– Tempest invited her brother, Isaac, to spend Thanksgiving with her and Claire, and the estranged siblings began to make inroads toward reconciliation.
– Rosie told Travis that she wants to foster the baby who was abandoned outside the KBPD.
– Unbeknownst to anyone, Loretta arranged for Molly and Brent to think that their child died at birth.
“Bells will be ringing…”
Paula Fisher‘s house is alive with Christmas cheer, as guests mingle and The Eagles’ “Please Come Home For Christmas” plays via a streaming app on the living room television.

“It’s so nice to meet you,” Paula is saying to Juanita Jimenez. “Thank you for coming.”
Juanita’s warm, round face smiles. “Thank you for having me. Where should I put this?”
She holds a foil-covered tray with both hands.
“Mama’s tamales are amazing,” Rosie Jimenez says from her mother’s side. “She makes them every Christmas.”
“I can’t wait to try them,” Paula says. “Billy! Come.”
Her eight-year-old grandson, who’s busy playing with his new Hot Wheels track on the floor, looks up.
“Could you take the tray Mrs. Jimenez brought and give it to your dad in the kitchen?” Paula asks.
The boy looks as if he might protest, but with a sigh, he stands up, leaving his toys, and takes the tray from Juanita.
“Thank you,” Juanita says as she carefully places it in his hands.
“Careful! Don’t run!” Paula calls as Billy takes off with the unneeded and inexplicable momentum of a child.
“We really are so glad to have you here,” Paula says as she returns her attention to Juanita. “We’re just crazy about Rosie.”
“Some of us really are,” Travis Fisher says as he swoops in from the kitchen and greets his girlfriend with a quick kiss and her mother with a hug. “Were those your tamales Billy was carrying? He almost ran me over.”
“Oh dear,” Paula says, craning her neck to see through the dining room.
“Is your father here yet? I’d love to meet him, too,” Juanita says.
Travis shakes his head. “He texted me that he’ll be here in a little while. He and my mom went to go see their grandson.”
Juanita furrows her brow. “I didn’t know your sister had a baby.”
Travis looks to Paula and then to Rosie, both of whom are attempting to produce an explanation.
“Oh, she doesn’t,” he manages to say. “Peter is my– it’s a long story. But actually… Rosie and I do have some news.”
The Christmas tree in Spencer Ragan and Natalie Bishop‘s living room stretches up toward the vaulted ceiling, towering at over eight feet tall. It is outfitted with tasteful white lights and glittering silver ornaments; oversized bows in a champagne shade add an air of grandeur. The base of the tree, once flooded with presents, is now bare, leaving the white-and-silver-flecked tree shirt visible.
Tim Fisher sits cross-legged on the floor, while his ex-wife is perched on the end of a chair, watching their grandson show off his new toys.
“Looks like someone made out like a bandit this morning,” Tim comments.
“Santa might’ve gone a little overboard,” Spencer says from the entrance to the living room, where he leans against a wall, holding a spiked eggnog. “And that was on top of what you guys sent.”

Claire smiles. “We wanted to make sure our first grandchild didn’t miss out on anything this year.”
“Daddy,” Peter says suddenly, looking up. “Can I show Grandma and Grandpa how to play Uh-Oh Potato?”
“You have more toys you haven’t shown us yet?” Tim asks.
“No. He plays this game with a literal potato,” Spencer says with a laugh. “Come on, Peter. Let’s go get one.”
The toddler hops up to join his father, who holds up a finger to assure his parents they’ll be right back.
“All this new stuff, and he wants to play with a potato,” Claire says with amusement.
“It’s good that he has such an active imagination,” Tim replies.
“And my imagination must be playing tricks on me,” a voice says from the entryway. They turn to see Loretta Ragan standing there in a double-breasted wool coat in a herringbone pattern.
“Surely the people who killed my husband can’t be in my home on Christmas, of all days,” she says as she struts toward them.
