– Diane was shocked when “Ben,” the doctor with whom she had a fling on her cruise, showed up at KBAY — and even more shocked when Tempest recognized him as her older brother, Isaac!
– Paula informed Tim about Helen’s theory that Loretta had her mugged in order to steal Peter’s DNA results.
– Spencer confronted Elly with his findings that she’d had an affair with a married partner at the law firm where she’d interned, suspecting that Loretta had used this to blackmail her. Elly refused to admit anything, and when she later reconsidered, she was stunned to discover that Spencer and Natalie were sleeping together and shut down again.
The toaster pops with its typical zhing, springing two pieces of wheat bread back into view. Claire Fisher carefully removes them and sets them on a plate. She opens the refrigerator and is scouring it for the almond butter when she hears a door open at the other end of the apartment.
“Are you feeling all right?” she calls out.

A moment later, Tempest Banks appears on the other side of the breakfast nook, fully dressed for work in an oversized cable-knit sweater and jeans.
“I’m fine,” Tempest says, though is a certain fatigue in her voice that Claire recognizes well.
“You were already in bed when I got home last night, and you slept in this morning,” Claire says as she pulls the almond butter from the fridge. “I assumed you were under the weather.”
“Oh. No. Just needed to turn off my brain and sleep.”
Claire eyes her with concern. “Something wrong?”
“That’s one way to put it,” Tempest says. “You’ve never gonna believe this, but my brother’s in town.”
“Isaac? He found you? Are you okay with that?”
“He didn’t find me. He’s here for–” Tempest shakes her head. “I went to the radio station to have a little talk with Diane, and I saw him there.”
Claire places her elbows on the counter and leans forward. “What am I missing here?”
“He met Diane on that cruise she went on. I don’t know. It’s weird.”
“That is weird,” Claire says. “Did you get to talk to him? How was it?”
“I don’t know. Fast. Awkward. The whole thing was. I got outta there pretty fast.”
“It was probably a major shock seeing him after all these years, especially when you weren’t expecting to.”
“Mm-hmm. Seemed like he was really surprised to see me, too. So I don’t think it was some cover story.”
“There’s a lot to unpack here,” Claire says, “but first things first: why were you going to the radio station to see Diane?”

As she exits the building in downtown King’s Bay where KBAY’s studios are located, Diane Bishop pulls her coat closed in front of her. A gust of mid-morning wind hits her as soon as she steps outside, and she lowers her face away from it. She is walking like that, her gaze fixed on the pavement as the wind tousles her dark brown hair, when a voice stops her in her tracks.
“Diane,” it says, and she turns with a start to see Isaac Banks mere feet away from her.
“What are you doing?” she snaps at him.
“I needed to see you.”
“I thought yesterday made it pretty clear that that’s the last thing we need.”
“Why? Because of Tempest?” he asks.
Isaac sticks his hands into the pockets of his dark jeans. “What’s the deal with you two? I got the sense there was some real history there.”
“There is.” Diane frowns, not sure if she’s relieved that Tempest seemingly didn’t tell Isaac everything or terrified at the prospect of having to tell him herself. “It’s complicated. Too complicated.”
She can see the despair in Isaac’s face, and for a moment, she has the urge to do whatever she can to erase it. But she reminds herself that’s no longer an option, not now that she is aware of his connection to Tempest.
“You really mean to tell me you had no idea that Tempest lived here, let alone that I knew her?” she asks.
Isaac shakes his head insistently. “I swear.”
She spent all of yesterday, and most of a restless night, contemplating the situation, and she has to admit that it seems too weird for Isaac and Tempest to have somehow staged this entire thing.
“You still can’t be showing up here every day,” Diane says. “It’s weird.”
“I know, but I didn’t know where else to go.”
Diane raises both eyebrows. “How about home?”
“I can’t. Not yet,” Isaac says. “That’s why I’m here. I need your help.”

Spencer Ragan raps his knuckles against the open door of his father’s office inside Vision Publishing.
Tim Fisher looks up from the printed PDF in which he has been consumed, still holding a red pen between his fingers.
“Good morning,” he says to his son, who comes into the office carrying a small stack of papers, with several clips sticking out of the bunch.
“Here are the copies of those contracts you asked for,” Spencer says as he places the papers in the wire inbox resting on Tim’s desk. “Business Affairs has the originals.”
“Thank you for taking care of that.” Tim lets his pen drop onto the open manuscript before him. “There’s something else I’ve been meaning to touch base with you on.”
“What else do you need? I have a pretty free day today, so I can hop on whatever project–“
“It isn’t work-related,” Tim says. “Would you mind closing the door?”
Spencer crosses the office and eases the door shut. Still gripping its handle, he turns back toward Tim. “What’s up?”
“It’s about your mother.” Tim cringes at the word. “As much as I hate calling her that.”
“I’m guessing you mean Loretta and not Claire,” Spencer says with a smirk.
