be nice. We already know he’s a hacker or whatever.”

“Yeah.” Sarah leans forward, resting her elbows on her knees, as she thinks for a long moment. “Thanks for telling me all this, Landon. Tori has barely even wanted me to mention it when I do get to talk to her–“

“Because she really thinks that she screwed up at work,” Landon says. “She’s embarrassed.”

“This stops now,” Sarah declares. “We tried to give Zane the benefit of the doubt, but I’ve ignored my gut for way too long. He’s going to destroy Tori’s life if we don’t stop him.”

“What are you gonna do?”

She stands up before she even finds the words to answer. Landon looks up at her eagerly.

“I don’t know yet,” she finally says. “But we’re going to figure this out, and we’re going to end this before Zane causes Tori or this family any more harm. And I’m going to need your help.”

Landon leaps to his feet, too.

“Tell me what to do, captain,” he says, brimming with enthusiasm.


“Oh,” Molly says as she sits up straighter, pressing against the upholstered chair. “That’s great news for Travis and Rosie — and that baby. Foster parents do something so incredible.”

“I know,” Tim replies, but there is still something tense about him that Molly notes.

“Were you worried I’d fall to pieces because they’re fostering a baby?”

“Well… I just…”

“You don’t have to handle me like I’m some fragile porcelain doll,” she says. “I’ve got some cracks right now, but I’m not going to break.”

“I know that. You’ve been through some really painful, traumatic things before. You always come out the other side stronger than ever.”

“That’s nice of you to say.” She stops, melting into the sort of heavy, loaded pause that covers both of them. They sit in silence for seconds that could be minutes before Tim speaks again.

“The thing is, I haven’t told you everything,” he says cautiously. 

Molly’s head swings upward sharply. “What do you mean?”

“Gabrielle — she was left outside the police station when she was only a few weeks old.”

“Oh my god. That’s so sad.” Molly’s hand goes to her sternum. “That poor baby.”

“And… she’s just about the age your baby would be.” Now it is Tim’s turn to pause, as much for himself as for his sister. “Brent even thought for a minute–“

“Our baby was a boy,” she says. “Our son died right after he was born.”

“I know. And Brent knows that. He just thought–” He shakes his head sadly. “We were all worried about sending you down the same spiral, I guess. I’m sorry.”

“I understand, and I appreciate that,” she says. “But I’m fine. Really.”

She rises from her chair and begins straightening up the coffee table, stacking empty and half-full containers and gathering utensils and napkins.

“Let me help,” Tim says, but she playfully swats his hands away.

“I’ve got it,” she tells him. “I’m okay, Tim. Really.”

“Good,” he says, but as he watches her quick movements and intense focus upon the cleanup, he has to bite his tongue to keep from voicing further objections.


Natalie balls her fists as she waits for Loretta to respond. Finally she cannot take it any longer.

“Loretta,” she says sharply. “Nothing happened between Spencer and me. I’ve kept my promise to you.”

“I’d like to believe that,” Loretta says, “but as we’ve seen, your word doesn’t count for much.”

“I’m a lot of things, but I’m not stupid.”

“I wouldn’t be so sure about that.”

“I know better than to double-cross you.”

“Do you?” Loretta asks, placing her hands on the hips of the green caftan.


“Don’t run!” Claire calls out to Peter, who nevertheless sprints up the driveway and leaps onto the porch. She holds her breath nervously and is grateful that he doesn’t trip and fall.

Just as she is catching up to him, he tries the doorknob. The front door of Spencer and Natalie’s house opens up.

“Go wash your hands,” Claire tells Peter, all too aware of how sticky they must be after that lollipop.

Her grandson ducks into the powder room off the hallway, and Claire moves through the house. She is about to announce herself to Natalie when she hears voices through the kitchen, and as she enters the room, she sees that the sliding door is open, leaving only the screen between herself and the back deck.

“I swear,” a voice is saying. Despite it sounding rather muffled because of the distance and the sounds from outdoors, Claire can tell that it is Natalie speaking. “I’m doing everything you asked me to do. Or not to do.”

“For your sake, I hope that’s true,” another voice replies, and Claire instantly recognizes it as Loretta’s menacing coo. She stops in place and stands as still as possible as she listens.

“Remember,” Loretta continues, “all it would take is one phone call to your friend Sonja to bring this all crashing down.”

Sonja? Claire thinks. What does Sonja have to do with this?

Although she has no idea what any of this means, she instantly knows that she should not let Loretta or Natalie in on what she has heard. She retreats to the front of the house to wait for Peter, even as her mind goes into overdrive trying to solve this strange new puzzle.


What will Claire do with this confusing bit of information?
Is Molly doing as well as she wants Tim to believe?
Will Sarah and Landon finally be able to bring down Zane?
Talk about it all in the comments below!

Next Episode

270 thoughts on “Episode 1068

  1. I’m glad that Zane finally went to Sarah with his concerns for Tori regarding Zane’s strong hold on her. I’m curious as to Sarah and now Landon come up with to help Tori break free from Zane’s clutches. Maybe if he does well Landon can become a PI?!