“Glad to see we’re doing such a great job of letting bygones be bygones,” Tim says before emitting a loud sigh.
“Merry Christmas, Loretta,” Claire says, and despite her flat tone, she stiffens in the chair.
Tim pulls himself to his feet. “Peter’s our grandson, too. We wanted to see him for Christmas.”
“Of course,” Loretta replies. “I suppose I should be thankful you aren’t dragging him off to some wretched buffet or something.”
Tim grits his teeth.
“We don’t want a fight, Loretta,” Claire says. “We just wanted to visit with Peter. Spencer said you’d be out for a bit.”
“I was. And now I’m home.” The older redhead pauses to preen in the mirror hung on the opposite wall. “Tell me, how is your sister doing, Tim? I heard she suffered a terrible loss.”
“She did. She’s getting by the best she can,” Tim says.
“Please give her my sympathies.”
Tim doesn’t reply, but instead stares back at her, his jaw tight.
Loretta turns her attention to Claire. “I suppose you must feel a little pleased, after the way Molly and that man humiliated you. I must say, I almost feel sorry for you, Claire.”
Claire simply shakes her head.
“Let’s go find Peter and Spencer,” Tim says. He moves toward Claire, as if to shield her from Loretta.
“Merry Christmas, you two,” Loretta says, her red lips curling up as she watches Claire and Tim exit toward the kitchen.
Tempest Banks inhales deeply, savoring the rich aroma of the mac-and-cheese currently baking inside the oven. Satisfied with its progress, she closes the oven door and stands to check the time displayed on the microwave.
“Perfect,” she mutters to herself, knowing that the food still needs time to bake and Claire won’t be home for a while still.

She returns to the sofa and plops down, her gaze fixed on the NBA game in progress on the TV. But just as she is settling in, there is a loud knock at the door.
“Who in the hell?” she says quietly as she reluctantly pulls herself up from the sofa and goes to the door. She undoes the deadbolt and opens the door, and when she does, she finds herself staring out into the empty hallway — until she notices something lying at her feet.
Surprised, she stoops down to pick it up, again glancing up and down the hallway, but there is no one in sight.
In Paula’s living room, Rosie’s eyes go wide at Travis’s proclamation. But he offers her a reassuring nod and takes her hand. Juanita quietly gasps as her eyes go to Rosie’s left hand, but the ring finger — just like all the others — is bare. Paula follows Juanita’s gaze with equal intrigue.
“It’s not that,” Travis says with a chuckle. “At least, not yet. Rosie, do you wanna…?”
She hesitates for a long moment and bows her head. When she glances up again, she says, “Nothing’s official yet, but Travis and I — it looks like we’re gonna be fostering a baby.”
Juanita’s neck and head jut forward. “You’re doing what?”
“I didn’t realize you were planning that,” Paula says.
“We weren’t,” Travis explains. “But a situation came up, and…”
“We really feel like it’s the right thing to do,” Rosie says. “We have the resources, and if we can make this work and change a kid’s life–“
“That’s very admirable,” Paula says, but there is a note of concern tugging at the edges of her words. “You both have such good hearts.”
“A baby is a lot of work,” Juanita tells them.
Rosie responds almost before her mother is done speaking: “We know that. Really. We’re prepared to make the sacrifices and compromises to make this happen.”
“The social worker is fast-tracking our application because Rosie’s a police officer and she’s the one who found the baby,” Travis adds.
“We’re just asking you for your support,” Rosie says.
Paula and Juanita turn to one another. Both women are uncertain how to respond, overwhelmed by the unexpected enormity of this news.
“Of course we’ll support you,” Paula says at last.
Juanita nods in agreement. “Bless you both for caring for this child.”
Outside, the rain continues to fall. Fat droplets whack against the darkened pavement, and the wet streets gleam under the glare of street lamps. When Tori Gray pulls a shopping bag full of wrapped presents from the back seat of the black Mazda SUV, Zane Tanaka closes the door for her and uses the key fob to lock the vehicle. A short, loud beeping noise cuts through the patter of rainfall for a split-second.