“I do. How’s it going still having her at your house?”
“Not as big of a disaster as I was worried it would be. She’s behaving, for the most part. I think Natalie might’ve had the right idea — letting her be around Peter might be neutralizing her.”
“Good,” Tim says. “Do you think this is going to be a long-term thing?”
“I hope not,” Spencer admits. “But for the time being, I don’t want to rock the boat too much.”
“That makes sense. I’d worry about setting her off, too. None of us are really safe until that woman is back behind bars. I thought I was onto something that might help, but I’m not sure it amounts to much.”
Spencer furrows his brow. “What is it?”
“Helen Chase is convinced that Loretta was the one who had her mugged the night before Jason and Natalie’s wedding,” Tim explains. “And it does make sense. Helen had the DNA test results.”
“Does she have any proof?”
“That’s the problem. It’s just conjecture. And while Helen is great at convincing herself of things–“
“Yeah, Mrs. Chase can be pretty, uh, spirited.”
“She really can. But her theory doesn’t offer us much in the way of tangible evidence. Sarah went hunting for security footage from that night that might help us out, but it was so long ago. She hasn’t been able to dig up anything.”
“What do you need from me?” Spencer asks.
“I remember you mentioning that you might have a lead on something else Loretta did, relating to the custody case,” Tim says. “Have you gotten anywhere with that?”
Spencer tenses. A few weeks ago, he was nearly bursting at the seams thanks to the potential of what he’d discovered about Elly‘s past; he was sure he’d cracked exactly how Loretta manipulated her into hiring that P.I. and setting up Jason and Alex to be caught sneaking around together. But after Elly’s refusal to engage and her strong rebuke, he doesn’t really know what he might have — or how Elly would react if he spilled her secrets to Tim.
“It didn’t pan out,” Spencer says, swallowing the lump that has formed in his throat.
“Are you sure?”
“Positive. I thought I was on to something, but it turned out to be a dead end.”
“Dammit,” Tim says as he once again picks up the red pen. “Every day that Loretta is out there roaming free, the higher the chances that she’s put together some way of hurting our family yet again.”
“I’m hoping that being able to see Peter all the time has kept her occupied. Maybe that’s enough for now,” Spencer counters, though he doesn’t entirely believe this.
“Nothing short of having her locked up again is going to be enough,” Tim says. “Loretta blames our family for taking both James and Philip away from her — and if the things she’s done in the past are any indication, whatever revenge she cooks up is going to be so out-there and so evil that none of us could possibly predict it.”
Tempest blinks back at Claire over the breakfast nook. Claire recognizes the expression well; even after all these years, after having established herself as a responsible adult with a full life and a career, Tempest’s first instinct when she feels caught is to slip back into the guise of a child caught doing something wrong. It always breaks Claire’s heart a little to see it, to realize that Tempest’s childhood was so chaotic and full of fear that the mere prospect of telling the truth makes her this nervous.
“Tempest, I know you, um, strongly dislike Diane,” Claire says, keeping her tone as casual as possible. “Why would you be going to see her at work?”
“‘Cause,” Tempest says, drawing out the syllable. “I figured something out and I wanted to ask her.”
“Ask her about what?”
Tempest lets out a heavy sigh before launching into her explanation: “Remember how I was supposed to go to Idaho with Sam, and then Jaq showed up last minute so Sam took them instead?”
“I do.”
“Jaq was supposed to be working that weekend, and then all of a sudden, they didn’t have to. And you know who could give them the weekend off?”
Claire nods along. “You think Diane realized Samantha was going to bring you, so she gave Jaq the time off to keep you from going.”
“Right. So I was gonna tell her I knew what she was up to and see if she’d spill.”
“She’s Diane Bishop. She’d lie to your face without breaking a sweat.”
“Maybe,” Tempest says. “But I can tell when someone’s on some bullshit like that.”
Claire places her palms flat on the counter as she considers her next question.
“And what would you have done if she’d admitted it?” she finally asks.
Tempest’s right shoulder rises and falls in a half-shrug. “Let her know I’m on to her. I don’t know. Tell Sam the truth.”
“I understand why you’d be upset,” Claire says, “and I wouldn’t put a scheme like that past Diane… but…”
“But what? She should learn a damn lesson about messing with Sam’s life already.”
“I agree. I do.” Claire pauses before carefully proceeding. “But you should think about whether it’s worth causing trouble between Samantha and Diane again.”
“I know I went too far last time,” Tempest says, wincing slightly at the memory. “Unlike Diane, I did learn my lesson. But that doesn’t mean I’m supposed to take whatever she does lying down.”
“Of course. Just remember that, no matter why Jaq wound up being able to go on that trip, Samantha chose to bring them instead of you. Whether or not Diane made it possible is beside the point.”
“It’s not that beside the point.”
“Just tread carefully. Please?”