    I sense chemistry between Claire and Isaac which would definitely create more drama for Diane/Tempest etc., in addition to Diane and Claire’s long sordid history too.

    Tim & Molly reconnecting was good too. I wasn’t aware she didn’t know about Travis and Rosie fostering Gabrielle. But she quickly went into her “defense mode” reminding me of Paula when it comes to keeping things organized and tidy when they’re lives aren’t.

    And Claire overhearing Natalie and Loretta talking about Sonja makes this whole story even more complicated. I bet she goes to Tim with what she overheard.

    Good Episode!!!

    1. Thanks for your post, Bre!

      There’s something so intriguing and funny to me about Sarah and Landon working together. He really does care about Tori, and of course Sarah does, too, so there’s some real emotion behind this — but it remains to be seen what they’ll be able to accomplish.

      I’m enjoying getting Isaac interwoven with the canvas, and since he and Claire are now coworkers, it only makes sense to have them cross paths. But hoo boy, is that gonna be messy when Diane realizes he’s getting to know Claire! I’d planned to do this Claire/Isaac interaction at some point, but it wound up fitting perfectly here because I needed Claire to be doing something before she popped up at the end to overhear Loretta.

      Tim made a point at Christmas of telling Travis and Rosie not to drop their news about the baby with Molly there. Took me WAY too long to get back to that! But I knew I wanted to have Tim be the one to deliver the news in a sensitive way. Still, this is something Molly’s going to have on her mind now…

      Thanks again!

  2. Yes! I love how the stories are starting to pick up a little steam — although I do love the slow burn you give us for the character development. I honestly didn’t think that Landon would go to Sarah first to help Tori but it is a lot better than trying to solve the issue on his own and I guess with Travis and Rosie a tad bit busy with Gabrielle it makes a lot more sense that he would go to a more ‘adult’ figure to help with Tori. I’m sure out of all of Sarah’s accomplices from the past Landon will be more reliable. Zane is a quickly study, however, so I wonder how this is going to play out.

    A mention of Sonja! A glimpse of Tim! It looks like we will be revisiting a few storylines we haven’t seen in awhile. I’m sure once Claire runs to Tim to tell him about what she has overheard they will start to put the p[ieces together. I just wonder, will the go and try to help Natalie or will they use her to get to Loretta? Or ignore her altogether and try not to alert Loretta at all? They could really use an additional ally, and with what is coming up with Molly/Gabrielle/Travis/Rosie I’m sure he will need more answers to unravel Loretta’s grand scheme of things.

    Oh, Molly, you’re not alright.

    1. Thank you for taking the time to comment!

      I agree that things have been a little slow. I feel like I’ve been stuck in a ‘building phase’ with most of the stories for a while — obviously stuff is happening, but it’s all kind of in that middle phase where things are being planted. It’s amazing that, for as long as I’ve been doing this, pacing things out perfectly can be so elusive. At any rate, with Landon going to Sarah and with Claire overhearing that morsel about Sonja, things are definitely going to start picking up. I’m excited to write a Sarah/Landon alliance, and it makes Landon even more tied into things than he’s been in the past.

      I felt bad that Tim didn’t air in 2021 until now, but I had so much to get through, so I kept moving his scenes back. But now that this Sonja tidbit is out, he’s definitely going to be much more involved. And you’re right that this is all going to tie in with Molly’s story, baby Gabrielle, and Travis/Rosie. This is a REAL slow burn of an umbrella story, lol. But Loretta has her fingers in a lot of pies here, and now people are going to start connecting the dots…

      Thanks again!

  3. I honestly forgot that Claire is Peter’s grandma 😂 only cause they haven’t had a scene together in a while. Clever way, though, for Isaac to learn of the, complicated, family tree. And thank goodness someone heard Loretta threaten Natalie because now someone can try to help her. Of course, I suspect that Claire will run to Tim and reveal what she heard. After all this time, will we see Sonja again?

    And YAAAS to Landon going to Sarah with what he knows. It seems like often on soaps people try to be the hero and get in over their head, so I’m glad he got help. Sarah doesn’t always have the best ideas but I know she will take this seriously. I’m curious to see if Zane clues in to what’s up.

    Good episode _ lots of fun stuff going on in kings bay right now!

    1. Thanks, Dallas!

      Believe me, even though I didn’t forget that Peter is Claire’s grandson, I’m always trying to juggle which relationships haven’t been shown in a while and need some screen time. So this was a long time coming! It’s also fun having someone new like Isaac around, because he gets to learn about all these relationships and complex ties, and since it’s all news to him, he gets to react like any normal person would, as opposed to someone who’s been in King’s Bay long enough not to find this crazy!

      It’s highly possible that Sonja will pop up again at some point. I hope Nicole Scherzinger can swing a break from filming ODAAT to help out if needed! 😉

      Landon going to Sarah is definitely a smart move. I think he knows he needs a professional, plus he doesn’t have all the info here. But he really does want to be Tori’s hero — not in a selfish way, but because he cares for her. It remains to be seen whether they’ll be able to figure out a way to pry her away from Zane, but things are certainly about to pick up now.

      Thanks again!

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