“I can carry those for you,” Zane tells Tori.
“I’ve got it. But thanks.” She smiles at him as they make their way toward her grandmother’s house.
“Merry Christmas!” a male voice calls out just as they reach the front porch.
Landon Esco bounds toward them, the hood of his North Face coat bouncing over his head.

“It’s me! Landon!” he announces as he approaches the porch.
“We can see,” Tori says, a little laugh escaping her throat. “Merry Christmas!”
“Yeah, merry Christmas,” Zane says in a clipped tone.
“I didn’t know you were coming,” Tori tells Landon. “Is your family out of town?”
Under cover of the porch, Landon pushes the wet hood off his head. “Yeah. They’re in Florida, and I didn’t want to travel, so Travis invited me to join you guys.”
“Well, I’m glad you could make it,” she says as she tries the door and finds it unlocked. “Come on, let’s go see everyone.”
Tori steps through the doorway, and Zane steps aside, allowing Landon to go in next. Zane lingers at the open door for a moment longer, his glare boring into Landon’s back as he recalls what Jaq told him about having seen Tori and Landon out for drinks together.
Tempest is pulling the mac-and-cheese out of the oven to cool when she hears the front door being unlocked over the noise of the basketball game on TV. She carefully places the baking dish on an unlit burner of the stove, admiring how crispy and crunchy the surface of the mac looks, and then takes off her oven mitts and walks around the breakfast nook.
“How’s Peter?” Tempest asks. “He like what you got him?”
“He did,” Claire says as she removes her shoes and then her coat, “although he had to show us all his new toys and then wanted to play with a potato.”
“Like, Mr. Potato-Head?”
“No, an actual potato. Kids are something else. It smells incredible in here.”
“That’d be my infamous mac-and-cheese,” Tempest declares.
Claire breathes in the delectable scent. “Cover it so it stays hot, and I’ll get the halibut in the oven. We should be ready to eat in half-an-hour or so.”
“Oven’s already on, too,” Tempest says.
“Great, thanks.” Claire walks past Tempest and over to the galley kitchen. “I’m sorry today is so quiet. It’s just hard to figure out a big holiday gathering when everyone is so divided…”
“It’s okay. I’ve got the game on, we’re gonna eat well… What else do you need?”
“I like that attitude.”
Claire goes to the refrigerator and takes out the dish of halibut with lemon and dijon that she prepped earlier. Only as she is closing the refrigerator does she notice the arrangement of flowers on the small dining table.
“Where’d those come from?” she asks. A tall, clear vase holds a festive assortment of white blooms, greenery, pine cones, red roses, and berry accents.
“That came while you were gone,” Tempest says. “From Isaac.”
“Oh. Wow.” Claire stops to scan Tempest’s expression. “And you feel okay that he sent something?”
Tempest offers a slow, deliberate nod in response. “Seeing him on Thanksgiving… that was good. He says he wants to come back soon so he can meet Chase. So we’ll see.”
“Well, I’m glad to hear that. You’ve both grown and changed a lot since you were last together. Now you have the opportunity to build a new relationship, as adults.”
“Yeah. I’m trying to learn to let go of all the old stuff and just keep my eye on the future.”
“That’s the way to do it,” Claire says. “This coming year is going to be a great one for both of us. I can feel it.”
“Okay, Miss Cleo,” Tempest says with a guffaw. “Now let’s get dinner ready. I’m starving!”
“Yo, does this mean you’re moving out?!” Landon exclaims.
He stands by the makeshift bar in the Fishers’ dining room, an empty glass clutched in one hand as he faces Travis and Rosie in shock.
“We’re gonna figure out the logistics as fast as we can,” Travis says, “and don’t worry — I’m not gonna leave you hanging.”
“I can’t even imagine having another roommate!” Landon says. “And as lucrative as driving’s been lately, I don’t think I can take on the apartment by myself.”