“I’m not gonna do anything dumb,” Tempest says.
“And what about Isaac?” Claire asks. “Do you think you’d want to see him again? Is there any value to that?”
A long beat of silence passes between them.
“I don’t know,” Tempest admits. “Maybe the best thing is if he goes back where he came from.”
“Are you sure?”
“Nothing good’s gonna come from digging up the past,” Tempest says with resolve. “And that’s a lesson I’ve learned, for sure.”
The wind blows Diane’s hair into her face, and as she pushes it out of the away, she looks at Isaac skeptically.
“My help? With what?”

“Finding my sister,” Isaac explains. “I got to talk to her for, like, two minutes yesterday. Now I don’t know how to get a hold of her again.”
Unsure how to respond, Diane remains quiet.
“Can you tell me anything?” he presses. “A phone number? Where she works?”
Diane parts her lips to speak, but again she falls silent, uncertain how to handle this. She rarely gets nervous, but now she feels the faintest twisting sensation in her stomach — a warning sign, perhaps, to tread carefully.
“I understand that you want to find her,” she says carefully. “But I don’t think it’s my place to send you her way.”
“I’m her brother!”
“I know. But there’s been a lot of…” Diane trails off and takes another moment to find her words. “Did she tell you anything about your mother?”
He nods somberly, his eyes falling. “Yeah. She said she died in a car crash — and that she had another baby.”
Diane joins him in nodding softly. “I’m sorry you had to be blindsided with that. Or that it happened at all.”
“I hadn’t seen my mom in years. I ran away a long time ago.”
“Still. She was your mom,” Diane says, unable to suppress thoughts of Therese DeLuca, the late mother she never even got to meet. “So I’m sorry for that.”
“Thanks,” Isaac says. “But that’s more reason why I’ve gotta find Tempest. I’ve been looking for years and never could track her down. Now I’m in the same city as her, and–“
“Isaac,” she says, testing out the feel of his real name in her mouth, “I don’t admit this too often, but I overstepped my bounds back when your mom was pregnant and– when she was in the hospital.”
“What do you mean?”
That same twisting sensation in her stomach intensifies at the memory of everything that happened a few years ago, when Yvette and Chase were fighting for their lives, and Diane tracked down the boy’s biological father, Hank Bassett, in order to make sure Alex and Trevor got custody. She can so clearly recall Tempest’s horror at seeing the man, and she can feel her own horror when she realized that he had abused Tempest. And then there were the painful truths that Tempest spitefully exposed afterward, throwing Diane and Samantha’s lives into turmoil.
“I overstepped,” she says in a much more clipped manner. “And I’m not going to do it again. I wish you and Tempest all the best, I really do. I hope you’re able to find her and patch things up. But I can’t violate her privacy if she doesn’t want to be found — I’ve learned my lesson about that.”
“What lesson? Diane–“
“I’m sorry, Isaac,” she tells him, and with one final, sad glance at this handsome man who once represented a total escape from her reality but is now wound into its very fabric, she hurries off to get into her car and away from the entire situation.
Did Diane make the right decision by turning Isaac away?
What did you think of Claire’s advice to Tempest?
Should Spencer tell Tim what he’s learned about Elly?
Talk about it all in the comments below!
“The wind blows Diane’s hair into her face…”
A close friend of mine once said “Diane has had the same hair cut for 20 years!” … does she have enough for wind to blow into her face? 😂
Honestly it was big of both Tempest and Diane to hold some kind of restraint in this episode. Claire had to seemingly talk Tempest into it but still. This situation just got so much messier and I LOVE it. I do think Tempest and Isaac will see each other again and I hope she spills all of the Diane tea but still can’t resist her haha. Diane needs a good man. PS: why do I hate when Claire gives good advice? Haha
I like that Tim is keeping up with Loretta. We haven’t seen much of her lately but we know she’s been busy. Spencer really better be careful playing both sides ….
Good episode!
Thanks for your comments, Dallas!
LOL about Diane’s hair. I know we covered this on Twitter already, but you have no idea how long I sat there, contemplating Lisa Rinna’s signature ‘do and how messy the wind might make it.
Both Diane and Tempest DID show some growth in this episode! Part of the reason their rivalry is so combustible is because both of them are so reactive. Their first instinct when they feel cornered or attacked is to lash out with even more force. This setup is so soapy and fun, so I’m really excited to play it all out. Isaac will be around for a while, so yeah, he and Tempest will probably come face-to-face again and have more of a chance to dig into their pasts.
LOL about Claire giving good advice, too. It’s funny how much she irritates some people!
Tim is wise to be keeping his eye on Loretta, although he has no idea she’s already pulled possibly her biggest stunt yet. We’ll be seeing her over the holidays, too — and as you point out, Spencer’s trying to play both (or more?!) sides, and that could easily blow up in his face, considering the people he’s dealing with.
Thanks again!
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