“Don’t worry, Landon,” Rosie chimes in. “Even if Travis comes to stay at my place, he’ll still pay rent at yours. You’ll be fine.”
Landon lets out a loud breath. “Whew.” Then he stops cold, his eyes growing wide. “Or what if you moved into our place, and I helped you guys out with the baby?”
“Or that. I imagine it would go great,” Rosie says, doing her best to conceal a snicker.
Travis looks through the living room and toward the front of the house.
“My dad just got here,” he says to Rosie. “We should go tell him.”
“You guys do that. I’m gonna pour myself a nice, stiff drink. Probably the last one I can really enjoy if parenthood is imminent…”
Travis smacks his friend on the arm and then leads Rosie away to greet Tim. Landon turns back to the bar and deliberates what kind of cocktail to make himself. He is still contemplating when he feels someone sidle up right beside him.
“Oh. Hey,” he says, noting how uncomfortably close to him Zane is standing.

“How’s it going?” Zane asks as he reaches for the red wine.
“It’s good. Chill. How about you?”
“I’m good. We’re good. Tori and me.” Zane pours his wine in silence and then sets the bottle back on the bar. “Both really busy with work. But Tori’s killing it at her job, which is awesome.”
“Yeah. It is.” Landon grabs the bottle of scotch and pours himself a little.
“She really can’t afford, you know, distractions right now. People making demands on her time. That kind of thing.”
Landon places the scotch down. “What do you mean?”
“Just making an observation. It’d be a shame if anything pulled her focus off work and caused her to screw up or something.”
Zane raises his glass and clinks it against Landon’s.
“Merry Christmas, man,” Zane says before walking off.
“What the hell was that?” Landon asks under his breath. He lifts the glass to his lips and takes a swig of scotch — and then nearly chokes on it as it burns his throat.
“Wine it is,” he says as he tries to shake off the sting of the liquor.
“Wow,” Tim says as he slips off his rain-speckled jacket. “Are you guys sure you’re up for that?”
Travis nods insistently. “We are. At some point you just have to… dive into the deep end, you know?”
“I can understand that,” Tim says.
“And we’re prepared for it to be tough,” Rosie adds. “But everything worthwhile is, right? I feel like I have this, this duty to this baby to help her.”
A look of pride spreads over Tim’s face.

“I respect that,” he tells them, “and I think it’s an incredible thing to do. There’s just one thing…”
He goes quiet as he scans the living room and the dining room beyond it.
“What?” Travis asks nervously.
“You might want to keep this low-key, at least today,” Tim says in a quieter tone. “Your Aunt Molly is still very…”
He doesn’t even have to finish the statement before Rosie inhales sharply and touches her hand to her chest.
“Commander Taylor is the same way,” she says. “Understandably. Yeah, I think you’re right. We’ll keep this quiet today.”
“Thanks for the heads-up, Dad,” Travis says.
Tim turns to hang his coat in the nearby closet. “But I’m happy for you guys, and I’m here to help however I can.”
“Is your Uncle Jason here yet?” he asks as he shuts the closet door.
“I think he’s in the den with the kids,” Travis says. “He’s playing some video game they got this morning.”
“Then off to the den I go. But I’m proud of you guys.”
Travis and Rosie smile as Tim heads off to find Jason.
“I guess we’re really doing this, huh?” Travis says as he squares up to face Rosie.
“I guess so.” She widens her eyes with a mixture of excitement and terror. “And there’s no one I’d rather do it with than you.”
“Same. Merry Christmas, Rosie.”
“Merry Christmas, Travis.”
They lean in toward one another and kiss, as the Christmas celebration carries on all around them, the chatter and laughter filled with hope and dreams for the coming year.
Will Travis and Rosie be able to handle foster parenting?
What do you make of Zane’s warning to Landon?
Should Isaac establish a more permanent presence in King’s Bay?
Happy holidays, and please join us in the comments below!
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